The Great Australian Bight Management Advisory Committee (GABMAC) is the principle forum where issues relating to the Great Australian Bight Trawl Sector of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery are discussed, problems identified and possible solutions developed.
The committee is advised by the Great Australian Bight Resource Assessment Group on the status of fish stocks, sub stocks, species (target and non-target), the impact of fishing on the marine environment and the type of information needed for stock assessments.
It also provides an avenue for consultation between industry, managers, researchers, environment/conservation and state government officers. The committee continues to be AFMA’s main source of advice on the management of the sector.
- GABT Orange Roughy Research Plan 2016-2020 review
- Orange Roughy Rebuilding Strategy five year review
- Upper Slope Dogfish Management Strategy review.
Download the November 2021 GABMAC meeting minutes (PDF)
The next meeting date will be advised shortly.
- assessment of target species
- Integrated Scientific Monitoring Program
- seabird mitigation measures in trawl fisheries.
Past decisions and outcomes can be found on the Great Australian Bight Management Advisory Committee past meetings page.
Members are appointed for the period 1 July 2022 until 30 June 2025.
- Mr Barry Windle, Chair
- Dr Mark Grubert, AFMA member
- Dr Steven Rust, economic member
- Mr Lance Lloyd, research member
- Mr Neil MacDonald, industry member
- Mrs Marcia Valente, industry member
- Mr Jim Raptis, industry member
Ms Rebecca Jol
Executive Officer
Tel: 03 5155 6411
Email: [email protected]