Right to Information

The public have a general right of access to information held by CQUniversity Australia.

In September 2007, the Queensland Government commissioned a comprehensive review of Queensland’s Freedom of Information legislation. The report made 141 recommendations for reform. The Queensland Government supported in full 116 of the report’s recommendations and either partially or in principle supported another 23 recommendations. The result is the new Right to Information Act 2009 and the Information Privacy Act 2009. Both Acts were assented to on 12 June 2009 and came into force on 1 July 2009. Access to and amendment of personal information is now formalised in a separate Information Privacy Act.

The Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) promotes greater openness and accountability by requiring all Government Agencies to make information available proactively, through a publication scheme and a disclosure log. A disclosure log lists previous RTI requests (exclusive of personal information) to make them easily accessible to others.

Documents available through the publication scheme or from the website are free of charge unless otherwise stated. An access application fee is payable for requests under the RTI Act for non-personal information. Further processing fees may be payable as set out in the Right to Information Regulation 2009.

If you cannot find the information you are seeking via the publication scheme or on the University’s website, you can submit an application for the information. You can also contact the University's Coordinator Records and Privacy via email to determine if the information can be released.

Enquiries regarding Right to Information should be directed to the Coordinator Records and Privacy by email to [email protected].

Right to information

Our publication scheme describes and categorises information routinely available from the University, through the following seven classes:

About us

Information about CQUniversity Australia is provided in the About Us section of this website.

Further information about CQUniversity and its corporate governance responsibilities is provided in the University's Annual Report.

Our services

CQUniversity provides education and research across wide range of fields.

CQUniversity offers courses from Certificate I through to Doctoral studies as well as a range of short courses. Details of CQUniversity courses are available from our Courses pages and further details are also provided within the CQU Handbook.

Details of CQUniversity’s research projects and strengths are available from our Research page.

Our finances

Details of the University's financial performance and Annual Financial Statements are provided in our Annual Reports.

Our priorities

The Vice-Chancellor and President leads CQUniversity's strategic planning on behalf of Council. CQUniversity has an obligation to all its stakeholders to govern and manage strategically, effectively, efficiently, transparently and in an accountable manner.

The University's priorities are set out in our Strategic Plan.

Our decisions

CQUniversity operates within a corporate governance framework with the emphasis of ethics, openness and public accountability, guiding management of information and resources.

The functions and powers of the University's governing body, the Council of Central Queensland University, are set out in the Central Queensland University Act 1998 (Qld). The decisions of the University Council are made available as Council Bulletins which are available on request.

The Academic Board is the University's senior academic governance body. Academic Board's functions, responsibilities and delegated authorities are set out in the Academic Board Terms of Reference.  Minutes of Academic Board meetings are available on request.

Documents that may be of interest regarding our decisions include:

  • the CQUniversity Committee Structure - a high level structure diagram is provided within the University's Annual Report
  • the Delegation of Authority Policy and Committee Terms of Reference, which can be viewed from the policy page on this website

Our policies

The University's Policy Document Framework sets out the requirements for the development, approval and publishing of policy documents at CQUniversity.

The Framework and the University's policy documents (policies, procedures, codes, frameworks, guidelines and committee terms of reference) are publicly available from the policy page in this website.

Our lists

CQUniversity hold a number of registers.  Some are kept by law, while others relate to general business. Privacy and confidentiality issues prevent some registers/information being disclosed.

Our registers and lists include:

  • Articulations Database
  • Audit Register
  • Gifts Register
  • Seal Register.


Contact details are provided on this page for any queries.

Our Disclosure Log provides details of non-personal information that has been released under the Right to Information Act 2009 since it commenced on 1 July 2009.

To access released documents and for any queries, please contact the Coordinator Records and Privacy

Record NumberDate ReceivedInformation MatterDocuments Released
SYDN(21-22)00130/08/2021Any listed complaints and outcomes that are recorded on the CQU complaints register in relation to MEDS13002, MEDS12004, or CG91 between 1 January 2019 to 1 September 2021.File size: 465 KB
File format: PDF

Download Document
ROCK(20-21)01010/02/2021Reported sexual assaults and reported incidents of indecent filming, and breakdowns thereof, for the period 1 January 2019 to 10 February 2021.

No single document contained the requested information and no statistical reports existed on this matter – therefore, a summary of incidents was compiled and provided to the applicant.

File size: 633 KB
File format: PDF

To access these documents, please send your request to [email protected]

ROCK(20-21)00910/02/2021Reports relating to staff and student misconduct, bullying, harassment and cheating, for the period of 1 January 2019 to 10 February 2021.  Searches limited to Office of the Vice Chancellor, Security and People and Culture (Human Resources).

1 document comprising 7 pages (with redactions).

File size: 1.16 MB
File format: PDF

To access these documents, please send your request to [email protected]

ROCK(20-21)00206/08/2020Grade distributions for undergraduate classes and instructor for Term 2 of 2020.

*Note: Courses with less than 12 individuals were removed to ensure privacy compliance.
File size: 100 KB
File format: PDF

Download Document 
201930/06/2019Documents in relation to completion rates (inclusive of failure rates) and complaints regarding MEDS12004 Sonographic Skills Development 1 and MEDS13002 Sonographic Skills Development 2 between 2015 and 2019.

10 documents comprising 57 pages (some with redactions), including:

  • Complaints register 2018
  • Unit results for MEDS12004 for 2015 to 2018
  • Unit results for MEDS13002 for 2015 to 2019

File size: 548 KB
File format: PDF

To access these documents, please send your request to [email protected]

2017/0020926/04/2017Documents and correspondence related to the preparation of the report titled Review of Water Usage Patterns for Rural and Remote Regional Health Facilities, dated March 2006, and the earlier pilot study commissioned by Queensland Health in 2004.

60 documents comprising 148 pages (some with redactions), including:

  • Grant registration forms
  • Contract research agreements
  • Financial records re project
  • Internal correspondence re project
  • External correspondence with GBG Project Management Pty Ltd

File size: 6 MB
File format: PDF

To access these documents, please send your request to [email protected].

2016/0015105/08/2016Reported sexual assaults and reported incidents of indecent filming, and breakdowns thereof, for the period 1 January 2011 to 5 August 2016.

No single document contained the requested information and no statistical reports existed on this matter – therefore, a summary of incidents was compiled and provided to the applicant.

File size: 80 KB
File format: PDF

Download document

2016/0008725/11/2014Tender submission and tender pricing from the various builders for the EIF4 Rockhampton Allied Health Complex Stage 2, tender price forms, evaluation forms, letter of acceptance, response forms 6.1 to 6.12.

39 documents comprising 662 pages (some with redactions).

File size: 57 MB
File format: PDF

To access these documents, please send your request to [email protected].

CHANC/297103/11/2009International travel receipts, invoices and credit card statements for the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellors and Faculty heads from 1 July 2008 to 3 November 2009.

217 documents (some with redactions), including:

  • International travel forms
  • Credit card statements
  • Receipts and invoices

To access these documents, please send your request to [email protected]

If you wish to lodge an application under the Right to Information Act, please complete a valid Right to Information and Information Privacy Access Application Form and email it to [email protected] or post to:

Coordinator Records and Privacy
CQUniversity Australia
554 - 700 Yaamba Road

Further processing fees may be payable as set out in the Right to Information Regulation 2009.

Individuals seeking access to information containing personal information can do so via an Information Privacy request in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act).

To find out more about accessing your personal information, please visit our Privacy page.

Internal Review

If you are dissatisfied with CQUniversity’s decision on your right to information application, you can apply to have that decision reviewed.

An application to have a decision internally reviewed must be made within 20 business days of the date of the letter communicating that decision.  A request for review must be made in writing and emailed to [email protected] or posted to:

Director Governance
CQUniversity Australia
554 - 700 Yaamba Road

External Review

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal review, or you wish to proceed directly to an external review, you may apply in writing to the Office of the Information Commissioner for an external review of CQUniversity’s decision.  It is not necessary to have an internal review before applying for an external review.

Any application for external review must be made in writing to the Office of the Information Commission within 20 business days of the decision notice or the date of the internal review decision (whichever is later).

An application for external review can be lodged:

In person: Level 7, 133 Mary Street, Brisbane
By post: PO Box 10143, Adelaide Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
By email:  [email protected]
Online: Office of the Information Commissioner

Coordinator Records and Privacy

CQUniversity Australia
554 - 700 Yaamba Road
Email: [email protected]