Find out how the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) makes and communicates policy and engages with global policymaking.

The way we prudentially supervise firms is based on policies that ensure judgements about risks to our objectives are made within a clear and coherent framework.

How we make prudential policy

We aim to establish and maintain published policy material that is consistent with our objectives, clear in intent, straightforward in presentation and as concise as possible. Taken as a whole, the set of published policy material is intended to set out clearly and concisely what outcomes we expect, so that firms can meet these expectations through their actions.

The policy framework for our supervision is to a large extent agreed internationally, both at a global level and previously within the EU. Now the UK has left the EU and the Transition Period has come to an end all relevant EU and EU-derived legislation, including binding technical standards that apply directly to UK firms, have been retained as UK law by the EU (Withdrawal) Act 2018 and amended as appropriate. Our PRA Rulebook has also been updated to reflect the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and the end of the Transition Period.

Where we issue rules, we aim to do so in a manner that is clear about the intended outcome, straightforward to understand and as concise as possible. We set out these rules in the PRA Rulebook Opens in a new window Opens in a new window, which contains direct requirements for firms. Our policy framework also includes non-rule material, which is contained in supervisory statements. 

We expect firms to engage directly with policy materials, including rules in the PRA Rulebook, supervisory statements and EU materials, and determine - bearing in mind the overarching principle of safety and soundness - whether they are meeting the expectations set out in them.

Types of PRA policy publication

There are several different types of PRA policy publication:

Discussion paper (DP)

Discussion papers are used to stimulate debate on issues about which we are considering making rules or setting out expectations. We use the responses we receive to DPs to help formulate our policy. Once we establish a preferred position, we will draft rules and supervisory statements and the formal consultation process, by way of a consultation paper, will commence. 

Consultation paper (CP)

Consultation papers are the formal document by which we set out draft proposals and invite comments on them from the public. CPs normally deal with one discrete issue of significance. If there are a number of small and/or uncontroversial topics, they are normally dealt with in Occasional CPs instead. 

Policy statement (PS)

Policy statements set out our feedback on consultation responses, together with our policy line. Policy statements are published on the same page as the accompanying consultation paper.

Consultation papers and policy statements

Supervisory statement (SS)

Supervisory statements set flexible frameworks for firms, incorporating new and existing expectations. They focus on our expectations and are aimed at facilitating firm and supervisory judgement in determining whether they meet those expectations. They do not set absolute requirements – these are contained in rules. 

Supervisory statements

Statement of policy (SoP)

Statements of policy are the formal document in which we detail our policy on a particular matter. Statements of policy usually set out our approach to exercising powers conferred by the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. They do not contain our expectations, which are set out in supervisory statements.

Statements of policy

Engaging with international policy

Banking and insurance are international industries and, to a large extent, the policy framework for supervising banks and insurance companies is agreed internationally. Therefore effective international cooperation is essential to the PRA’s success. 

At the global level, we are actively involved in the work of the Financial Stability Board, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, and the International Association of Insurance supervisors. We use these forums to advance our safety and soundness and policyholder protection objectives. 

The UK is an international financial centre, so one of our key responsibilities is supervising overseas firms operating in the UK, as well as UK groups operating abroad. We engage actively with our overseas counterparts in supervising cross-border firms. To support this, we maintain co-operation agreements, including memoranda of understanding with overseas counterparts to enable confidential information sharing on cross-border firms. We participate in ‘supervisory colleges’ for firms with significant operations in the UK, and organise and chair the colleges for UK firms.  

PRA Rulebook

The PRA Rulebook sets out the rules we make that apply to the firms we authorise. Some PRA rules have changed to reflect the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union. Firms’ obligations should be interpreted in accordance with the PRA Transitional Direction and related guidance.

PRA Rulebook Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window

The Rulebook aims to be consistent with our objectives, clear in intent, straightforward in its presentation and as concise as possible. You can find out more in the Rulebook FAQs Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window.

If you would like to request authorisation to reuse PRA Rulebook content, contact: Firm Enquiries Team (MG1-SE), Prudential Regulation Authority, 20 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6DA. You can also phone +44 (0)20 3461 7000 or email [email protected].

Rule-making instruments

Section 138G of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window (FSMA) requires us to exercise our rule-making powers in writing, in a document FSMA calls a ‘rule-making instrument’, and to make all such instruments available. We publish these instruments online. This fulfils our obligation to publish our rules. The definitive version of the rules at any particular time is the version contained in the legal instruments. The instruments are consolidated into the rulebook online.

If you experience any issues accessing the rule-making instruments in the PRA Rulebook, these are available below by year.

Prudential and Resolution Policy Index

The Prudential and Resolution Policy Index provides links to currently applicable policies relating to:

  • the prudential regulation of financial services firms by the PRA and 
  • the UK resolution regime. 

This is intended to help firms identify which policies are relevant for their particular areas of business. It does this by grouping policies into sectors and topic area pages.

Prudential and Resolution Policy Index

This page was last updated 12 June 2024