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Einkunnir og röðun samgestgjafa í þjónustu samgestgjafa

Co-Host Network displays information about co-hosts, like guest ratings for listings they support, and uses a search algorithm to help hosts find the right co-host for their specific needs.

Guest ratings for co-hosts on the Co-Host Network

The network displays overall guest ratings and other information for co-hosts based on homes they’ve hosted or co-hosted. It will also display category-specific ratings, like the guest’s rating for ease of check-in.

These ratings may not be representative of specific services that a co-host provides, as they may not be specific to the co-host’s individual activities or responsibilities, and may reflect other considerations from a guest.

These ratings and reviews come from guest feedback on listings that the co-host supports, as a host, or co-host with full access or calendar and messaging access permissions. Airbnb does not moderate reviews before they are posted. However, reviews may be removed if they violate our Reviews Policy.

How co-hosts are ranked on the Co-Host Network

The network uses a search algorithm that takes into account a number of factors—including quality, engagement, and location—to help hosts find the co-hosts that offer services that are most relevant to them. A host’s listing information and history on Airbnb also are considered in ranking co-hosts in search results. Find out more about how Co-Host Network ranking works.

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