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Accessibility statement

Declaration on Digital Accessibility on DW.com


DW (Deutsche Welle) strives to make its website accessible to everyone. The web presence should be designed in such a way that it is in accordance with the national legislation on implementing the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament.

This declaration on accessibility applies to the version of this website currently accessible on the Internet: beta.dw.com.


When was the declaration on accessibility created?

This declaration was created or respectively revised on June 16, 2023.


How accessible is the website?

The website dw.com is generally accessible without barriers. For example, the colors used have sufficiently strong contrasts, the text size can be changed, images are provided with a descriptive text (alt tag) and the offer is optimized for the use of reading aloud applications (screen reader). Subtitles are increasingly offered for audiovisual content.


Which areas are not yet barrier-free?

Some functions and sections are not yet fully accessible. These include:

Incompatibility with current WCAG 2.1 (Level A and Level AA)

The following subsections are currently not barrier-free:


Barrier: ARIA Landmarks

Description: The awarding of dw.com has not yet been fully completed. As a result the ARIA Landmark for the main content of a website has not yet been awarded

Measures: dw.com will be continuously developed. The barrier has been recognized and a correction is being worked on.

Time schedule: Correction in 2024

Barrier: Buttons

Description: dw.com uses some individually designed buttons. The design and labeling of these buttons does not yet meet the latest WCAG 2.1 requirements. This applies to various buttons on article pages, structure pages and personal pages.

Measures: dw.com will be continuously developed. The barrier has been recognized and a correction is being worked on.

Time schedule: Correction in 2024

Barrier: Reloading content

Description: dw.com has a reloading mechanism for personal pages which is not WCAG compliant. Focusing an element by using the tab does not currently function.

Measures: dw.com is being continuously developed. The barrier was recognized and a correction is being worked on.

Time schedule: Correction in 2024

Barrier: Contrast Mode

Description: When using the contrast mode of the Windows operating system, the display of some elements of the website is currently not WCAG compliant. This applies to the main navigation and overlays.

Barrier: Logo

Description: dw.com is not at present WCAG compliant. It serves as a link to the homepage of the offer, but does not have an adequate description at present. This applies to all websites on offer.

Measures: dw.com will be continuously developed. The barrier has been recognized and a correction is being worked on.

Time schedule: Correction in 2024

Barrier: Mouseover

Description: Currently a mouseover or hover box effect is not available for all elements. This applies to the logo, the rich text links and the main navigation.

Measures: dw.com will be continuously developed. The barrier was recognized and is in the development stage.

Time schedule: Correction in 2024

Barrier: Navigation

Description: Due to technical reasons, there is no breadcrumb navigation for additional orientation.

Barrier: Search

Description: The search mechanism as an additional access path is not yet implemented in the current development on dw.com.

Barrier: Marking words

Description: Due to technical reasons, the marking of individual words in other languages has not been implemented.

Barrier: Video

Description: The videos provided on dw.com are currently not WCAG compliant. This applies to the specification of a subtitle as well as the presentation of a media alternative.



If you have any questions or comments about digital accessibility on dw.com, please contact us by e-mail: [email protected]

You can also contact us by mail or telephone:

Deutsche Welle

Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 3
53113 Bonn

T +49.228.429 - 0