What is World Earth Day?
World Earth Day is a celebration that takes place every year on the 22nd of April. The first World Earth day began in 1970.
On this day, many people raise awareness of environmental issues and think about how their actions could be impacting the planet.
It is also an opportunity for people to think about how they can protect the environment.
Each year, a new theme for the day is announced. In 2024, the theme is ‘Planet vs Plastics'.
What is happening to the climate?
What is climate change?
Climate change
Changing environments - deforestation
Activity: World Earth Day Quiz
Test your knowledge of World Earth Day in the quiz below.
Caring for the environment
Protecting the environment
Learn how to protect the environment, do your bit with for the planet and find out about pollution.
Explore fossil fuels and renewable energy
Once fossil fuels are gone they cannot be replaced. Find out how people are using renewable energy.
What is sustainability?
Discover what it means to be sustainable and why that is important for the environment.
How can we care for the Earth?
Everyday, people make choices that can affect the Earth and environment.
Due to this, many people spend their time finding ways to take care of the world we live in and keep it safe for the future. This is called sustainability.
There are lots of ways which we can help to care for our Earth. Look at the slideshow below for some ideas.
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Planet vs plastics
Plastic is used in lots of different things.
It is very strong and light making it a good material for packaging as well as other products. However, when it is is not recycled or reused properly, we end up with more plastic waste.
Plastic waste can end up on land and in the sea, which can be harmful to wildlife. Some animals may become caught in packaging or mistakingly eat plastic, thinking its food.
Plastic in the oceans has also contributed to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This looks like an island in the middle of the ocean, which is made up of plastic and other non-biodegradable waste.
Plastics and the Ocean
The theme for World Earth Day 2024 is Planet vs Plastics. Find out the impact plastics have on our oceans and the rest of the planet. Discover alternatives to using plastics in day to day life.
What is the problem with plastic?
What is ocean polution?
What is the impact of plastics and pollution on our oceans?
Live Lesson: Blue Planet
Dive down into the wonderful world of Earths oceans.
Activity: Write a World Earth Day poem
Using what you've learnt, have a go at writing your own poem about World Earth Day.
- You could try to use rhyming words and alitteration.
- Your poem can be as long or as short as you like.
- Use your imagination and have fun!
To help you get started, below is an example of a poem all about plastic.
Activity: Create a World Earth Day poster
Posters are a great way to share information about different events.
Have a go at creating your own poster for World Earth Day.
To help you get started, you could include:
- Images of the Earth.
- Ways that people can look after the Earth.
- How people celebrate World Earth Day.
Environment Games
The Regenerators
Discover: The Regenerators
Be inspired to live a greener life with the Regenerators! By making small changes on our own, we can make a big difference together.
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Fun and educational primary games in science, maths, English, history, geography, art and design, computing and modern languages.
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