Advertise in the AEA Journals

Advertising is accepted for these journals:

American Economic Review (AER)
American Economic Review: Insights

Journal of Economic Literature (JEL)
Journal of Economic Perspectives (JEP)
AEA Papers and Proceedings (P&P)

We do not offer advertising in the four American Economic Journals.

Information for Advertisers

  • There are no agency discounts.
  • Only publishers, institutions, and software vendors can place ads. Individuals cannot purchase an ad.
  • All advertising is subject to the approval of the editors and publisher.
  • Pricing is subject to change.
  • We do not send checking copies or free samples. You may purchase a single copy after publication for $15. Visit to learn more about our journals.

Download a PDF insertion form

Advertising Schedule

Copy not received by the indicated deadline will run in the next issue.

Journal Month Published Copy Deadline
AER January November 15
  February December 15
  March January 15
  April February 15
  May March 15
  June April 15
  July May 15
  August June 15
  September July 15
  October August 15
  November September 15
  December October 15
AEA P&P* May March 15
AER Insights March January 15
  June April 15
  September July 15
  December October 15
JEL March January 15
  June April 15
  September July 15
  December October 15
JEP February (Winter) December 15
  May (Spring) March 15
  August (Summer) June 15
  November (Fall) September 15

*For AEA P&P, ads are accepted only for covers three and four.



Ads will be accepted in both color and B&W unless noted otherwise.  Please supply PDFs in electronic format only; we do not accept original art work.
Resolution:  300dpi
Artwork size:

Journal Full-Page Size Half-Page Size
AEA P&P, AER, AER: Insights, and JEP 9 in. high x 5.5 in. wide 4.375 in. high x 5.5 in. wide
JEL 8.25 in. high x 5.5 in. wide 4 in. high x 5.5 in. wide


Advertising Rates

Half Page Color $1,425     Half Page Black & White $1,200
Full Page Color $2,250     Full Page Black & White $1,875
Cover Three* - Inside Back Cover         Black & White Only $2,000
Cover Four* - Outside Back Cover     Black & White Only $2,500

*For AER Only


  • Payment is due within 30 days of invoice date.
  • We reserve the right to require advance payment.
  • New advertisers must pay in advance; previous advertisers will be billed.

Mail or email your Advertising Insertion Order Form to: 

American Economic Association
2014 Broadway, Suite 305
Nashville, TN 37203
Telephone 615-322-2595

Email: [email protected]