Automated B2B meeting scheduling

Automated scheduling

Workflow management

Reporting capabilities

Stronger compliance

CRM & MAP integrations

Data visibility enhancement

Book valuable meetings and appointments of all sizes

Automated Scheduling

Automate scheduling meetings with the right people

  • Enable seamless meeting scheduling, define approval processes, and automate notifications
  • Allow your customers to easily request meetings directly
  • Share meeting information ahead of time
  • Provide up-to-date information by enabling notifications
Workflow Management

Manage workflows to increase productivity

  • Check-in attendees to in-person meetings or auto-capture attendees for hybrid meetings
  • Optimize the utilization of internal experts and meeting locations for cost efficiencies
  • View availability and match experts to the right meetings

Strengthen reporting capabilities for actionable insights

  • Monitor metrics with interactive dashboards and custom reports
  • Capture feedback from meeting attendees with built-in surveys
  • Easily generate and share KPIs from a broad list of data reports