Recent papers in Simulation
One of the principal themes the NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) is fostering in 2017 is "Military Decision Making using the tools of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI)". Simulation might play a significant role to... more
È veramente possibile comprendersi? Siamo in grado di coesistere con gli inviolabili spazi che ci separano? La psicologia cognitiva ha elaborato alcuni modelli che tentano di spiegare la comprensione dell’altro. Ma cosa accade se questo... more
This book investigates what has constituted notions of "archaeological heritage" from colonial times to the present. It includes case studies of sites in South and Southeast Asia with a special focus on Angkor, Cambodia. The... more
This paper describes the development of a methodology to import key products of the DoD Architecture Framework into an executable form to conduct a dynamic analysis of the Command and Control (C2) system or capability represented by the... more
The instructional scheduling arrangements of simulated and community-based instruction across an equivalent set of functional and vocational skills were examined. Five secondary age students with moderate intellectual disabilities... more
One of few limitations of remote laboratory technology is the fact that access and usability of such laboratories depend largely on the existence of favorable bandwidth conditions between the remote user and the system under test. This... more
L'apport des connaissances dans la science est soumis à l’expérience. Dans la vision de Pascal les anciens les ont trouvées seulement ébauchées, et nous les laisserons à ceux qui viendront après nous en un état plus accompli que nous ne... more
In this work, we simulated modified organoclay exfoliation and intercalation at an atomistic level, thus providing information about the rational choice of compatibilizers and polymer insertions behavior. Phase morphology and segregation... more
OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi obter a distribuição da dose absorvida no ar numa sala de mamografia durante a simulação de um exame mamográfico, visando a reavaliar a necessidade do uso de barreiras de proteção radiológica nessas... more
How can you make your first project, and every project, successful? Modeling can certainly be fun, but it can also be quite challenging. You want your first and every project to be successful so you can justify continued work.... more
Background: A number of tools for assessing task performance of the laparoscopic camera