Artificial Intelligence (AI)

American Hospital Association resources on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, their impact on the health care field, and AI and machine learning innovation in hospitals and health systems.

From AI Buzz to Bedside: Practical Implementation for Health Care   Don’t be Spooked by AI    Thursday, October 17, 2024 1 - 2 p.m. Eastern; noon - 1 p.m. Central; 10 - 11 a.m. Pacific    As AI dominates headlines, many health care organizations are asking: "…
Ohio-based University Hospitals is deploying Aidoc’s aiOS AI platform across 13 hospitals and dozens of outpatient facilities to quickly identify conditions like pulmonary embolism, coronary artery calcification, vertebral compression fracture and intracranial hemorrhaging.
How much of a difference can seven minutes really make? Overlake Medical Center and Clinics in Bellevue, Wash., has found out that those little increments really add up.
The introduction of artificial intelligence-driven technology into health care continues at a brisk pace, with sometimes uneven results.
AI Governance: How Should Hospitals Organize Themselves to Manage Risk and Opportunity? Generative AI Collaborative examples and dialogue with RUSH University
Two-thirds of consumers think generative AI could reduce extended wait times for physician appointments, notes a recent Deloitte report. Yet despite that optimism, consumer adoption of generative AI for health reasons has remained essentially flat over the past year, with only 37% of respondents…
Amid recent investigations and heightened scrutiny of AI, PAA emphasizes the importance of transparent and accountable AI systems in healthcare.
How should organizations harness AI’s transformative potential without creating unintended, adverse consequences? We offer steps to help establish guardrails, collaborations, and strategies for use.
Getting type 2 diabetes patients to go the last mile in changing behaviors has the potential to improve their blood glucose numbers significantly over time. Personalized artificial intelligence(AI)-powered health nudges could be part of the solution, according to a recent report from telehealth…
Health care executives continue to place a high priority on digital, artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics transformation, but 75% lack sufficient resources or planning in this area according to recent McKinsey & Company survey report.