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Pro-athletes supporting Exakt Health
To offer high-quality plans and develop the best physio app out there, we collaborate closely with professional athletes.
Team picture of Richard Ringer with the Exakt Health Team
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Access to physiotherapy for everyone
Strength training based on your individual progress
Injury rehabilitation for athletes of all levels
Mobility & stretching routines for runners
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Long-term injury prevention & safety tips
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Athletes relations
Are you interested in working with us to make sports physiotherapy available worldwide? Contact our team.
Nina Kasbauer
Nina Kasbauer
With almost 15 years of experience in digital marketing, including many years in the healthcare industry, Nina is leading all marketing activities at Exakt Health. Her own hassle with a major sports injury has led her to join the team and believe in our mission.
Sabrina Burkart
Marketing Manager
Before joining Exakt Health as a Marketing Manager, Sabrina studied sports science and physiotherapy. She worked with several professional sports clubs in Austria. At Exakt Health she combines her medical knowledge with her passion for creative work and marketing.
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