This was one of the first critical studies of the warren Report made ( 1967 ) and remains , along with the Whitewash series by Harold Weisberg , the best . As another reviewer noted , Ms. Meagher had previously created the first index to the 26 volumes of supportive material , a herculean task which made all subsequent serious research possible . She then challenged the Report's conclusions by a concise , brilliant analysis of how those conclusions stand up in the light of its own published supportive material . The resulting critique is both devastating and irrefutable . There is not a whiff of paranoid , conspiratorial kookery , no loser ( who no sane person would have retained to run a lemonade stand ) emerging from the shadows submitting a bizarre confession of having been hired by Mafia/CIA/Castro/KGB/Martians so that now we have the full story . The first step in getting a full story is realizing that the Official Version ain't it . Well done Ms. Meagher !