Proposal and changes process


Proposal submission

Arizona State University centers and institutes are established by units. To establish a center or institute, a unit may develop a full proposal under the direction of their dean. The proposal should include a complete description of the purpose, justification, resource streams and expenditures for the proposed center or institute. The centers and institutes are expected to be self-sustaining in a very short period of time. The completed proposal form and signature page are to be emailed to [email protected]. Then, the proposal will undergo internal review, including the final review and approval by the university provost.

To assess the viability of the center or institute's activities and resources, the centers and institutes review officer will conduct a review every seven years.

Changes to an existing center or institute 
(administrative changes)

If it is necessary to make an administrative change to an existing center or institute, the process may be accomplished by documenting the proposed change and securing the required approvals. Please complete the application to make changes to an existing center or institute and email to [email protected].

Allowable administrative changes under this procedure are:

  • Rename an existing center or institute – may be used to reflect changes in the focus or community a unit serves, or, better identify a unit with the field in which they work.                                               
  • Reorganize an existing center or institute – may be used to identify or reflect changes in leadership, unit or vice presidential office, its placement within the university or to reconfigure disciplinary extensions for the center or institute. Units making changes to their operational organization should send an email the centers and institutes review officer, [email protected] to learn if those changes require documentation or approval.                                  
  • Disestablish an existing center or institute – must be used to initiate closure or disestablishment of an existing unit. This will serve to document the closure and initiate the “sunset” procedure for closing any research-related projects, if required. Note: deans, vice presidents and provosts may initiate disestablishment at any time in conjunction with the required review performed by the centers and institutes review officer.

Centers and institutes is part of the University Program Review and Accreditation Office.

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