
Yahoo DSP
Man browsing on the web in a shopping cart

Really, really know shoppers from search to sold

Our unmatched first-party data gives you a 360° view of shoppers to connect you to them across their buying journey. Plus, get the scale, efficiency and content built for brand safety to convert them from search to sold.

Why Yahoo commerce

Greater reach and targeting

Get an accurate, holistic view of shoppers built on first-party data from millions of interactions across content, search, mail, and more.

Data-driven targeting

Deliver shoppers content they care about with personalized, relevant and reliable targeting, backed by Yahoo unique users.

Say hello to efficiency

Go deep on campaign performance with smart measurement tools, audience insights and data-driven targeting.


Seven trends changing how we shop

Explore the new technologies reshaping how we shop, from 3D catalogs to AR try-ons.

Learn More

A 360 View of your Shoppers

They’re purchasing


Purchase data per month1

1 Yahoo internal data, 2024

They’re searching


Search queries per day1

1 Yahoo internal data, 2024

They’re taking action


Page views per month1

1 Yahoo internal data, 2024

Ready to Start?
Hey, So Are We.

Our sales team can help you truly connect to audiences with unified solutions scaled for growth.

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