FTS 20:30 10-09: Maduro calls "robbery" seizure of government plane by U.S.

  • 2 weeks ago
FTS 20.30
*Guyana's govt. saves Exxonmobil $197BN in taxes.
*40 dead, over 60 wounded in Israeli attack on Gaza’s Khan Yunis Camp.

These and more stories now!


00:00Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro condemned the seizure of a Venezuelan government's plane
00:14by the United States and called it a robbery.
00:20The government of Guyana saved ExxonMobil-Guyana Limited the payment of $197 billion in taxes
00:28during the past two years.
00:33Palestinian authorities reported at least 40 dead and over 60 wounded after the Israeli
00:38forces attacked a camp located in a designated safe area of near Hangenes, south of the Gaza
00:49Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Alejandra Garcia from Telescope Studios in
00:53Havana, Cuba.
00:54We begin with the news.
00:56Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro condemned the seizure of a Venezuelan government's plane
01:00by the United States in complicity with the Dominican Republic administration.
01:04The Bolivarian leader informed he talked with the Dominican Republic President Luis Abinader
01:09to return the plane to Venezuela after what he described as a robbery by the United States
01:14and the Dominican Republic government.
01:16Maduro also sentenced that the people of the Dominican Republic will settle their accounts
01:20with its president, whom he called a thief who responds to the interests of the United
01:25States imperialism.
01:35I am very much looking forward to tonight's debate.
01:38I am almost going there.
01:39Otherwise they would have stolen my plane in the Dominican Republic.
01:43I would have gone there.
01:44They left me without a plane.
01:46The thief of the president of the Dominican Republic, Abinader, who is a bandit, a thief.
01:51The people of the Dominican Republic will give him his bill in due time.
01:55Do not give me your little face if I did not go.
01:58I talked to him enough.
01:59Many times we talked, many times, face to face, so I cannot go to the debate.
02:07On the other hand, the Venezuelan head of state celebrated that former President Donald
02:11Trump has acknowledged that the sanctions imposed on the country were a big mistake
02:15for the U.S. economy.
02:21But Donald Trump has recognized that the sanctions are a mistake, that they weaken the currency,
02:27the dollar, they weaken the economy of the United States.
02:35The sanctions against Venezuela were a shot in the foot that the United States gave itself.
02:40The times of imperialism, threats, blockade and sanctions are over.
02:50They cannot return to Venezuela, nor to any country in Latin America and the Caribbean.
03:00We were able to face the 930 sanctions.
03:03We were able to neutralize them and Venezuela is already on the upswing.
03:07But nothing and no one is going to stop us in terms of economy.
03:15In Venezuela, the World Antifascist Congress is being held from September 10th to 11th,
03:20a conference that gathers more than 200 delegates from 95 countries around the world in support
03:25of the fight against imperialism, colonialism and fascism.
03:29Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced the event by expressing his firm commitment
03:34to combat fascism and highlighting the importance of implementing laws that protect the population
03:40from this type of dangerous ideologies.
03:42Precisely in this regard, the President applauded the initiative of the National Assembly to
03:47debate an antifascist law.
03:49The Congress is an important space for debate and reflection to continue strengthening the
03:54fight against the extremist ideology and provides a chance to join efforts at the international
04:00level in defense of democratic and humanitarian values.
04:09Precisely to kick off the World Antifascist Congress, the Venezuelan Vice President,
04:13Elsi Rodriguez, held an inaugural conference on fascism, neo-fascism and similar expressions
04:19in the national and global context.
04:21In the presence of representatives from more than 95 countries, Rodriguez recalled the
04:25nation's historical fight against fascism, as the Venezuelan people have faced coup-de-tat
04:30attempts, economic blockades and coercive measures led by right-wing fascists and backed
04:36by foreign imperialist powers.
04:38Furthermore, Rodriguez highlighted that the latters of this attempt occurred during the
04:43July 28th elections, when the far-right tried to legitimize the victory in the polls of
04:48President Nicolás Maduro.
04:56Fascism is not new, a new phenomenon.
04:58It was experienced on the people of the South in the dictatorships, so we have met with
05:07fascism, we have suffered fascism, and we know that the Venezuelan people has been facing
05:15actions which we have to admire, because we have to face coup-de-tats, assassination
05:27attempts, imperialist invasions, economic wars, economic blockades, and most recently,
05:35some of you were here for the electoral process on July 28th, and the plan was already set.
05:48We have talked, we have mentioned that it was happening, it was about to happen, because
05:56we know that they wouldn't recognize the victory of President Nicolás Maduro, and
06:08so because when we ratified the victory of President Nicolás Maduro, we ratified our
06:17peace and sovereignty.
06:21Also during the inaugural conference of the World Anti-Fascist Congress, Venezuelan Vice
06:25President Delsi Rodríguez asked for a round of applause for the resilience of Palestinian
06:29people in the fight against fascism.
06:33I know that Venezuela, as well as Venezuela is confronting an expression of far-right
06:42and fascism, I am aware that in other regions of the world there have been similar situations,
06:50symbolic situations, full of deep reflection, and I would like to ask a minute of applause
07:00for the Palestinian people, which is the expression, the most outstanding expression of resilient
07:11people in front of fascism, a people that never surrenders, the Palestinian people inspires
07:18the struggles of humanity, and how in front of us the coup-mongering media outlets promote
07:30and boost violence, death, hate, to an extent that we as human beings don't understand,
07:37because as it had happened in all countries of the world, are raising their voices for
07:56defending the injustices on the Palestinian people.
08:01Long live Palestine, and thank you very much, brothers and sisters.
08:07Also the President of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, offered statements during
08:11the World Anti-Fascist Congress being held in Caracas, the capital, from September 10th
08:16to 11th. During his remarks, Rodríguez referred to the psychological war Venezuela has been
08:21subjected to in the past weeks, and assured fascism is a political expression of the crisis
08:26suffered by capitalism, and it's manifested today in social media and space that allows
08:32the spread of hatred with the complicity of Western powers, who are the owners of the
08:37biggest technological and media emporiums. Fear and repression are two fundamental characteristics
08:42of the working class living under neo-fascist policies, a reality that Venezuela is fighting
08:47against for it never to settle in the country despite the ultra-right's attempts, he said.
09:00During the World Congress Against Fascism, the President of the National Assembly of
09:03Venezuela, Jorge Rodríguez, stated that Venezuela has become the epicenter of the fight against
09:08fascism in the world.
09:11But always that this happens, at least one that rises as voice against fascism, humanity
09:20has an opportunity, and that is why I feel so pleased that these important people gathered
09:28here to discuss about fascism.
09:32Now what is the danger we're fighting in a moment like this we're living? The danger
09:41we're facing is that these three owners of social media that try to become the owners
09:48of the planet and the planet's economy, and we have to say it like this, Venezuela is
10:01today the center of the fight against fascism in the world.
10:19Welcome back. The government of Guyana saved ExxonMobil-Guyana Limited the payment of $197
10:32billion in taxes during the past two years. According to the oil giant's 2023 annual report
10:38cited by Guyana's Cater News, the Guyanese government paid the amount on behalf of the
10:43Guyana Revenue Authority. The company explained in the report that while it is subject to
10:48Guyana's income tax laws, the taxes on the company's operations are paid by the government
10:54rather than the company itself. The tax exception is reportedly part of what is considered a
10:59loop-side production sharing agreement that Guyana's coalition government signed with
11:04the US oil giant in 2016, a move that observers have deemed contrary to the will and interest
11:11of the Guyanese people. Exxon is the 45% stake operator in the 6.6 million acre oil Stradbroke
11:19block of Guyana's Atlantic coast and has been instrumental in the Guyanese government's
11:24stance against the Venezuelan sovereignty. The Republic of Abkhazia on Tuesday sent a
11:36letter to the Republic of Nicaragua on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the establishment
11:40of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The letter was sent by the Ministry of Foreign
11:45Affairs of the Asian country in which it emphasizes that September 10th, 2009 is a truly significant
11:52day in the modern history of the Republic of Abkhazia. It is for this note that the
11:57establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Abkhazia and the Republic
12:02of Nicaragua on that day was a pledge of the development of friendly and cooperative relations
12:07between the two peoples and states. The letter also emphasized that the Republic of Abkhazia
12:13is ready to contribute in every possible way to further develop the whole complex of mutually
12:19beneficial strategic partnership of interstate cooperation for the benefit of its brotherly peoples.
12:37In the western United States, wildfires fueled by soaring temperatures have scorched thousands
12:48of acres, forcing hundreds of families to flee. A blaze burning out of control near
12:53Los Angeles sparked mandatory evacuations as it tore through swathes of tinder-dry California
13:00countryside around popular tourist spots. The so-called Lion Fire erupted on Thursday
13:06to the east of the city and exploded over the weekend, consuming more than 20,000 acres
13:11and threatening tens of thousands of homes and other buildings. Mandatory evacuation
13:16orders have been imposed and major roads shuttered as more than 1,700 firefighters battled to
13:22contain the fast-moving flames. Flood water from an overflowing dam has destroyed dozens
13:30of houses in the city of Maiduguri in northeast Nigeria, with emergency officials fearing
13:37the situation could get worse. The floods have been considered by the United Nations
13:41Refugee Agency in Nigeria as the city's worst in 30 years. The waters also sacked at the
13:47city's post office and main zoo, with authorities warning that deadly animals have been washed
13:53away into the communities. Authorities also said forecasts didn't prepare the emergency
13:58workers for the extent of the flooding, while also blaming the climate change for the disaster.
14:04As of September 3rd, floods have killed at least 201 people and displaced around 225,000
14:11more, mainly in the northern region.
14:28During that time, we had only two locations affected, but as it is today, we have over
14:33ten locations affected, so we are sure the figure will be much over 200,000 individuals.
14:41There is difference. This is more than the one that we have seen before. This flooding,
14:49we never see that kind of flooding. This is the first time for me to see that flooding.
14:55The time that we see at that area before, at that coastal area, it's not like this.
15:02As of now, you see me, I am inside water and staying like this.
15:09In parts of Central and West Africa, heavy flooding caused by an unusually intense rainy
15:13season has unleashed a humanitarian crisis that has resulted in the death of hundreds
15:18of people and thousands of displaced. The United Nations Office for the Coordination
15:22of Humanitarian Affairs has reported that weeks of torrential rains in Chad have left
15:27341 people dead and some 1.5 million affected since July. The flooding has hit all of the
15:35country's 23 provinces, where 164,000 houses have been destroyed, 66,700 heads of cattle
15:43lost, with 640,000 acres of field ruined. According to the United Nations Refugee Agency,
15:51refugee communities in the east of the country are more vulnerable, with 40,000 refugees
15:55affected by the catastrophe.
16:03Now you've seen uninhabited houses yourself. The people aren't even there. The children
16:08and women have gone outside. People are suffering in these neighborhoods. You see, the boatmen
16:15are now operating in an area like a water village. They're using their pirogues in a
16:20capital of a big country like Chad, an oil country, and they haven't even considered
16:25making it a showcase for Africa. We're asking the government and people of goodwill to help
16:30us until the river water drainage.
16:34Moroccan authorities look for survivors in the Taira province following heavy rains and
16:38flooding that left 80 people killed and four others missing. The ministry said that 10
16:44of the fatal victims died in Taira province and three in Erashidia, including a Canadian
16:49and a Peruvian. It added that two others lost their lives in Sinid, two in danger, including
16:56a Spanish national, and one died in Tarodant. It did not specify whether the foreign nationals
17:01were residents in Morocco or visitors. The massive rainfall is considered exceptional
17:06as the volume of rainfall recorded in two days is equivalent to what these regions normally
17:11experience during an entire year.
17:18We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
17:22channel at TeleCity English, there you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories,
17:26special broadcastings and more. Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell
17:31to stay up to date on the world's most recent events. Final short break, don't go away.
17:48Welcome back to From the South. Palestinian authorities reported at least 40 dead and
18:04over 60 wounded after the Israeli forces attacked a camp located in a designated safe area near
18:10Hantanis, south of the Gaza Strip. According to the civil defence in Gaza, the attack buried
18:15several families under the sand and that the rescue teams lacked the machinery and
18:20tools to help them. The Israeli regime justified the fighter jets' attacks by indicating the
18:25alleged presence of members of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas in the area. The
18:30Gazans who were in the camp claimed that the occupation had declared these territories
18:35as safe zones and had sent them there from various parts of the Gaza Strip.
18:44In Palestine, once again, the Israeli army commits massacres on the innocent civilian
18:48population of the Gaza Strip. Our colleague Huda Hegassi tells us the details.
18:57Once again, the Israeli army commits massacres and mass atrocities against the innocent civilian
19:03population here on the Gaza Strip. At this moment, I am in the area of Amawasi, in Kanyounis.
19:10In this place that has been bombed in the early hours of the morning by the Israeli
19:15army, this area, which supposedly the area of Amawasi, a humanitarian and safe area where
19:21hundreds and thousands of Gazans were evacuated. And unfortunately, this intense bombing has
19:28ended the lives of more than 40 Gazans and the injuries of about 60 more. Even as we
19:34can see through our screens the large holes that have caused these bombings, we are talking
19:40about five missiles that have fallen in this area, causing these holes more than 20 meters
19:46deep. And even according to the civil defense bodies, according to the firefighters in this
19:51area, some entire families are still under these piles of sand, missing. There are also
19:58more than 20 tents shops that there is not even a trace of them because they have been
20:04buried under the rubble and piles of sand. It is not the first time that Israel has bombed
20:10this area of Amawasi, but this type of massacre continues to occur. This massacre could be
20:16considered one of the largest since the beginning of this war since we are talking about 40
20:22people who have died in this bombing. Even the civil defense bodies have assured that
20:27the entire families are buried under the sand and that it would be very difficult to remove
20:32them due to the lack of mechanism and due to the lack of equipment here in the Gaza
20:38Strip. From here, the Gazans assured that they do not know where to go. The areas that
20:44are supposedly safe are being attacked in the most atrocious way by the Israeli army.
20:50From here, a message is being sent, especially to the free countries of the world, that they
20:55must stop these massacres that Israel is continuously committing here on the Gaza Strip.
21:03The President of China, Xi Jinping, urged efforts to achieve solid progress towards the strategic
21:10goal of making the country a leader in education. During the National Education Conference held in
21:15Beijing, the Chinese leader pointed out that this goal will boost China's efforts to build
21:21up and promote national revitalization. He further described the building of a leading
21:25country in education as a complex and systematic effort which requires focusing on the fundamental
21:31tasks of fostering virtue. Xi Jinping stressed the need to develop high-quality and balanced
21:38mandatory education to narrow the gaps between urban and rural areas, regions, schools and social groups.
21:44The European Commission described Hungary's threats to send irregular migrants to Brussels
21:53as unacceptable and warned that it will not hesitate to apply the necessary measures against
21:58Budapest. The controversy arose after statements made by the Hungarian Interior Minister Benz
22:04Hredvary in front of a dozen busses allegedly ready to send migrants to Brussels. Hredvary
22:11stated that if the European Union wants to force Hungary to let illegal migrants,
22:16then Budapest will give them a free one-way ticket to Brussels. The European Commission's
22:21Chief Spokesman Eric Mamer rejected Budapest's warnings, claiming that it contravenes the
22:27principles of loyal cooperation with the other member states and with the institutions of the
22:32European Union. We have come to the end of this news brief but you can find this and many other
22:41stories on our website at telecityenglish.net and join us on social media Facebook, Instagram,
22:47Telegram and TikTok. For Telecity English, I'm Alejandra Garcia. Thank you for watching.
