Bangladesh since independence

inBangladesh inHistory
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Also known as: Gana Prajātantrī Bangladesh, People’s Republic of Bangladesh

In January 1972 Mujib was installed as the first prime minister of the new parliamentary government of Bangladesh, and Abu Sayeef Choudhury became president. Still troublesome, however, were various local paramilitary forces, known as Razakars, that supported the Pakistani cause. The Bengali Razakar force was called Al-Badr, while the Urdu-speaking force was known as Al-Shams. As Bangladeshi retribution against these pro-Pakistani forces ensued, Urdu speakers—known as Biharis, though most had been born locally rather than in Bihar—fled into enclaves where their numbers gave some security; nevertheless, many were killed. Hundreds of thousands of Biharis were placed in overcrowded refugee camps, where decades later many still awaited asylum in Pakistan.

Bangladesh’s constitution of 1973 provided for a secular state, a parliamentary form of government, a bill of rights, and a strong commitment to local government. Acceptance by the international community, however, presented a challenge. The initial application of Bangladesh to join the United Nations was vetoed by China; it was not until 1974 that Bangladesh was admitted to the organization. The new country confronted many other problems as well, including the restoration of transportation, communication, and international trade networks; the rehabilitation of the power supply; the revitalization of education, health, and population programs; and the resumption of agricultural and industrial production.

See article: flag of Bangladesh
Audio File: National anthem of Bangladesh
Head Of Government:
Chief Advisor: Muhammad Yunus
(2024 est.) 168,120,000
Head Of State:
President: Mohammad Shahabuddin Chuppu
Form Of Government:
unitary multiparty republic with one legislative house (Parliament [3501])

Elections held in 1973 gave Mujib a landslide majority, but the euphoria soon evaporated. Following a policy of economic socialism, the state had absorbed industries and businesses abandoned by Pakistanis, but economic troubles persisted. Prices escalated, and in 1974 scarcities were exacerbated by a great famine with a massive death toll. Faced with crisis, Mujib abridged freedoms and became a virtual dictator; corruption and nepotism reached new depths. On August 15, 1975, Mujib was assassinated along with most of his family. Right-wing pro-Pakistan army officers were behind the killing; some politicians also were involved in the conspiracy, and there were allegations of outside support. Unsure of their hold, the armed forces split into rival factions.

Another coup, in November 1975, brought Maj. Gen. Zia ur-Rahman into power. Once a freedom fighter, Zia now took an anti-India posture and favoured pro-Pakistan elements. In an effort to legitimize his power, he held a referendum in May 1977, received a vote of confidence, and assumed the office of president in 1978. After ensuring his control over the armed forces, Zia lifted martial law the following year. Although accused on some fronts of institutionalizing corruption in politics, Zia made notable achievements in the reconstruction and development of Bangladesh. He strengthened the military, empowered the bureaucracy, and improved law and order while emphasizing food production, irrigation, primary education, and rural development. He also initiated economic cooperation with nearby countries—efforts that led to the organization of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation in 1985. Nevertheless, military coup attempts continued, and on May 30, 1981, he was assassinated in Chittagong by some army officers.

The military high command in Dhaka did not lend support to the actions of the officers at Chittagong, and the conspirators were executed. Meanwhile, the civilian vice president, Abdus Sattar, was confirmed as president by a nationwide election in 1981, but he was ill, and real power was exercised by Lieut. Gen. Hussein Mohammad Ershad and a National Security Council. On March 24, 1982, Ershad ejected Sattar and took over as chief martial-law administrator. In December 1983 he assumed the office of president. To validate his authority he called elections for a National Assembly, and he formed his own National Party (Jatiya Party). In the election of May 1986, which was boycotted by many opposition parties, the National Party won most of the seats in the legislature.

Confident that the army was now under control, Ershad withdrew martial law later that year and called for a presidential election in October. Once again, the main opposition parties—the Awami League, now led by Mujib’s daughter Sheikh Hasina Wazed, and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), headed by Khaleda Zia ur-Rahman, wife of the slain president—boycotted the election, and Ershad received the overwhelming majority of the vote.

The opposition parties began a campaign of strikes and demonstrations to force Ershad’s resignation. In the late 1980s the poor state of the country’s economy brought greater pressure on Ershad, and in December 1990, after weeks of violent anti-government demonstrations, he finally agreed to step down. A caretaker government, headed by Chief Justice Shahabuddin Ahmed, was chosen by the opposition parties. In parliamentary elections held just two months later, the BNP emerged as the single largest block, and Khaleda became prime minister.

Among Khaleda’s achievements in office were the reinstatement through constitutional amendment of a parliamentary (as opposed to presidential) form of government and the advancement of the country’s economic and educational reform programs. Her tenure as prime minister was hampered, however, by strikes instigated by the Awami League and other opposition parties and by a cyclone in 1991 that killed some 130,000 people. The opposition frequently called for Khaleda’s resignation, demanding that a caretaker government be appointed and new elections held, but Khaleda resisted. In February 1996 general elections were held, and the BNP won an overwhelming victory; however, it was a hollow triumph, as only a small percentage of eligible voters had cast ballots, heeding a boycott called by the Awami League. Finally bowing to public pressure, Khaleda resigned about six weeks after the elections in favour of a caretaker government. In subsequent elections in June, the opposition swept to power, and Mujib’s daughter Hasina became prime minister.

The political situation did not improve much during Hasina’s tenure in office. The BNP regularly boycotted the parliament, and anti-government demonstrations were common. The country also was beset in 1998 by a disastrous monsoon that flooded some two-thirds of Bangladesh’s territory for two months and left more than 30 million people homeless. On other fronts, the government made progress in its relations with India, signing a treaty for sharing water from the Ganges River; it negotiated an agreement (opposed by the BNP) for guerrillas seeking greater autonomy for the indigenous population in the Chittagong Hill Tracts to surrender their arms after a 20-year insurgency; and the economy (particularly agriculture) showed some signs of improvement. In 2001 Khaleda, promising to eliminate corruption, was returned to office, her BNP and its allies capturing more than two-thirds of the seats in the legislature. The victory, however, did little to curb the tense relations between the BNP and the Awami League.

By the end of Khaleda’s second term, scant progress had been made toward controlling corruption. She stepped down as prime minister in late 2006, transferring power to a caretaker administration until elections could be held early the following year. However, unrest between the BNP and the Awami League led the interim head of government to resign and to install a new caretaker administration before the polls opened. A state of emergency was declared, and the elections were canceled. The new caretaker government embarked on an aggressive program to rid the country of corruption prior to holding elections, which were scheduled for the end of 2008. Meanwhile, the ongoing political battles between Khaleda and Hasina were perceived by the administration to be a hindrance to the country’s stability, and in 2007 both women were arrested—Khaleda on charges of corruption and Hasina on charges of extortion. Both were released from custody in 2008. The Awami League prevailed in the elections held in late December, and in January 2009 Hasina again became prime minister.

A tribunal to try war crimes cases from the 1971 war of independence was set up in March 2010. The tribunal tried several leaders of the Awami League’s opposition, especially those of the Jamaat-e-Islami party, whose supporters and allies demonstrated in protest against what they saw as political targeting. In 2013 a court barred the party from participating in elections, saying its opposition to secularism was unconstitutional.

General elections in January 2014 presented a major setback for democracy in Bangladesh. With growing concerns of corruption and the abuse of government tools to suppress the opposition, the BNP refused to participate in the elections unless certain demands were met that it said would ensure fair elections. The demands, which included putting a nonpartisan caretaker government in place to oversee the elections, were not met, and the BNP set out on a campaign to suppress turnout. When the elections took place, average turnout was just slightly more than half; in the capital, Dhaka, it was less than one-fourth. Turnout in past elections was typically above 80 percent.

Beginning in 2017, a wave of more than 700,000 Rohingya refugees entered Bangladesh, fleeing from genocide in neighbouring Myanmar and adding to the approximately 200,000 Rohingya who had previously arrived. The government received considerable international and domestic support for taking them in, but there were domestic concerns about Bangladesh hosting the Rohingya indefinitely. While the Awami League-led government had provided refuge for the Rohingya, it also pressured them into “voluntary repatriation” in November 2018, a move observers interpreted as an attempt to alleviate voters’ anxiety on the issue before the upcoming December elections.

The BNP and other opposition groups returned to the campaign trail in 2018, although they had set forth a list of demands that were again rejected by the Awami League. Among the concerns in this round was the imprisonment of Khaleda, which made her ineligible to lead the BNP in December’s polls. Many of the party’s candidates were imprisoned, disqualified, or assaulted, and more than 10,000 supporters were imprisoned in the lead-up to the election. The Awami League won a landslide victory, while the BNP won only a few seats. Hasina denied accusations of rigging the election, and blamed the BNP’s devastating loss on the party’s lack of leadership.

The political turmoil since independence ultimately has had little relevance to the country’s basic problems. The population of Bangladesh, which numbered about 71 million at the 1974 census, has more than doubled according to the 2011 census, despite large-scale emigration to neighbouring Assam and Tripura in India and a smaller exodus over the Arakan border with Myanmar. Agriculture and fishing are still the occupations of nearly half the labour force, and economic development has been largely confined to the environs of Dhaka and Chittagong.

Hugh Russell Tinker The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica