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Coronavirus 'immunity' certificates could help the world reopen, but experts say they're 'extremely dangerous'

A police officer in a face mask and gloves pointing at a man

Several European countries, including Italy, have discussed a system where everyone who has recovered from COVID-19 gets a special certificate. (Reuters: Massimo Pinca)

If some governments have their way, people who have recovered from COVID-19 could soon carry certificates or even wear wristbands which allow them to move freely in the world.

Several countries, including the UK, Germany, Chile, and the US, have floated the idea of issuing special passports to those who are potentially immune to the disease.

More than 1 million people around the world have survived COVID-19, according to data collected by Johns Hopkins University.

Supporters of "immunity certificates" say these people should be marshalled back into the workforce to help kickstart the economy until a vaccine is developed.

But a plan for some of us to remain in lockdown while others are free of restrictions is controversial.

Public health experts warn such a system could be unreliable and dangerous and might even force desperate people to seek out the disease.

An 'immunity' passport, smartphone code or a wristband

The UK, which has one of the highest death tolls in the world, was among the first to discuss the idea of issuing certificates.

People wear masks as they walk near Britain's Houses of Parliament.

The UK's Health Secretary Matt Hancock says "immunity" wristbands or passports could be introduced once the antibody test is reliable. (AP: Kirsty Wigglesworth)

In April, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said "unlocking the puzzle of coronavirus" would require developing a blood test which identified who had recovered from the disease.

"When the science is good enough to understand the immunity that people have after having had the disease, then we are looking at introducing something like an immunity certificate or maybe a wristband," he told the BBC.

Italians, who have endured the world's longest lockdown, might face mandatory blood tests to set up a similar system.

And Anthony Fauci from the White House coronavirus task force told CNN on April 10 a certificate system was being discussed for Americans too.

NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci speaking at the White House.

Dr Anthony Fauci, who sits on the White House coronavirus task force, says a certificate system is not off the table for Americans. (Reuters: Jonathan Ernst)

"I think it might actually have some merit under certain circumstances," he said.

Chile is set to become the first country to issue certificates to COVID-19 survivors.

People who are 14 days' clear of symptoms will soon be given a "release certificate" in the form of a smartphone QR code so they can travel and return to work.

"Those given a medical discharge certificate will be freed from all types of quarantine or restriction … because they can help their communities enormously since they pose no risk," Chilean Health Minister Jaime Manalich said in a briefing.

After he was criticised by public health officials, Mr Manalich's deputy Paula Daza walked back his comments and said the certificate did not guarantee immunity.

"One of the things we know is that a person who has … lived through the disease is less likely to become ill again," Ms Daza said.

Immunity not guaranteed, health officials say

The biggest problem with the passport scheme is no-one knows for sure if recovering from COVID-19 means you are immune to it.

Initial research suggests at least some people who have had COVID-19 will be protected from another infection — even for just a short period.

But the World Health Organisation (WHO) says the science is far from certain.

"At this point in the pandemic, there is not enough evidence about the effectiveness of antibody-mediated immunity to guarantee the accuracy of an immunity passport," the WHO said on April 24.

There are also questions about the reliability of an antibody test, which is a way of seeing if a person's immune system has responded to an illness.

Countries, including the US and Germany, are rolling them out to try to gather information about how many people have recovered from COVID-19.

"We don't know if that antibody response actually means that they're immune. These studies are currently underway," Maria Van Kerkhove, an epidemiologist with the WHO, said.

Maria Van Kerkhove at a press conference in Switzerland

Dr Maria Van Kerkhove says it is not yet clear if antibody tests for COVID-19 are reliable. (Reuters: Denis Balibouse)

Dr Van Kerkhove fears the certificate system could give people a false sense of confidence.

"We're concerned that someone with the certificate may not adhere to public health measures that they need to continue to adhere to," she said.

Could certificates turn coronavirus into a ticket to freedom?

Some public health experts, lawyers and sociologists warn an "immunity certificate" scheme risks creating a divided society.

As those who had survived COVID-19 returned to the world, resentment could build among those stuck at home.

A man pops a wheelie in Times Square

Some experts fear certificates could give those who have recovered from COVID-19 more freedom and economic advantages. (Reuters: Carlo Allegri)

"People are seeing this as an economic panacea — a solution to move ahead," Rachel Ankeny, a professor of humanities from the University of Adelaide, told the ABC's PM program.

"But it could be extremely dangerous because it's going to privilege or empower certain groups."

It could even create an incentive for people to try to contract COVID-19, according to Alexandra Phelan, a global health expert at Georgetown University.

"Immunity passports would impose an artificial restriction on who can and cannot participate in social, civic, and economic activities and might create a perverse incentive for individuals to seek out infection," Dr Phelan wrote in The Lancet medical journal.

Before a smallpox vaccine was invented in the 19th century, healthy people would sometimes sniff powdered scabs from infected patients, or rub their pus on an open wound in their skin.

An oil painting of a young boy with long blonde hair

King George III's son Prince Octavius died in 1783 after he was inoculated with smallpox. (Wikimedia Commons: Thomas Gainsborough )

It was hoped it would provide lifelong immunity, though many people died — including the son of King George III in 1783.

Chickenpox parties, where infected children were encouraged to play with healthy children, were also popular in some communities until a vaccine became available in 1995.

"Like the 'chickenpox parties' of old, some workers will want to get infected [with COVID-19]," I. Glenn Cohen, a bioethics expert at Harvard Law School, told Bloomberg.

"That sounds crazy, but if having the antibodies becomes the cost of entering the job market and thus feeding your family, there may be workers who feel pressured into it."

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