Academic Program Approvals and Changes

If you are considering starting a new program/center/institute or modify/close an existing one, we highly encourage you to contact us here if you would like to discuss your proposal prior to beginning the process. 

Depending on the extent, modifications to academic degree programs, certificates, centers, and institutes could require approvals within and outside Clemson University before going into effect, including:

  • Approval from your Department Chair or School Director.
  • Ensure compliance with Faculty Manual.
  • Approval from Dean. At this stage, you must have a draft proposal with the curriculum map (and proposed changes) along possible changes to resources required.
  • Curriculum Committee approval. Graduate and undergraduate curriculum committee approvals at Clemson are facilitated in Curriculog.
  • Board of Trustees (BOT) approval. 
  • Approval from the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education (CHE).
  • Approval from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)
All proposals must obtain all required internal approvals (primarily curriculum committee and the BOT) prior to being submitted to CHE and/or SACSCOC. Completing the questionnaire linked below will trigger the necessary BOT and CHE processes required to receive approvals: 

Questionnaire to Begin the BOT and External Processes

This form must be submitted at least 3 months before these changes are presented to the BoT at a scheduled meeting. However, it should be submitted as soon as possible, as the BOT's agenda for approvals and modifications can fill up as early as 6 months in advance. Please note the Curriculum Committee process runs tangential, but is separate, and must be started in Curriculog. Exceptions to this chain of approvals are possible depending on the nature and details of the academic program proposal. 

If you have a proposal in progress, this interactive table here (Clemson log-in required) allows you to see the its status. 


If you are at the beginning stages of the approval or modification process, we now offer several resources to help you. First, we have an Information Guide. This guide provides a broad overview of the processes and stakeholders you will be working with to get your proposal approved. Second, if you are curious about the specific approvals that might be required, please try our Academic Program Approval Process Wizard. By answering a handful of questions, you'll have an idea as to what level of approvals may be required by the BoT, CHE, and SACSCOC. Finally, you are always welcome to set up a meeting with Rob Essaf ([email protected]) to discuss any type of proposal you are considering. 


  • Applicable Policies and Procedures
    Clemson University

    Policy on Substantive Changes

    Commission on Higher Education (CHE)

    CHE's Policies and Procedures for New Academic Programs, Program Modifications, Program Notifications, Program Terminations, and New Centers is applicable to these processes. Please do not begin any paperwork prior to consulting with the OIE. Starting too early typically results in a delay, as CHE approval can not be sought until after all internal procedures (Curriculum Committee, BOT, etc.) are completed. You may find additional information about Academic Policies and Procedures at the CHE website. Included on the CHE site is an Inventory of Academic Programs, Policies and Procedures that guide new program development and program modifications, as well as Meetings and Events dates and times and links to their agendas.

    Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)

    You may find information about SACSCOC's policies and procedures here, including the Substantive Change Policy.

  • Current University Policies Regarding Centers and Institutes

    NOTE: Documents on this Webpage will download most efficiently using the Firefox browser. Downloads using other browsers may take up to 15 seconds.

  • CHE Location and Map

    S.C. Commission on Higher Education (CHE)

    On August 30, 2011, the offices of the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education (CHE) relocated to the following address.; The new office is at the corner of Lady and Main Streets, approximately one-half block south of the agency’s previous 1333 Main Street address.The new building location was formerly known as the NBSC building, and is located directly across Lady Street from the corner Chick-fil-A.

    CHE office location All correspondence should be sent to the new address. Telephone numbers and email addresses for Commission staff will remain the same.

    When attending meetings at the agency’s new location, parking is available at meters on the street or in the city parking lot on Lady Street directly adjacent to the new office location. Please note that the entrance to the city parking lot is not the same entrance to the below-ground parking for the NBSC building itself. There is no public parking available in the NBSC building. The entrance to the city lot is the one closest to Assembly Street.

    South Carolina Commission on Higher Education
    1122 Lady Street
    Suite 300
    Columbia, SC 29201