Better support for long-term conditions, less clinical time.

Improving patient engagement and clinical decision-making. Aide connects a simple browser-based tool for clinicians and a mobile app for patients.

There are 26 million people in the UK living with one or more long-term conditions. Unfortunately, this number increases every year. This rising human and economic cost represents a significant amount of healthcare utilisation.
Estimated cost of medical non-adherence in England from just five diseases.
Prescriber, Sep 2013
Of all health and care spend and hospital bed days due to long-term conditions.
One in three
Patients admitted to hospital as an emergency with 5 or more long-term conditions.
The Health Foundation, 2018

An introduction to Aide

24/7 personalised support, driven by natural language.

Aide has short, daily conversations to help people better manage their day-to-day health. Natural language helps navigate the complex and multifactorial nature of long-term conditions.

Patient recall ability.
Better consultations with real-world data.

Hear the patient’s voice clearly, every time. Aide helps clinicians and patients have more valuable consultations with actionable data and insights. Less guesswork, shared decision-making made easier.

Intelligent medicines optimisation through conversation.

Aide automates the process of creating medicine reminders to help improve adherence and uncovers medicines challenges and beliefs in real-time.

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Case study with
Aide saves a potential 332.3 hours of clinical time per 1,000 asthma patients.
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Capture structured monitoring with less clinical time.

Aide enables easy recording of condition measures including blood pressure, peak flow, weight, blood glucose and symptom severity remotely.

Short, bite-sized content to improve health literacy.

40–80% of medical information is forgotten immediately after a consultation. Aide provides quick-read and clinician-validated content on key topics that are delivered over time.

Uncover insights on your patient population.

Bridging the gap between patient and population. Aide helps clinicians see important patterns in their long-term condition cohorts.

Health plan
Day to day

It starts with a Health Plan.

Aide turns the patient record into a bespoke Health Plan for enrolled patients. Aide doesn’t diagnose or suggest changes to prescriptions.

Guided onboarding.

Step-by-step introduction to Aide while discovering baseline confidence levels, mental wellbeing and relationship with medicine.

Daily health management.

Depending on the Health Plan and patient’s progress, Aide has daily conversations to help with medicines, monitoring and education.

Support crucial moments.

Aide schedules important events to keep conditions well-managed. This could be weekly activity to recurring conversations of important lab-tests.

It starts with a Health Plan.

Aide turns the patient record into a bespoke Health Plan for enrolled patients. Aide doesn’t diagnose or suggest changes to prescriptions.

Guided onboarding.

Step-by-step introduction to Aide while discovering baseline confidence levels, mental wellbeing and relationship with medicine.

Daily health management.

Depending on the Health Plan and patient’s progress, Aide has daily conversations to help with medicines, monitoring and education.

Support crucial moments.

Aide schedules important events to keep conditions well-managed. This could be weekly activity to recurring conversations of important lab-tests.

Multiple apps. One platform for all long term conditions.

Comorbidity is one of the most pressing challenges facing health systems in the developed world. We are working to help accelerate the move from disease-specific care to whole-person care. No more single-condition services.

Average 75% medicines adherence in active users of Aide Health.

Find out how Aide is making a real difference in the NHS to support health and wellness in patients living with long-term conditions.

Implement with minimal clinical time

Flexible service implemented in days

Tailor conversations to local needs
Fast, secure cloud implementation
Virtual clinician training

Reduce healthcare inequality

Intuitive UI tested up to age 75
3-day guided patient onboarding
Low barrier (no hardware required)

24/7 always-on digital patient service

Reduce routine clinical work
Support Health at Home
Reduce unplanned resource use

Safe, secure patient data

Cyber Essentials Plus

Independently assessed and meets the highest standards of data and cybersecurity.
NHS Digital Toolkit logo

Data Security and Protection Toolkit

Aide Health is designed in accordance with NHS England data security standards.
Digital Technology Assessment Criteria (DTAC) logo

Digital Technology Assessment Criteria

A commitment to meeting rigorous safety and usability standards in digital health.
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) logo

EU GDPR Compliant

Promoting transparency and accountability in the handling of patient data.
DCB 0129 Clinical Risk Management logo

DCB 0129 Clinical Risk Management

Prioritising patient safety and the effectiveness of our technology.
Crown Commercial Service Supplier (G-Cloud Certified) logo

G-Cloud Certified Government Supplier

Providing high-quality and cost-effective solutions to the UK public sector.

Get started with Aide

Schedule a demo of Aide to see how to provide additional support to your long-term condition patients.
