Throughout the United States, EDC partners with school districts, state departments of health, industries, and nonprofits to improve health, education, and economic outcomes for millions of individuals, particularly those living in marginalized, high-risk, and underserved communities.

EDC’s curricula and materials have been used in settings ranging from public school systems to local health centers. Our evaluations and rigorous studies inform both programmatic and state-level policy decision making. And our stewardship of national centers in mental health, suicide prevention, early childhood education, and STEM learning and teaching has been essential in preparing a workforce with the skills and knowledge needed to advance best practices.



Here are a few of our resources on the United States. To see more, visit our Resources section.

The Bullying Prevention Resource Guide provides links to organizations, programs, publications, and resources focused on bullying prevention. It is divided into seven sections:


This collection of essays shares insights and strategies from EDC’s work to support teachers’ professional learning, as well as links to an array of EDC’s resources for teachers.

White papers

The Learning Generation Initiative strategy is a comprehensive road map that outlines our vision and strategic initiatives.


Authored by EDC and the National Institute for Early Education Research, this brief looks at state policies and regulations regarding pre-K expansion that have the potential to positively impact child care quality and access for low-income working families.


As noted in its executive summary, this report looks at school meals “aid delivery through different windows, both to shed light on financial flows—and to explore discrepancies in the data.” It hig


This resource is designed to help K–8 teachers prepare their students to succeed in STEM learning in high school and thrive in STEM careers.

Resource libraries

This resource library contains an array of practice briefs, videos, webinars, and curated resource links to help mental health professionals better address the needs of individuals affected by HIV.


This book, published by Heinemann, supports grades 6–10 teachers in implementing EDC’s Transition to Algebra curriculum.


The Learning Generation Report presents an action plan to deliver and finance an expansion of educational opportunity for more than 260 million children and youth who are not in school today.


Developed by EDC, this set of eight briefs outlines research related to the challenges and recommendations for K–12 STEM education.