
Editorial Board

Cannabis Science and Technology Editorial Advisory Board

Cannabis Science and Technology's Editorial Advisory Board is a group of distinguished individuals assembled to help the publication fulfill its editorial mission to educate the legal cannabis industry about the science and technology of analytical testing and quality control. With recognized expertise in a wide range of technique and application areas, board members perform a range of functions, such as suggesting authors and topics for coverage, reviewing manuscripts, and providing the editor with general direction and feedback. We are indebted to these individuals for their contributions to the publication and to the cannabis community as a whole.

  • Susan Audino, S.A. Audino & Associates, LLC
  • Douglas Duncan, PuEr Laboratory
  • Katherine M. Evans, Longboard Scientific Consulting Company
  • Jacklyn Green, Agate Biosciences
  • Dominika Gruszecka, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments
  • Jack Henion, Henion Enterprises
  • Zac Hildenbrand, Inform Environmental, LLC
  • Hannia Mendoza-Dickey
  • Adam Jacques, AgSense LLC Oregon
  • Autumn Karcey, Cultivo, Inc.
  • Benjamin A. Katchman, PathogenDx Inc.
  • Julie Kowalski, JA Kowalski Science Support LLC
  • Allegra Leghissa, Department of Pharmacy, Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris-Sud, AP-HP, Le Kremlin Bicêtre, France
  • Paul Lessard, Varin Science & Engineering, LLC
  • William Levine, CannRx Technology Inc.
  • David L. Nathan, MD, DFAPA, Princeton Psychiatry & Consulting, LLC
  • Jumar Pasion, Principle Consultant
  • Richard Sams, KCA Laboratories
  • Kevin Schug, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, The University of Texas at Arlington
  • André Filipe Santarém Silva, Merck
  • Brian Smith, Big Sur Scientific
  • Katherine Stenerson, MilliporeSigma
  • Christian West, Big Earth Consulting LLC
  • Anthony Macherone, Agilent Technologies, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine