Other events

All other public events organised as part of committee activities involving external speakers or experts.

Eurojust logo
Other events LIBE

Mr Ladislav Hamran, the President of the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation since 2017, has presented to LIBE Committee Members the Agency, its role and current activities.

logo of the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA)
Other events LIBE

The LIBE Committee held an exchange of views with the Executive Director of the EU Drugs Agency (EUDA), Alexis Goosdeel, on the latest developments in the drug situation in Europe and the work performed by the Agency to improve preparedness at the EU and national level.

FISC exchange of views with Ms Laura Kövesi, European Chief Prosecutor from the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO)
Other events LIBE

Laura Kövesi, the Chief Prosecutor of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), engaged in discussions with members of the LIBE Committee.

Collage of four pictures representing aquaculture farm, fishing village, wind farm and a statue of Temide on the bottom of the sea
Other events PECH

On Monday 23 September during the PECH committee meeting the Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies presented a new study entitled "The EU oceans and fisheries policy - Latest developments and future challenges".

Logo of Europol visible on a board outside
Other events LIBE

Ms Catherine De Bolle, the Europol Executive Director since 2018, has presented to LIBE Committee Members the Agency and its current activities, as well as the recent Europol report on criminal networks in the EU. This report delves into the inner workings of the criminal networks that pose the highest threat to the EU’s security.