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Climate Prediction Center

Drought Indices
   • Standardized
     Index (SPI)

       • Monitoring
          • U.S.
          • Global
       • Prediction
          • Seasonal
          • Subseasonal

   • Palmer Drought
     Indices (PDSI)

   • Crop Moisture

   • Soil Moisture
     (based on NLDAS)

   • Standardized
     Runoff Index
     (based on NLDAS)

   • Integrated
     Drought Index
     (based on NLDAS)


Accumulated Precipitation

Surface Temperature
   • Maximum/Minimum
   • Mean

Surface Hydrology
(based on NLDAS)

   • Total Soil Moisture
   • Total SM Change
   • MOSAIC Soil
     Moisture Profile

   • NOAH Soil
     Moisture Profile

   • NOAH Soil T Profile
   • Evaporation
   • E-P
   • Runoff
   • Snow Cover
   • Snow Water Equiv.

Flash Drought
   • Monitoring
   • Development
   • Tendency Forecast

Probabilistic Drought Forecasts
   • Current Month
   • One-Month Lead
   • Two-Month Lead
   • Three-Month Lead

Soil Moisture
     (based on leaky
       bucket model)

Topsoil Moisture
     (based on USDA)

Alaska Region drought information
   • Accumulated Precipitation
   • SPI monitor
   • SPI prediction

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HOME > U.S. Drought > Drought Indices: Standardized Runoff Index (3-Month)

Drought Indices
Standardized Runoff Index
Topo Map
3 Month Runoff Index Ensemble
3 Month Runoff Index Mosaic
3 Month Runoff Index NOAH
3 Month Runoff Index SAC
3 Month Runoff Index VIC
Notes about this product:
  • Drought classification: D1 -0.8 > SRI > -1.2; D2 -1.3 > SRI > -1.5; D3 -1.6 > SRI > -1.9; and D4 SRI < -2.
  • Data source: North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
  • GeoTIFF: Undefined value is -999.
Related Links:
Contacts: Muthuvel Chelliah ([email protected]) & Li Xu ([email protected])

NOAA/ National Weather Service
NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction
Climate Prediction Center
5830 University Research Court
College Park, Maryland 20740
Page Author: Climate Prediction Center Internet Team
Page last modified: Aug 19, 2016
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