Grants & Bursaries

Each year CATA awards grants and bursaries to members who have contributed to the profession of art therapy through literature and research.

The purpose of the yearly awards is to continue to encourage members to contribute to filling gaps in research, art therapy promotion, education and to share unique information about the profession to other disciplines. Additionally, as CATA grows we are seeking to improve awareness of anti-oppressive practice in art therapy in Canada and to build relationships with other disciplines within Canada.

The grant and bursary program is intentionally broad in its scope, to encourage research about new and unique approaches to the profession of art therapy.

All complete submissions will be considered, all submissions will remain anonymous to the committee until the review process is complete. Reviewers are members of the CATA board and subcommittee members. Should the committee require more information you will be contacted. 

Submission Rating

All complete submissions will be considered, all submissions will remain anonymous to the committee until the review process is complete. Reviewers are members of the CATA board and subcommittee members. Should the committee require more information you will be contacted. 

Submissions will be scored using a Likert scale of 1-5 and some Yes/No for completion.


CATA’s Mission, Vision, and Values

CATA’s Ethical Standards of Practice

CATA Journal Aims & Scope


Call for Awards: Annually, in May

Deadline for Awards: August 31st

Announcement of awards: Annually at the CATA-ACAT AGM

Registered Canadian Art Therapist Research Grant

Grant amount - $ 1000

Purpose - To promote Art therapy research and publications in Canada; to encourage Art Therapists to consider research that grows knowledge, approach and multidisciplinary collaborations in Art Therapy.

Scope - Research must align with CATA ethical standards, vision, mission, and values. The principal investigator must be an art therapist or art therapy student. Researchers who receive a grant are expected to submit an article about the research to the CATA Journal.

What you’ll need to submit

  1. Proof of art therapy Registration

  2. Copy of research paper manuscript

  3. Proof of submitted research paper to the Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal, in:

    1. A screenshot of the automated response email from the CATAJ thanking the author for submitting

    2. Letter from the Editor to the author, confirming submission of the manuscript

    3. Screenshot of the submission through the Editorial Manager Website). 

    4. If the research paper is not yet submitted:

      1. Describe the reasons for the delayed submissions 

      2. Provide the estimated date of submission

    5. Proof of Ethics Review board, if applicable

    6. Research paper meets CATA Ethics standards

Art Therapy Student Research Grant

Grant amount - $1000

Purpose - To encourage art therapy students to consider publication of their work; to promote unique and innovative art therapy research to grow the field of art therapy in Canada.

Scope - Research must align with CATA ethical standards, vision, mission, and values. The principal investigator must be an art therapist or art therapy student. Researchers who receive a grant are expected to submit an article about the research to the CATA Journal.

What you’ll need to submit

  1. Official transcript of Masters' level art therapy studies from an art therapy program that meets CATA Education Standards (can be sent digitally)

  2. Letter of reference from an art therapy professor from an art therapy training program that meets CATA education standards.

  3. Cover letter (single page) discussing art therapy studies, experience, and research

  4. Copy of research paper or a graduating thesis in the form of (APA standards):

    1.  Article for submission. See CATA Journal author guidelines:

    2. Condensed version of the thesis (2000 - 4000 words). 

  5. Proof of research submitted to the Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal, in the form of:

    1. A screenshot of the automated response email from the CATAJ thanking the author for submitting, or a screenshot of the submission through the Editorial Manager Website.

    2. Acceptance letter from the CATAJ Editor. 

    3. If the research paper is not yet submitted:

      1. Describe the reasons for the delayed submissions 

      2. Provide the estimated date of submission 

Second Year Student Bursary

Bursary amount - $1000

Purpose - To recognize and support student members dedicated to advancing the profession of art therapy in Canada. We are seeking submissions to fill gaps in service, within multidisciplinary research collaborations and other unique approaches to providing art therapy to various populations.

Scope - Student demonstrates activities that align with CATA ethical standards, vision, mission, and values and high academic merit. Additionally, CATA recognizes and is seeking research that supports anti-oppressive practices across creative arts disciplines.

What you’ll need to submit

  1. Proof of student membership with CATA 

  2. Official transcript of Masters' level art therapy studies from an art therapy training program that meets CATA Education Standards (can be sent digitally)

  3. Two (2) letters of reference from two (2) referees, describing the student’s relationship to art therapy and academic/practice successes. 

  4. 1-page cover letter discussing:

    1. Art therapy studies and experience with alignment to at least two of CATA’s values:

    2. Future professional goals

    3. Contributions to art therapy (so far)

  5. CV - including education, work experience, publications, and presentations

  6. An example of academic writing from art therapy studies e.g academic paper. Submit in PDF.

Art Therapy Development Grant

Grant amount - Up to $1500 for one recipient or divided between multiple recipients.

Purpose - The art therapy development grant is for CATA Professional and Registered members to promote and develop Art Therapy projects in Canada, share innovative outreach initiatives, and to sustainably support isolated and marginalized populations.

Scope - The initiatives align with CATA’s mission, vision, values, and ethical standards of practice, including anti-oppressive practices.

What you’ll need to submit

Within one year of receiving a grant, you are required to show:

  1. Proof of attendance and presentation at a non-art therapy conference and/or CATA conference in the upcoming calendar year.

  2. A copy of the presentation material (ie. PowerPoint).

  3. A final report and deliverable media to CATA (see description in application).