FTS 20:30 20-09: Pres. Maduro meets with promoters of mission "Long Live Venezuela, My Beloved Homeland"

  • 4 days ago
FTS 20.30
*In Honduras, the judiciary debates unconstitutionality of economic development zones.
*Israel targets residential suburb in Lebanon.

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00:00Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro meets with promoters of Mission Long Live Venezuela,
00:14my beloved homeland, and highlighted the battle against fascism waged by the Venezuelan people
00:20during a phone conversation he held Friday with United Nations Secretary-General AntĂłnio
00:25Uteras. Honduran judiciary debates on constitutionality of employment and economic development zones.
00:34In Lebanon, the death toll rose to 12 people after the launch on Friday of an aggression
00:45against the southern suburb of Beirut, the Lebanese capital by the Israeli regime.
00:49Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Alejandra GarcĂ­a from Telesur Studios in Havana, Cuba.
01:00We begin with the news. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro meets with promoters of Mission
01:05Long Live Venezuela, my beloved homeland, and highlighted the battle against fascism waged by
01:11the Venezuelan people during a phone conversation he held Friday with United Nations Secretary-General
01:16AntĂłnio Uteras. During the event, the Venezuelan President expressed his concern for the advance
01:22of fascism and neo-fascism in Latin America and Europe, and rejected the destabilization
01:27attempts against his country by the United States and the far right. Maduro also highlighted
01:32the expression of hatred and violence that threaten the peace of the nation. The Venezuelan
01:37President also stressed that culture is also a weapon to fight fascism.
01:47There is a debate in the world. I even spoke today with the Secretary-General of the United
01:54Nations, Secretary-General AntĂłnio Guterres. We spoke for about 15 minutes and I fully explained
02:00to him the battle we're waging against fascism. We have to call it by its name. It is the devil.
02:06Let no one sugarcoat the expressions of intolerance, of persecution, which are typical of fascist
02:12projects. We have seen outbreaks of fascism in Europe, practically fascism, neo-fascism
02:17and similar expressions. It is an incredible thing, Ernesto and Hector. It is impressive
02:23how neo-fascism, fascism and its similar expressions are spreading in Spain, cornering democracy
02:29in Spain and in Italy, seizing political power in Germany with Nazi expressions, re-vindicating
02:34Hitler and stop counting. And the whole international fascist and neo-fascist are targeting the
02:40jewel of the crown in South America, Venezuela.
02:53On the other hand, the Venezuelan head of state affirmed that his country is on alert
02:57in the face of the constant fascist harassment carried out by the far-right.
03:06And we all have to be aware of the moment we're living. Venezuela is fighting for its
03:10right to peace. Venezuela is fighting for its right to exist, for its right to the future,
03:15for its right to happiness. These are key elements, peace, future, happiness, and we
03:20are facing great threats and harassment. There has been a brutal harassment, Ernesto, against
03:26artists, a harassment that we already know. We have already seen this movie before. We
03:31already saw this movie in the past, when the first outbreaks of intolerance and hatred
03:36of the far-right, when the far-right was called opposition, and they had the first
03:41outbreaks back in 2002. Remember how many artists were persecuted, CristĂłbal, just
03:46for being next to Chávez and for singing to the fatherland.
03:58The government of Venezuela rejected the presentation to the Human Rights Council of the United
04:02Nations organization of a report drafted by an illegitimate mission created by the
04:07Lima Group, which it accused of following orders from the United States. Through a communiqué,
04:13the Venezuelan Chancellery described the document as vulgar and assured that its only objective
04:19is to comply with orders from Washington to apply the U.S. policy of a change of government
04:24in Venezuela. Caracas considers that the permanence of this mission of the Lima Group demonstrates
04:30the structural failures of the United Nations system, with institutions that have become
04:35instruments of coercion and blackmail of sovereign powers. The Chancellery denounced that the
04:40report intends to turn the victims of fascism and the Venezuelan extreme right into victimizers.
04:53In Venezuela, the President, Nicolás Maduro, held on Friday a phone conversation with the
04:58Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, in which they have addressed the
05:02political situation of the country after destabilization attempts from the extreme sectors of the far
05:08right. In an official statement that the President of Venezuela informed, he held a fraternal
05:13conversation by phone with Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, in which they discussed
05:19the global political situation, especially that of Venezuela. During the conversation,
05:24President Maduro detailed the aggressions undertaken against the Venezuelan institutions
05:28after far-right wings' attempts to disregard the election results of July 28, a violence
05:34that left a death toll of 27 people killed. For his part, Secretary-General Guterres expressed
05:41that the United Nations is against any intervention in internal affairs that affect the sovereignty
05:46and self-determination of nations, and advocates for the dialogue among Venezuelans. Both dignitaries
05:53agreed to support the consultations with different political, social and economic sectors
05:58promoted by the Bolivarian government, looking to the future and dispelling any threat of
06:03destabilization in Venezuela.
06:11Venezuelan Minister of Communication and Information, Frederic Náñez, pointed out that the United
06:16States' Central Intelligence Agency, CIA and countries which are against Venezuela
06:21are behind the recent attacks against this country's sovereignty.
06:25Evidently, it is a CIA operation. Evidently, it has the footprints of a CIA operation.
06:33And now we know that it is an operation that has been orchestrated by several other countries,
06:38and that while some of them are positioning their narrative, while some of them are putting
06:42pressure through propaganda, others are working on the scene. But nobody is disconnected from
06:48what is happening in Venezuela. We can say that none of the countries that have spoken
06:52against Venezuela are dissociated from what has been attempted against our country.
07:01On the other hand, Náñez warned that if a civil war breaks out in Venezuela, it will
07:06spread across Latin America and imperialist land with the natural resources of the region.
07:14A civil war in Venezuela, Karen, would be the beginning of a war that is going to spread
07:20throughout Latin America, and that we don't know very well what that war would lead to.
07:25We don't know very well how it might end or when it might end. What we do know is that
07:30a civil war in Venezuela would be the beginning of the end of what we know today as Latin
07:34America, because all the nation states, all the nation states, regardless of who is governing
07:40them, those nation states are in the crosshairs, they are in the plans of the southern command.
07:46Because beneath our feet, in Venezuela, in Colombia, in Chile, in Argentina, in Panama,
07:52in Bolivia, that is to say, what we have under our feet from the Rio Grande to the Patagonia
07:57are natural resources that the empire covets, that the empire needs.
08:11Dominican Republic authorities rejected the rupture of diplomatic relations with Venezuela
08:18and condemned President Luis Abinader's position. The Dominican President Abinader has maintained
08:23a hostile position towards the Bolivarian government. Since the recent victory of Nicolás
08:28Maduro in the Venezuelan presidential elections of last July 28th, different members of the
08:33Dominican government, among them Minister Miguel Mejia, have considered Abinader's
08:37position as ungrateful in view of the debt that exists with the South American country.
08:43In this context, the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced the cease of diplomatic
08:47relations with the Caribbean nation after interfering statements made by his Dominican
08:52counterpart and also for his support to the thief of a Venezuelan airplane by the U.S.
08:59I believe that this is the most critical moment in the history of the relations between
09:08the Dominican Republic and Venezuela, which have very deep roots, because Patricio Juan
09:13Pablo Duarte was welcomed in Venezuela, where he died, and that is a historical fact that
09:19generates an eternal debt of gratitude with the Venezuelan people, beyond any disagreement
09:25that may exist in the government's office. The most critical moment is this one, because
09:31this is where the rupture of relations has taken place, rupture which was not caused
09:36by Venezuela. Venezuela decided to break up relations as a result of the ingratitude of
09:42the current ruler regarding the generous actions taken by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
09:51Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at TeleCity English
09:54where you'll find news in different formats, news updates and more. We'll be right back, stay with us.
10:11Welcome back to From the South. Honduran judiciary debates on constitutionality of employment
10:16and economic development zones. The head of the bench of the Liberty and Re-Foundation
10:21Party, Rafael Sarmiento, considers that the Supreme Court of Justice has the opportunity
10:26to determine the constitutionality of the employment and economic development zones.
10:30During the meeting, the plenary of magistrates will also debate the political amnesty for
10:35the ex-major of San Pedro Sula, Rodolfo Padilla Sánchez. Meanwhile, four magistrates of the
10:41court announced their participation via virtual means in the controversial plenary meeting
10:47convened by the president of the judicial body, Rebeca Raquel Obando, to settle the
10:52legal status of these instances.
11:00The Zones of Employment and Economic Development, SEDE, is a project promoted by American and
11:06European investors that suppress the sovereignty of Honduras by granting full international
11:11domain in these delimited areas, promoted by the former president Juan Orlando Hernández,
11:17who is currently incarcerated in Washington for drug trafficking, and of which it is assured
11:23that one of the zones was in charge of a personal assistant of the Republican Senator Marco Rubio.
11:34The negative effects of the employment and development zones in Honduras included the
11:38violation of the constitution and the international treaties subscribed. Likewise, the people
11:43are victims of the expropriation of their natural resources, militarization and precarious
11:48employment. On the other hand, there was no prior and informed consultation with the inhabitants
11:53before the installation of the SEDE project.
12:01Argentina's government policies have left more than 450,000 unemployed during the last
12:09six months of 2024. The National Institute of Statistics and Census of Argentina, through
12:15a report, detailed that unemployment affects 5.7% of the economically active population.
12:22The increase in the unemployment rate coincides with an economic recession prolongation, explained
12:28by a significant drop in consumption and cuts in public spending, which is one of the
12:32fiscal adjustment measures implemented by President Javier Millet. Reports indicated
12:37that Buenos Aires leads the unemployment rate with 8.3%, followed by the northeast region
12:44with 7.8%, while some producers recorded a drop in consumption of around 30%.
12:59In Panama, social and environmental organizations rejected the construction project of the Port
13:16of Baru because of its impact on the local ecosystem. Different experts assured that
13:21a large part of the area where the construction of this project is planned has mangrove swamps
13:27that protect the region.
13:31We have the city of David on this side, which is protected by these mangroves from any phenomena
13:38that may come from the sea to land. This is our first barrier. They are carbon sinks.
13:46David's mangroves have captured about 400 tons of carbon per hectare. They are very
13:52productive and are a great ally against climate change. They also provide all of the stock
13:59of fisheries in the region. In Chiriqui, if I'm not wrong, there are more than a thousand
14:06registered craft boats.
14:12With the lawsuit filed by six organizations last September 5th, asking the court to declare
14:17this departmental study illegal because the study and the evaluation process of the study
14:22did not analyze all the negative impacts that the project could have. One of those impacts
14:28is on the water resource. This is a 124 hectare project with multiple uses. They have residential
14:34areas, hotels. They are going to require an important demand of water, both in the construction
14:41phase as well as in the operation phase. What this study does not resolve is that water
14:46is going to come from to maintain the project. The answer that is repeatedly given in the
14:52evaluation process is that the project is going to obtain it from a third party, but
14:58it does not identify or give a list of potential suppliers of the resource.
15:04We want development and progress, but we also have to preserve. But you as authorities also
15:11have to share what we are trying to make you understand.
15:15On Friday, the representatives of the Popular Movement were received by Pope Francis in
15:20commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the first world meeting of organizations of humble,
15:26excluded and disenfranchised workers of the world. The slogan, planting a flag in the
15:32face of dehumanization, will feature the intervention of the Supreme Pontiff as well as a symposium
15:38with Popular Movement and the Catholic Church at the headquarters of the Dicastery for Integral
15:44Human Development. During his first intervention, Pope Francis asked to remain in the struggle
15:49for and with the poor, and reiterated that as long as the problems of the poor are not
15:54solved, the problems of the world will not be solved either.
16:04They carry out countless works even with the most precarious means, sometimes without any
16:09help from the State and sometimes under persecution. I accompany them on their way. I still believe,
16:16as I said in Bolivia, that not only the future of the poor of the earth depends on their
16:21community actions but also the future of all humanity. Yes, we all depend on the poor,
16:28also the rich. I said it at the beginning of the pontificate, and I quote myself, as
16:35long as the problems of the poor are not radically solved by renouncing the absolute
16:39autonomy of the markets and finances, and by attacking the structural causes of inequality,
16:46the problems of the world will not be solved. And ultimately, any problem whatsoever. Inequality
16:52is the root of all social evils.
16:57We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
17:01channel at Tales of English, there you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories,
17:06special broadcastings and more. Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell
17:11to stay up to date on the world's most recent events. Final short break, don't go away.
17:19Welcome back to From the South. In Lebanon, death toll rose to 12 and at least 66 wounded
17:32after the Israeli regime's army attacked the southern suburbs of Beirut. The Lebanese
17:36Ministry of Health informed, through a communique, that search and rescue operations are continuing
17:42under the rubble. The Secretary General of Hezbollah, for his part, declared that Israel's
17:47actions had crossed all red lines and that a response to such an attack would be carried
17:52out shortly. The event comes a few days after the Israeli terrorist attacks against Lebanon,
17:57who executed simultaneous explosions of thousands of electronic devices in southern suburbs
18:02of Beirut, southern Lebanon and the Beqa, killing dozens of people and wounding thousands.
18:17In Palestine, an Israeli attack caused the death of more than 13 people in the last 24
18:29hours in several residential areas of the Gaza Strip. Local media reported that the
18:34Israeli aerial aggression was against the Gaza City and indicated that emergency teams
18:39are searching for survivors under the rubble. Also, Israeli forces demolished several residential
18:45buildings in the southeastern part of the Palestinian enclave and destroyed multiple
18:49structures in the northern part of the al-Nusayrah refugee camp. The frequent Israeli aggression
18:55against Gaza since October 7, 2023, has caused the death of 41,272 Palestinians, mostly women
19:03and children, and left over 95,000 wounded.
19:15In Afghanistan, the Taliban government denounced that there are plans to start an economic
19:19war in order to break the Afghan people. The Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs, Sir
19:24Mohammad Khaqani, stated that it is the responsibility of the Taliban government to establish initiatives
19:33to boost trade, industry, generate jobs and guarantee more opportunities and quality of
19:38life for the people. In this context, the Chamber of Commerce and Investment said that
19:43self-sufficiency is only possible if the government takes measures to promote investment
19:47to enable economic growth and development in the country.
19:55In Central Europe, Storm Boris leaves at least 24 people dead and around 1,000 displaced
20:14due to floodings. Meteorological authorities reported that 250 mm of rain fell in the last
20:2024 hours, affecting countries such as Romania, Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic and Italy.
20:27Local authorities have enabled schools and sports centres as shelters for those most
20:31affected and are urging some of them to stay on the upper floors of their homes or abandon
20:38them due to the flooding. In the meantime, authorities are distributing humanitarian
20:43aid and emergency services while working on the cleaning and recovery of the damaged areas.
20:50In Austria, the insurance association VVO reported that floods caused by Storm Boris
21:02caused major losses in the country. The VVO estimated in a report that in a worst-case
21:07scenario the damage could even exceed €1 billion. Regional authorities informed that
21:1312 localities in Lower Austria remained inaccessible by road or with limited access. The most devastated
21:19area of the country is Lower Austria, the largest and second most populated federal
21:24state in the country, declared a disaster area because of the floods that have occurred
21:30after the torrential rains of the weekend, where at least six people died as a consequence.
21:36In recent days, some 68,000 emergency personnel have been deployed throughout Austria to help
21:42in the areas most affected by the floods.
21:50An unpublished, unknown short work attributed to Mozart was found in the German city of
22:04Leipzig under the title Gansklinge Nachtmusik, which means Very Little Night Music. According
22:11to researchers, the short composition was found during the compiling work on at least
22:16The latest edition of the Kossel catalogue considered a reference work on Mozart's music
22:22over. Experts believe the composition dates back to the mid-to-late 1760s, when Mozart
22:30was between 10 and 13 years old. According to Leipzig's library authorities, the work
22:36consists of seven miniature movements for a string trio lasting about 12 minutes. It
22:42will be premiered on Saturday at Leipzig's Opera House.
