
Legal information

Simplified contractual terms and resources for customers, partners, and developers

Have a question? Please review the Frequently Asked Questions below.

Frequently Asked Questions

We created this FAQ to answer some of the most common questions customers ask about our Atlassian Customer Agreement.

These FAQs are for informational purposes only and do not create any contractual commitments. The responsibilities and liabilities of Atlassian towards its customers are governed by the relevant agreements between Atlassian and its customers, and these FAQs are not part of, nor do they modify, any agreement between Atlassian and its customers. 


How do I provide legal notices to Atlassian? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示

For how to pay Atlassian, please see here. Purchase orders are addressed in an FAQ below.

For Atlassian Support, please go here.  This includes technical support, as well as pricing, billing and licensing support (including if you wish to terminate your subscription or exercise your refund right).

For reporting copyright and trademark violations, please follow the process set out here.

For subpoenas and other law enforcement orders, please follow the process set out here.

For supplier queries, please go here.

For claims of breach of the Atlassian Customer Agreement by Atlassian, infringement of IP or termination for cause, please provide physical notice to:  Atlassian, 350 Bush St, Floor 13, San Francisco, CA 94104, Attention: General Counsel.

For other notices under the Atlassian Customer Agreement not discussed above, please use [email protected].

Atlassian 产品的价格是多少? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示


要了解月度或年度云费用信息,请查看我们的 Cloud 计算器

如果您目前就是 Data Center 客户且有兴趣迁移到 Cloud,我们打造的个性化计算器可按您拥有的 Data Center 产品为您提供并排费用视图。

你们提供哪些培训解决方案? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示

Atlassian 针对 Jira、Confluence 和开发工具提供讲师指导式培训课程。每门课程都是在我们的虚拟教室(通过 WebEx)私下或公开提供的。查看我们的培训页面以了解更多详情。

Atlassian 是否提供折扣? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示

我们的 Cloud 计划一开始免费供最多 10 位用户/3 位支持人员使用,并可随团队规模一起扩展。Standard 和 Premium Cloud 计划可以随时免费试用。

注册的非营利组织、学生和教师学术机构开源项目以及获得认证的 Atlassian 合作伙伴可享受优惠价格。请参阅下文以了解详细信息。

非营利组织可否享受优惠价格? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示

The Atlassian Customer Agreement will govern any apps that are published by Atlassian as a vendor in the Atlassian Marketplace (see here for a list of apps by Atlassian). However, the Atlassian Customer Agreement does not apply to any other apps, which would be considered third-party products under the Atlassian Customer Agreement and governed by the terms of the customer’s agreement with the applicable third-party provider.

Please see Marketplace Apps - Cloud Trust for more information regarding the third-party apps available on the Atlassian Marketplace.

Section references: Sections 1, 7.2, and 21

How does Atlassian determine who qualifies for nonprofit, academic, and classroom discounts? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示

Yes, the Atlassian Customer Agreement will govern a customer’s use of the Atlassian products even if they have purchased through a channel partner. The Atlassian Customer Agreement will not apply to any services provided by the partner.

Section reference: Section 10.1(b)

学术机构可否享受优惠价格? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示

Yes, the use of Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo is covered by the Atlassian Customer Agreement and the Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo terms included in the Product-Specific Terms. For more information on Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo, visit the Trust Center.

Section reference: Section 21

政府机构可否享受优惠价格? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示

Atlassian customers may subscribe at the form linked here to receive notifications from Atlassian about updates to Atlassian Sub-processors and the following legal terms and policies:

  • Atlassian Customer Agreement
  • Product-Specific Terms
  • Data Processing Addendum
  • Acceptable Use Policy
  • Privacy Policy
  • Security Measures
  • Advisory Services Policy
  • Guidelines for Reporting Copyright and Trademark Violations
  • Third-Party Code Policy
  • Service Level Agreement
  • Government Amendment (notice will only be sent to affected customers, as designated by our systems)

Section reference: Section 20.5(c)

开源项目可否享受优惠价格? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示

The Data Processing Addendum forms a part of the Atlassian Customer Agreement (and doesn’t need to be signed separately).

Section references: Sections 2.3 and 21

学生与老师可否享受优惠价格? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示

Atlassian provides support for the products purchased under the Atlassian Customer Agreement, as further described here.

Atlassian also provides advisory services so customers can get a better understanding of their Atlassian footprint and help them optimize their use of Atlassian products, though Atlassian does not provide hands-on-keyboard professional services. The advisory services offering is further described here and in our Advisory Services Policy.

Section references: Sections 8 and 21

经销商可否享受优惠价格? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示

The definition of users is purposely broad to include employees of affiliates, third-party contractors, partners, etc.

Section references: Sections 3 and 21

Atlassian 如何审查和授予优惠许可证? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示

Atlassian 与 Percent 合作验证非营利组织、学生和教师以及学术机构的资格,但会自行确定他们是否有资格获得优惠许可证。我们保留以下权利:随时出于任何原因,批准或拒绝个人或组织的优惠许可证申请,或者停用有效的优惠许可证;以及随时补充或修改我们的 Community、Academic、Classroom 和开源许可证资格准则。

我们预计,在正常情况下,您的 Community、Academic、Classroom 和开源许可证申请将在 1 个工作日内得到回复。

Atlassian 是否为从 Server 迁移到 Data Center 或 Cloud 提供激励或折扣? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示


  • Cloud 迁移试用 - 探索 Cloud 功能并延长运行测试性迁移的时间。与为期 7 天的 Cloud 试用不同,Cloud 迁移试用可在 Data Center 订阅期限内持续有效。如果您仍在使用 Server,不妨试试我们为维护期满的 Server 客户提供的为期 60 天的免费 Cloud 迁移试用。
  • 加速积分 - 为避免在迁移到 Cloud 时重复付款,对于符合条件的客户,我们提供根据未使用的 Data Center 订阅按比例计算的积分。
  • 双重许可 - 为支持 Data Center 客户向 Cloud 迁移的过渡期,我们会免费将符合条件的客户的订阅期延长 1 年,以便您能够同时运行 Data Center 和 Cloud 产品。

仍在使用 Server?要详细了解变更的完整时间线和贵组织的后续步骤,请访问我们的 Server 终止支持信息页面。

A purchase order number is required for me to pay my invoice. Where can I send my purchase order number? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示

Please send any required purchase order numbers to [email protected]. Please see How to Pay for more information regarding payment for your Atlassian products.

My customers are users of some of my Atlassian products. Where can I find information regarding these users of my Atlassian products? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示

This topic is covered in detail in our product-specific pages in our Documentation. Specifically, please see What are project roles in Jira Service Management? for more information regarding service desk customers in Jira Service Management and Share your instance externally with anonymous access for information on how to share content with people who don’t have licensed access to your Confluence instance. Other products may also permit for different user types, as detailed in the Documentation.

Where can I find more information regarding Atlassian instances and organizations? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示

The Atlassian Customer Agreement allows a customer to install up to one production instance of each Software Product included in an Order on systems owned or operated by customer or its users. This topic is also covered in the Product-Specific Terms for Atlassian Pty Ltd Products. Additionally, please see Learn about Atlassian Organizations for more information regarding Atlassian instances and organizations.

Section reference: Section 5.3

How does the combination of Jira Software and Jira Work Managment into Jira affect the Atlassian Service Level Agreement? Copy link to heading Copied! 显示

Jira Software and Jira Work Management are now “Jira.”

For Atlassian’s Service Level Agreement, the “Covered Experiences” for Jira Software, Jira Work Management and Jira are identical, meaning that customers with subscriptions to any of these products receive the same coverage under the updated version of the Service Level Agreement as they would have under the prior version.

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