The elements and grammar of heraldic design

inheraldry inThe scope of heraldry
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Also known as: heraldic design

Provided that a few elementary principles are grasped, enough knowledge of heraldry can be acquired in a relatively short time to enable the student to understand the structure of coats of arms. The multitude of terms used in heraldry need not be worrisome: once the rudiments are learned with some 50 of the terms, the meaning of the large remainder can be ascertained as the occasion arises. For example, when Queen Elizabeth II was crowned, some beautifully carved figures were made of the different badges that had been used by her ancestors, figures now displayed at Hampton Court Palace. They include one very rare badge—a yale. The yale is a mythical heraldic animal. Anyone unfamiliar with it could easily ascertain its meaning from the various heraldic glossaries. It is therefore unnecessary to burden the memory with hundreds of terms (an heraldic glossary generally contains about 800 terms).

The language of heraldry has a curious look. Azure three wheat sheaves or has been known to prompt the question, “Or what?” When it is remembered that or is the French for gold, the difficulty diminishes. Much heraldic terminology is a quasi-French, archaic language. In the Middle Ages the French language was used by the ruling class in much of western Europe, so it was not unnatural that heraldic terms should be French. In England by about 1400, English words usually were used in preference. Much modern heraldic terminology, however, is so obscure that it seems purposely designed to puzzle the uninitiated.

The terms dexter and sinister mean merely “right” and “left.” A shield is understood to be as if held by a user whom the beholder is facing. Thus the side of the shield facing the beholder’s left is the dexter, or right-hand side, and that opposite it is the sinister, or left-hand side.

The field

In a blazon (verbal description) of the arms, their field, or background layer, appears first. It may be one of the metals or (gold) or argent (silver), one of the colors gules (red), azure (blue), vert (green), purpure (purple), or sable (black), or one of the furs ermine (a white field with black spots), ermines (a black field with white spots), erminois (gold field with black spots), pean (black field with gold spots), or vair (alternating blue and white figures mimicking the fur of a species of squirrel). Two other colors appear occasionally in British heraldry, murrey (a tint between red and purple) and tenné (orange-tawny). Gold and silver may be represented by yellow and white.

That background layer may be composed of a mixture of metals, colors, and furs. It may be divided by a line—straight, curved, or jagged—and have perhaps silver on one side of the line and red on the other or blue on one side and ermine on the other. A field of one tincture bearing a single charge of, for example, a lion rampant could be blazoned argent a lion rampant azure, meaning a silver field on which is placed a blue lion standing on one hind leg with its forepaws raised and its head in profile. (Those were the arms used by the first of the Bruce family.)

A color is very rarely placed upon a color, a metal upon a metal, or a fur upon a fur. The arms of the kingdom of Jerusalem (argent a cross potent between four crosses or) are the most famous exception to the rule, and the very small number of other known exceptions date from very early times when the error occurred through ignorance rather than, as is sometimes claimed, because the placement was not then thought to be an error. The principle on which that rule is based is one of visibility, and that rule, which bans combinations that are difficult to see, was known before heraldry’s rules came into force.

The charges on the field

The field is said to be “charged” with an object. Heraldic objects are of a large and increasing variety; as more arms are devised, new objects appear as charges—telescopes, aircraft, rolls of newsprint, and so on. Charges have been divided into two classes: the honorable ordinaries and other geometric shapes that belong to their subdivision the subordinaries, and what might be described as the other charges. It is best to recognize immediately that the distinction is not of much more than academic interest save in one respect—the ordinaries are the rectilinear figures that have precedence in blazon. So, for example, if a blue shield has a thick golden horizontal strip across its center and two silver stars above the strip and one below it, the blazon would read azure a fess or between three mullets argent and not azure three mullets argent 2 and 1 a fess or. The fess is an honorable ordinary; the adjective alludes to the ordinary’s precedence, the noun to its geometric simplicity. The division containing the other charges is relatively large, comprising animals, birds, and monsters, human bodies and human parts, reptiles, and an unending list of inanimate objects. Individual commentators seldom agree on the contents of the classifications. A bordure (border) is an ordinary in England, but in Scotland it is never a charge, being reserved for cadency (see below). Some count the roundel as a subordinary, while others consign it to the “others” category as a simple charge.


The honorable ordinaries and subordinaries may be generally agreed as numbering about 20. Among them are: the chief, being the top third of the shield; the pale, a third of the shield, drawn perpendicularly through the center; the bend, a third of the shield, drawn from the dexter chief to sinister base (when drawn from the dexter base to sinister chief, it is a bend sinister); the fess, a third drawn horizontally and taking up the center of the shield; and the chevron, resembling an inverted stripe in the rank badge of a noncommissioned officer. It should be noted that the bar is a diminutive of the fess, of the same shape, and can be placed in any part of the shield. The term bar sinister is often incorrectly used in fiction as a symbol for illegitimacy. It has no such significance, illegitimacy being denoted heraldically in several other ways, and a bar, being horizontal, cannot be either dexter or sinister. Since the European nations were Christian when heraldry was invented, the cross appears in many forms in heraldry. The cross in a coat of arms does not imply, however, that the original bearers were Crusaders (although it appears probable that some returning alive added small crosses to their arms to record their gratitude to the specific saints to whom they had prayed).

The border, or bordure, is in Scotland used as a mark of difference, and in English heraldry since the mid-18th century a bordure compony (alternating sections of two tinctures) has been used to signify illegitimacy. The orle is an inner border, not touching the sides of the shield; the field is seen within and around the orle, giving it the appearance of a shield with the middle cut out (voided, in heraldry). The tressure, much used in Scottish heraldry, is an orle gemel, which suggests twins, and it may indeed be described as an orle divided into two narrow orles set closely together. The small shield used as a charge is an inescutcheon and often is used to bear the arms of an heraldic heiress (a daughter of a family of no sons). The quarter occupies one-fourth of the shield; the canton, smaller than the quarter, is one-third of the chief. Checky, or chequy, describes the field or charge divided into squares of two tinctures, like a checkerboard. Billets are oblong figures. If their number exceeds 10 and they are irregularly placed, the field is described as billetté. The pall, or shakefork, is the upper half of a saltire (St. Andrew’s cross) with the lower half of a pale, forming a Y-shape. The pile is a triangle pointing downward. The flaunch, or flanch, is a segment of a circle drawn from the top of the shield to the base. The lozenge is a parallelogram having equal sides and two acute and two obtuse angles, and a mascle is a lozenge voided. Lozengy is the field divided by diagonal lines intersecting to give the appearance of alternate small lozenges, and the fret is a mascle interlaced with a saltire. The roundel is circular in form and is given different names according to its color (gold is a bezant, silver is a plate, red is a torteau, blue is a hurt, etc., and if of alternate silver and blue wavy lines it is a fountain).

Other charges

A field is said to be powdered or semé when strewn with minor charges; when charged with drops of liquid, it is gutté. Partition lines divide the shield. The most common ones are straight. Impalement means the division of the shield into two equal parts by a straight line from the top to bottom. That method is used to show either the arms of husband and wife, the arms of the husband being in the dexter half, or certain types of official arms, as the arms of a bishop’s see impaled with his family arms, those of the see being in the dexter half. When dimidiated, the dexter half of the husband’s arms are placed to dexter and the sinister half of the wife’s arms are placed to sinister, the result sometimes producing such charges as the front of a lion joined to the rear of a boat (the arms of the Cinque Ports), while at others producing new arms that appear to be those of a single man. The practice of dimidiation was discontinued. The shield is divided into four quarters when one coat of arms is quartered with another, as when the children of an heraldic heiress use their mother’s arms with their father’s.

Other divisions of a shield are party per pale (or, simply, per pale), division of the field into two equal parts by a perpendicular line (that resembles the impalement just mentioned but does not serve the same purpose of combining arms); party per fess, division into two equal parts by a horizontal line; party per bend; party per chevron; party per saltire; and gyronny of eight. When the partition lines are not straight, they can be of several varieties.