Children supported at distance
322,558 €
Direct beneficiaries
Indirect beneficiaries
AVSI in Palestine
  • Jerusalem HQ Office
    Saint Francis Street 1, Saint Saviour Monastery
    P.O. Box 14024, Gerusalemme- 9100100
    Tel: +972 (0) 2 6209948/9
    [email protected]

AVSI is present in the country since 1993 with projects on education, the development of small businesses and small-scale craft industries in the West Bank.

Our commitment has been strengthened thanks to the collaboration with private and public local institutions, working in different sectors and geographical areas under the framework of our education mission

Quality education

Education is a key theme in Palestine, where the attendance rate in secondary schools doesn't reach more than 65%. The outbreak of the pandemic exacerbated the vulnerable situation of Palestinian children, especially for who doesn’t live in a positive family environment. That is why we promote access to quality education for children through programs of inclusion in public and private institutions in East Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Jericho, by

  • financially helping the most vulnerable children
  • implementing extracurricular activities
  • providing schools with technological devices

Social and educational inclusion

In Palestine, 22.5 per cent of boys and 30 per cent of girls aged 6-15 years with a disability have never enrolled in school. The vulnerability of people with disabilities (PwDs) is exacerbated by extreme poverty, high unemployment and political instability. AVSI supports their social, educational and job inclusion through a cross-cutting perspective.

The Distance Support program and "YALLA!" project foster the development of an inclusive educational approach in schools and vocational training courses that strengthen the autonomy of students with disabilities.

“YALLA! Strengthening the education of children and young people in the Bethlehem Governorate” Project (2021-2024) is funded by Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (CEI). Total Budget: 368,528.42€

Job inclusion and sustainable development

AVSI works to promote access to decent work for the most vulnerable population – people with disabilities, women and economically disadvantaged people, throug trainings centred on business management, individual coaching sessions to design business and feasibility plans propaedeutic to receive micro-loans to start up business activities.

"BEE Together! Lavoro equo, sostenibilità ed educazione inclusiva in Palestina" (2022-2023) project is funded by Emilia-Romagna Region. Budget 71,160.39€

Sustainable Urban Development

AVSI is committed to develop and improve the urban conditions of Aida refugee camp. Through the installation of hydroponic systems for horticultural self-production, we help to identify an immediate, easy and also economic solution to the problem of food security and the water crisis caused both by the land grabbing and by the desertification. With the local partners and the DISTAL department of the University of Bologna, constant training sessions are held with young people and women of the beneficiary families, also through peer-to-peer methods.

"Sinergy – Sostenibilità Economica ed Ambientale Inclusiva per Favorire l’Occupazione e la Resilienza delle Comunità Palestinesi" project (2021-2022) is funded by Emilia-Romagna Region. Budget: 108,559.00€.

AVSI in Palestine, follow the updates on our social medias