Zoe Baker

People Director, Nations

Roles and responsibilities

  • Zoë Baker is the People Director for the UK Nations with responsibility for creating and delivering high impact people and culture strategies for the Nations division, delivering the business objectives whilst ensuring a people-centric focus. A coach and partner to the senior leaders across the division, Zoë leads a team of people professionals across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
  • Her areas of expertise include organisational design and development, change management, culture change, talent management, reward and recognition, leadership development and conflict resolution.
  • The BBC Nations division is one of the largest divisions in the BBC and produces a range of content across TV, Radio and Online for audiences in the nations across the UK and globally. Zoë is a member of the Nations Board of Management and the BBC People Leadership Team.


Zoë started her People Director role in March 2020 and was previously Head of HR, BBC Wales from 2016. Her past roles include Head of HR for BBC Television leading HR activity across UK Factual, Entertainment, Drama and Comedy Commissioning and Production. Zoë has also been in HR roles within Technology and Global News Ltd at the BBC.

Zoë has over 15 years generalist HR experience across media and corporate professional services including The Ingenious Group, Lloyds TSB, Burberry and The Engine Group. Zoë is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD.

Annual remuneration (as at July 2022)

  • £150,000-£154,999

Expenses and central bookings

Expenses are costs incurred by BBC staff on behalf of the BBC and claimed through the BBC's expenses system.

Central bookings are costs incurred on behalf of the BBC and booked through the BBC's central bookings system. Both expenses and central bookings are published every three months.


Gifts and Hospitality Register

Gifts and hospitality may only be accepted in line with BBC policy. Information about gifts and hospitality is published every three months.


  • Zoe Baker had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q3 2023-24
  • Zoe Baker had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q2 2023-24
  • Zoe Baker had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q1 2023-24
  • Zoe Baker had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q4 2022-23
  • Zoe Baker had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q3 2022-23
  • Zoe Baker had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q2 2022-23
  • Zoe Baker had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q1 2022-23
  • Zoe Baker had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q4 2021-22
  • Zoe Baker had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q3 2021-22
  • Zoe Baker had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q2 2021-22
  • Zoe Baker had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q1 2021-22
  • Zoe Baker had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q4 2020-21
  • Zoe Baker had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q3 2020-21
  • Zoe Baker had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q2 2020-21
  • Zoe Baker had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q1 2020-21
  • Zoe Baker's had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q4 2019-20

Declaration of personal interests

Staff must make a declaration of their personal and business interests, including any memberships or directorships of public or industry bodies, and any shareholdings, as well as any interests that their immediate families may also have.

A summary is published where there is something to declare and where there is nothing to declare. Occasionally an individual will have something to declare but due to the personal nature of the declaration we do not publish details as to do so would breach the General Data Protection Regulation.

This information is published annually, although if any amendments are made during the year an updated summary will be published if necessary as soon as it is available.


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