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I don't quite understand how an El Nino formed last year under a negative Pacific Decadal Oscillation ? We didn't have any kind of Winter weather here in the Southeast ( Kentucky,) and usually we have a colder, snowier Winter in past ENSO / El Nino events.

How could we be entering ENSO / neutral when the current PDO is a negative 2.97 ? That's ENSO / La Nina right ? I looked up the PDO readings, and found that the last ENSO / neutral reading 0.00 was December 2019.

With ENSO / La Nina a sure bet for this Fall and Winter, and it will be reacting with the atmosphere, because it's forming on a negative PDO. Here in Kentucky we will most likely experience another snowless Winter. A longtime ago ( 1917 - 18 ) we were in an La Nina year and recorded a very cold and snowy Winter. The records showed that this happen. Please explain.

Adding, the last cold and snowy Winter here in Kentucky was in 2015 -16. Under an ENSO / El Nino with a positive PDO.

Thank You,

Stephen S.