Sculpture, MAI-RYS

Looking to find a use for that extra clay, stone, plaster, or metal that you have lying around? Consider sculpture, in which artists employ these materials and others to create three-dimensional art. Perhaps you’ll join the ranks of noted sculptors such as Michelangelo, Auguste Rodin, and Donatello.
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Sculpture Encyclopedia Articles By Title

Maillol, Aristide
Aristide Maillol was a French sculptor, painter, and printmaker whose monumental statues of female nudes display......
Maitani, Lorenzo
Lorenzo Maitani was an Italian architect and sculptor primarily responsible for the construction and decoration......
malanggan style
malanggan style, one of the most sophisticated styles of carving in the South Pacific Islands, with a technical......
Manship, Paul
Paul Manship was an American sculptor whose subjects and modern generalized style were largely inspired by classical......
Manzù, Giacomo
Giacomo Manzù was an Italian sculptor who, in the mid-20th century, revived the ancient tradition of creating sculptural......
Marcks, Gerhard
Gerhard Marcks was a German sculptor, printmaker, and designer who helped to revive the art of sculpture in Germany......
Marini, Marino
Marino Marini was an Italian artist who was instrumental in the revival of the art of portrait sculpture in Italy......
Marisol was an American sculptor of boxlike figurative works combining wood and other materials and often grouped......
Martini, Arturo
Arturo Martini was an Italian sculptor who was active between the World Wars. He is known for figurative sculptures......
Massim style
Massim style, type of stylized, curvilinear carving found in the Massim region, one of the major stylistic areas......
Mathurā art
Mathurā art, style of Buddhist visual art that flourished in the trading and pilgrimage centre of Mathura, Uttar......
Matteo de’ Pasti
Matteo de’ Pasti was an artist who was one of the most accomplished medalists in Italy during the 15th century,......
mbulu-ngulu, tomb figure of carved wood covered with a sheet of copper or brass, created by the Kota tribe of Gabon,......
McWilliam, F.E.
F.E. McWilliam was an Irish sculptor who worked in wood, stone, and bronze to create Surrealist abstract and semiabstract......
Mears, Helen Farnsworth
Helen Farnsworth Mears was an American sculptor best remembered for her large-scale public commissions in bronze......
Medici Chapel
Medici Chapel, chapel housing monuments to members of the Medici family, in the New Sacristy of the Church of San......
Meit, Conrat
Conrat Meit was a Flemish sculptor and medalist known for the realistic portraits that he produced during the Northern......
Melchior, Johann Peter
Johann Peter Melchior was a modeller in porcelain, best known of the artists associated with the great German porcelain......
Mena, Pedro de
Pedro de Mena was a Spanish sculptor who created many statues and busts of polychromed wood for churches in Spain......
Mendieta, Ana
Ana Mendieta was a Cuban-born interdisciplinary artist who drew from feminism, ancient religions, sculpture, earth......
Meunier, Constantin
Constantin Meunier was a Belgian sculptor and painter, one of the principal social-realist artists of the late......
Meštrović, Ivan
Ivan Meštrović was a Croatian-born American sculptor known for his boldly cut figurative monuments and reliefs.......
Michelangelo was an Italian Renaissance sculptor, painter, architect, and poet who exerted an unparalleled influence......
Michelozzo was an architect and sculptor, notable in the development of Florentine Renaissance architecture. Michelozzo......
Milles, Carl
Carl Milles was a Swedish sculptor known for his expressive and rhythmical large-scale fountains. Milles studied......
Minimalism, chiefly American movement in the visual arts and music originating in New York City in the late 1960s......
Mino da Fiesole
Mino da Fiesole was an early Renaissance sculptor notable for his well-characterized busts, which are among the......
mintadi, steatite (soapstone) figure from Angola. According to Italian documents, mintadi figures were brought......
Miró, Joan
Joan Miró was a Catalan artist who combined abstract art with Surrealist fantasy. His mature style evolved from......
Mitchell, Lucy Myers Wright
Lucy Myers Wright Mitchell was an archaeologist who, though self-taught, became an internationally recognized authority......
moai figure
moai figure, small wooden statue of uncertain religious significance, carved on Easter Island. The figures, thought......
mobile, abstract sculpture that has moving parts, driven either by motors or the natural force of wind. The word......
modeling, in sculpture, working of plastic materials by hand to build up form. Clay and wax are the most common......
Modern Art, Gallery of
Gallery of Modern Art, in Florence, Italy, museum of Italian painting and sculpture of the 19th and 20th centuries......
Modigliani, Amedeo
Amedeo Modigliani was an Italian painter and sculptor whose portraits and nudes—characterized by asymmetrical compositions,......
Mone, Jean
Jean Mone was a French sculptor who gained fame for the work he produced in Flanders as court sculptor to Holy......
Montañés, Juan Martínez
Juan Martínez Montañés was a Spanish sculptor who was instrumental in the transition from Mannerism to the Baroque.......
Moore, Henry
Henry Moore was an English sculptor whose organically shaped, abstract, bronze and stone figures constitute the......
Morris, Robert
Robert Morris was an American artist whose Minimalist sculptures and personalized performance works contributed......
Murakami, Takashi
Takashi Murakami is a Japanese artist and entrepreneur widely recognized for his ability to adapt the aesthetics......
Myron was a Greek sculptor, an older contemporary of the sculptors Phidias and Polyclitus, considered by the ancients......
Nadelman, Elie
Elie Nadelman was a Polish-born sculptor whose mannered curvilinear human figures greatly influenced early 20th-century......
Nanni di Banco
Nanni di Banco was a Florentine sculptor whose works exemplify the stylistic transition from the Gothic to the......
Neoclassical art
Neoclassical art, a widespread and influential movement in painting and the other visual arts that began in the......
Nevelson, Louise
Louise Nevelson was an American sculptor known for her large monochromatic abstract sculptures and environments......
Ney, Elisabet
Elisabet Ney was a sculptor remembered for her statues and busts of European and Texas personages of the mid- to......
Niccolò dell’Arca
Niccolò dell’Arca was an early Renaissance sculptor famed for his intensely expressionistic use of realism combined......
Nicholson, Ben
Ben Nicholson was an English artist whose austere geometric paintings and reliefs were among the most influential......
Noguchi, Isamu
Isamu Noguchi was an American sculptor and designer, one of the strongest advocates of the expressive power of......
Nollekens, Joseph
Joseph Nollekens was a Neoclassical sculptor whose busts made him the most fashionable English portrait sculptor......
Northern Wei sculpture
Northern Wei sculpture, Chinese sculpture, dating from the Northern Wei dynasty (386–534/535 ce) of the Six Dynasties,......
Notke, Bernt
Bernt Notke was a sculptor, painter, and engraver who was one of the most important artists in eastern Germany......
Novembergruppe, group of artists from many media formed in Berlin in December 1918 by Max Pechstein and César Klein.......
Ofili, Chris
Chris Ofili is a British painter and sculptor known for his multilayered paintings that marry the sacred with the......
Oldenburg, Claes
Claes Oldenburg was a Swedish-born American Pop-art sculptor, best known for his giant soft sculptures of everyday......
Orcagna, Andrea
Andrea Orcagna was the most prominent Florentine painter, sculptor, and architect of the mid-14th century. The......
Ordóñez, Bartolomé
Bartolomé Ordóñez was a sculptor who was one of the originators of the Spanish school of Renaissance sculpture.......
Paeonius was a Greek sculptor, native of Mende in Thrace, and a contemporary of the sculptors Phidias and Polyclitus.......
Pajou, Augustin
Augustin Pajou was a French sculptor and decorator known mainly for his portrait busts of famous contemporaries,......
Pasiteles was a Greek sculptor notable for having written a book, in five volumes, about works of art throughout......
Permeke, Constant
Constant Permeke was a painter and sculptor, who was significant in the development of Expressionism in Belgium.......
Pevsner, Antoine
Antoine Pevsner was a Russian-born French sculptor and painter who—like his brother, Naum Gabo—advanced the Constructivist......
Phidias was an Athenian sculptor, the artistic director of the construction of the Parthenon, who created its most......
Picasso Museum
Picasso Museum, museum in Paris dedicated to showcasing the paintings, drawings, engravings, and sculptures of......
Picasso, Pablo
Pablo Picasso was a Spanish expatriate painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and stage designer. He was one......
Pigalle, Jean-Baptiste
Jean-Baptiste Pigalle was a French sculptor noted for his stylistically varied and original works. Born into a......
Pilon, Germain
Germain Pilon was a French sculptor whose work, principally monumental tombs, is a transitional link between the......
Pineau, Nicolas
Nicolas Pineau was a French wood-carver and interior designer, a leader in the development of interior decorating......
Pisano, Andrea
Andrea Pisano was one of the most important Italian sculptors of the 14th century whose chief works were executed......
Pisano, Giovanni
Giovanni Pisano was a sculptor, sometimes called the only true Gothic sculptor in Italy. He began his career under......
Pisano, Nicola
Nicola Pisano was a sculptor whose work, along with that of his son Giovanni and other artists employed in their......
Polyclitus was a Greek sculptor from the school of Árgos, known for his masterly bronze sculptures of young athletes;......
Powers, Hiram
Hiram Powers was an American sculptor who worked in the Neoclassical style during the mid-1800s. He is best remembered......
Praxiteles was the greatest of the Attic sculptors of the 4th century bce and one of the most original of Greek......
Puget, Pierre
Pierre Puget was a French Baroque sculptor, as well as a painter and architect, whose dramatic style at times chafed......
Puryear, Martin
Martin Puryear is an American sculptor whose streamlined and evocative sculptures made from materials such as wood......
Pythagoras was a noted Greek sculptor of Rhegium (present-day Reggio di Calabria, Italy), a contemporary of Myron......
Pérez Esquivel, Adolfo
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel is an Argentine sculptor and architect, who became a champion of human rights and nonviolent......
Quattrocento, the totality of cultural and artistic events and movements that occurred in Italy during the 15th......
Ream, Vinnie
Vinnie Ream was an American sculptor, who is best remembered for her sculpture of Abraham Lincoln in the rotunda......
relief, (from Italian relievare, “to raise”), in sculpture, any work in which the figures project from a supporting......
Remington, Frederic
Frederic Remington was an American painter, illustrator, and sculptor noted for his realistic portrayals of life......
Rhodes, Colossus of
Colossus of Rhodes, colossal statue of the sun god Helios that stood in the ancient Greek city of Rhodes and was......
Riccio, Andrea
Andrea Riccio was a Renaissance sculptor and goldsmith best known for his miniature sculptures in bronze. Riccio......
Richier, Germaine
Germaine Richier was a French avant-garde sculptor of provocative biomorphic figures. Richier studied art in Montpellier,......
Riemenschneider, Tilman
Tilman Riemenschneider was a master sculptor whose wood portrait carvings and statues made him one of the major......
Riopelle, Jean-Paul
Jean-Paul Riopelle was a Canadian painter and sculptor who was widely regarded as Canada’s most important modern......
Rococo, style in interior design, the decorative arts, painting, architecture, and sculpture that originated in......
Rodchenko, Aleksandr Mikhailovich
Aleksandr Mikhailovich Rodchenko was a Russian painter, sculptor, designer, and photographer who was a dedicated......
Rodin Museum
Rodin Museum, museum in Paris, France, showcasing the sculptures, drawings, and other works of the French artist......
Rodin, Auguste
Auguste Rodin was a French sculptor of sumptuous bronze and marble figures, considered by some critics to be the......
Roldán, Pedro
Pedro Roldán was a Spanish sculptor, painter, and architect, best remembered for his work on the main altarpiece......
Rossellino, Antonio
Antonio Rossellino was a notable and prolific Italian Renaissance sculptor who was the youngest brother of the......
Rossellino, Bernardo
Bernardo Rossellino was an influential early Italian Renaissance architect and sculptor, who established a new......
Rosso, Medardo
Medardo Rosso was a 19th-century Italian sculptor generally credited, along with Auguste Rodin, with introducing......
Roubiliac, Louis-François
Louis-François Roubiliac , together with John Michael Rysbrack, was one of the most important late Baroque sculptors......
Rude, François
François Rude was a French sculptor, best known for his social art (art that inspires and captures the interest......
Rush, William
William Rush was a sculptor and wood-carver who is considered the first significant American sculptor. Rush trained......
Ruthwell Cross
Ruthwell Cross, cross bearing an important runic inscription in the Old English (Anglo-Saxon) language, from Ruthwell......
Rysbrack, John Michael
John Michael Rysbrack was one of the principal sculptors and designers in England in the 18th century. Rysbrack......

Sculpture Encyclopedia Articles By Title