The Mongol empire, 1200–1368

inthe Steppe
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Also known as: Eurasian Steppe

Emergence of bureaucratic states

The next important transformation of steppe life occurred when nomad peoples began to supplement their age-old tribal organization by borrowing Chinese bureaucratic principles for the management of armed forces. Such experiments first appeared among rising states in northern China after the collapse of the Tang dynasty in 907. During the next two centuries China’s political weakness allowed various barbarian peoples to overrun parts of the north once more while continuing to control ancestral steppe lands. The resulting hybrid states were known to the Chinese as the Khitan (907–1124), Tangut (990–1227), and Juchen (1122–1234) empires. It was natural for them to combine nomad tribal and Chinese bureaucratic principles of management in military and other departments of administration. The Khitan, for example, supplemented their horsemen with foot soldiers and developed combined tactics for using infantry and cavalry together in battle. Even more significant was the way in which their successors in northern China, the Juchen, set up a command structure on bureaucratic principles. The Juchen rulers divided their army into tens, hundreds, and thousands and put appointed officers over each unit. Consequently, among the Juchen, hereditary tribal standing did not necessarily coincide with ascribed military rank. For a brave and lucky man, army service became a career open to talent.

The Chinese had relied on appointed officers to command their soldiers for centuries. By applying the idea to steppe armies, a ruler could at least hope to transcend the fragility previously inherent in tribal confederations. No matter how solemn the binding oaths of blood brotherhood might be, because steppe horsemen had always followed their own tribal leaders to war, any quarrel among chiefs could immediately dissolve a formidable army into its original warring fragments. But in a bureaucratic system, hereditary chieftains no longer had their own tribesmen always at their beck and call. Before a chief contemplating rebellion against central authorities could count on support, he had to overcome his tribesmen’s loyalty to appointed commanders. Divided and uncertain loyalties in the ranks therefore made traditional tribal rebellion chancy at best and suicidal if the rebel chieftain’s tribesmen failed to follow. Sudden dissolution of steppe confederacies therefore became much less likely.

The superior stability of steppe polities organized along bureaucratic lines was evident when overthrow resulted not from internal disruption, in the old way, but from conquest at the hands of another bureaucratically organized armed force. The Juchen, for example, supplanted the Khitan only after improving on their rivals’ half-hearted efforts to appropriate Chinese patterns of military management; and the Juchen in turn were overthrown by the Mongols under Genghis Khan (1162–1227), whose armies were led by men appointed on the basis of demonstrated efficiency in battle, regardless of birth or hereditary rank.

The triumph of the Mongols

Genghis Khan started his victorious career as a solitary fugitive, and his first followers were men who, like himself, lacked any powerful kindred ties because their clans had met with ill fortune in war. Among such a collection of more or less detribalized warriors, the bureaucratic principle had free rein from the start. Genghis never had to make the compromises with traditional status that would have been necessary if he had not started as a refugee, deprived of the supporting ties so vital to traditional steppe life.

Uninhibited application of the bureaucratic principle endowed Genghis Khan’s armies with a remarkable capacity to expand. Instead of simply incorporating tribal war bands into his following, as earlier steppe conquerors had done, Genghis reorganized his defeated foes into tens and hundreds and put his own men in command over each of the units. This practice assured rapid promotion to men of demonstrated ability. A career open to talent allowed an ordinary tribesman to rise to the command of as many as 10,000 men. As in modern armed forces, striving to earn promotion presumably became a way of life for ambitious individuals, whose loyalties were thereby most effectively shifted away from kinship groupings and harnessed to their hope for bureaucratic advancement. By the same token, the Mongol army became capable of indefinite expansion, until literally all of the peoples of the Eurasian Steppe had joined its ranks, from Manchuria in the east to Ukraine in the west. This remarkable and very rapid military-bureaucratic unification of the steppe was complemented by conquest of most of the civilized lands adjacent to the steppe. Thus, all of China (by 1279), most of the Middle East (by 1260), and all the Russian principalities except Novgorod (by 1241) were brought under the Mongol sway.

The Mongols, of course, were experienced traders by the time of their conquests. Caravans moved freely throughout their domains, and thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of persons travelled between Europe and China. Marco Polo’s account of his remarkable career in the service of Kublai Khan in China shows how readily the Mongols employed strangers and welcomed merchants from distant lands. Chinese skills were then superior to those of other parts of the world. Consequently, intensified communications under the Mongols allowed the diffusion of certain Chinese skills and tastes to the rest of Eurasia. Gunpowder, the compass, and printing were especially important for Europe. In the Middle East it was Chinese luxuries such as silk, porcelain, and styles of painting that had the most obvious impact.

Mongol religious policy puzzled both Muslim and Christian believers. The early Khans preferred to keep open multiple lines of communication with supernatural powers and therefore encouraged rival faiths—Christian, Muslim, and Buddhist—to coexist at their courts. Eventually a form of Buddhism coming from Tibet won primacy among the Mongols, but this upshot was not finally secured until the 18th century.

Genghis Khan died in 1227, long before the tide of Mongol expansion had reached its height. Down to the end of the century, the Mongol armies remained on the offensive, invading Japan (1281), Annam (modern Vietnam), and Burma (1285–87), and distant Java (1292–93). Throughout this expansion, they showed remarkable readiness to exploit new technological possibilities. Even in Genghis Khan’s lifetime, the conquest of northern China had required them to master siege techniques; and the conquest of southern China required them to learn to fight from ships as well. They excelled at scouting and logistics and never met a military equal in their extraordinary era of conquest except, perhaps, the Japanese, who turned them back with the help of a typhoon in 1281.

Fragmentation of the empire

The Mongol assault on Europe and the Middle East stopped short of completion due not to military failure but to dissension over the succession—a weakness of steppe empires that Genghis Khan’s bureaucratic organization of the armies failed to remedy. A fourfold division among his immediate heirs went along with ceremonial recognition of the primacy of one, who became the great khan, based first at Karakorum in Mongolia and then, after 1267, at Ta-tu (modern Beijing) in China.

As time passed, however, cooperation among the separate segments of the Mongol empire became more and more precarious. With the end of rapid expansion, promotion within army ranks slowed, and the high morale and tight discipline that had been attained in the days of initial success slackened. More important still was the way in which the separate parts of the empire adopted the diverse cultural coloration of their subject peoples. Thus, the Golden Horde in Russia became Muslim and Turkic; the Il-Khans in the Middle East became Persian and Islamic; and the great khan of China became Sinicized. The steppe way of life survived best in the central region of the empire where the Chagatai khans reigned until 1324. Yet this was the poorest of the four khanates into which Genghis Khan’s empire had been partitioned and could not possibly dominate the rest.

Nevertheless, until the end of the 13th century, political unity, at least of a ceremonial kind, was maintained despite sporadic outbreaks of fighting among rival candidates for the supreme power. But after the death of Genghis’ grandson Kublai (reigned 1260–94), the separate parts of the empire went their separate ways and soon began to break up internally as subject peoples asserted their independence once again.