Alexander, Peter F.

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ALEXANDER, Peter F. Australian (born Republic of South Africa), b. 1949. Genres: Literary criticism and history, Biography. Career: University of New South Wales, Kensington, lecturer, 1978-83, senior lecturer, 1983-88, associate professor of English, 1989-95, professor of English, 1996-; writer. Cambridge University, visiting fellowship at Clare Hall, 1990-91, distinguished visiting scholar at Christ's College, 2003-04; Duke University, visiting professor, 1996; Princeton University, visiting fellow, Summer 1996; Australian Academy of the Humanities, fellow. Publications: Roy Campbell: A Critical Biography, 1982; William Plomer (biography), 1989; Leonard and Virginia Woolf: A Literary Partnership, 1992; Alan Paton, 1994; Les Murray: A Life in Progress, 2000. EDITOR: The Selected Poems of Roy Campbell, 1982; (with M. Chapman and M. Leveson) The Collected Works of Roy Campbell, Vol. 1, 1986, Vol. 2, 1987, Vol. 3, 1988, Vol. 4, 1989. Author of articles in periodicals and professional journals. Address: English Dept., University of South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia.

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