Annual Grants

Annual Grants

Annual Grants


Funding projects that meet our mission

Each year the AAA-ICDR Foundation issues a Request for Proposals (RFP) focused on Foundation priorities for the upcoming grant cycle. It is an open call to organizations to submit an application that aligns with the Foundation’s mission and the RFP.
Annual Grant Cycle 2016 - 2024
$8.36M +
Since inception in 2015 the Foundation has funded $8,369,060 in grants during the Annual Grant Cycle.
The average grant amount during the 2024 Annual Grant Cycle.
In 2024 the Foundation funded 10 organizations advancing dispute resolution. 104 projects have been funded during the Annual Grant Cycle to date.

Application Process

The RFP is typically announced each June and closes in September. It is a two-step application process starting with an Initial Description of Grant Request. After review, a limited number of organizations are invited to submit a proposal for consideration. It is a competitive review process each year. The Foundation is currently accepting applications between $50,000 and $250,000 for initiatives focused on utilizing ADR to address the Foundation’s priority areas. The deadline for interested organizations to submit a preliminary application is September 9, 2024. 

Application Process

The RFP is typically announced each June and closes in September. It is a two-step application process starting with an Initial Description of Grant Request. After review, a limited number of organizations are invited to submit a proposal for consideration. It is a competitive review process each year. The Foundation is currently accepting applications between $50,000 and $250,000 for initiatives focused on utilizing ADR to address the Foundation’s priority areas. The deadline for interested organizations to submit a preliminary application is September 9, 2024. 


Online Site Access and Account Creation
Online Applying for Funding
Online Applicant Dashboard
FAQs for Annual Grant Applicants and Grantees

Each year the AAA-ICDR Foundation issues a Request for Proposals (RFP) focused on Foundation priorities for the upcoming grant cycle. It is an open call to invite organizations to submit an application that aligns with the Foundation’s mission and focus of RFP. The RFP is typically announced each June. It is a two-step application process starting with an Initial Description of Grant Request. After review, a limited number of organizations will be invited to submit a proposal for consideration. It is a competitive review process each year.

Please review the Foundation’s RFP focus area(s) and ensure that you are applying during a time when the Foundation is accepting grant applications. You can find this information by visiting the Grants section of our website If it is within the current application period, and your project fits within the RFP focus area, then you may submit an Initial Description of Grant Request through the Foundation’s online grants website. If you have further questions, you may contact the Foundation by emailing [email protected].

The AAA-ICDR Foundation supports the prevention and resolution of conflicts by expanding access to alternative dispute resolution. The following are the three priorities that guide the Foundation’s grant making:
Bridge Community Conflict with a focus on civil discourse seeking to improve societal divisions.
Prevent and Reduce Violence with a focus on vulnerable and underserved communities and police/social service partnerships.
Support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with a focus on access to justice.
Detailed information may be found at

The Foundation takes varied approaches to our work, but there are a number of areas that we do not support. We do not make grants for personal needs or business assistance. We also do not fund political groups or lobbying. We do not fund work that is inconsistent with the Foundation’s mission.

Please check on our website for announcements regarding grant cycles.

Please visit our website to see a list of past grants. Specific guidance on grant amounts may also be included in the annual RFP.

You may register and submit an Initial Description of Grant Request through the Foundation’s online grants website. If invited to submit a proposal, organizations will continue to use the online system to submit a proposal.

We support equal opportunity in our grant making.

The Foundation will determine whether it wants to move forward in the review process based upon the initial description you submitted. If you are selected to move forward, a representative of the Foundation will be in touch with you and may ask for additional information and/or request you complete a more in depth Grant Application. Accepted proposals are reviewed by the Foundation’s Grants Committee. If your project aligns with the Foundation’s priorities and the RFP, the Grants Committee will present the grant request to the Foundation Board.

At any stage, the Foundation may need additional information and you may need to discuss or meet with a Foundation representative by phone or in person to discuss the scope and budget of your proposed project. If accepted by the Foundation Board, you will be notified by the Foundation.

The activities we support through grants and program-related investments must support the use and improvement of dispute resolution processes, and comply with the appropriate provisions of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and Treasury Regulations.

The AAA-ICDR Foundation will support indirect grant expenses up to ten percent. This rate is expected across grants. Applicants with higher percentages will need to present additional rationale for review and consideration.

• There is a Grant Agreement which establishes a range of grant conditions and every grantee is required to sign it.

• A representative of the Foundation may visit the grantee during the term of the grant.

• During the grant term, grantees are required to submit financial and narrative reports that are reviewed by the Foundation for compliance with the terms of the Grant.

Depending on the size of the grant and as may be agreed upon in the Grant Agreement, grantees may be required to describe and evaluate the activities undertaken and account for the use of grant funds during the reporting period.

Additional information
As indicated in the Grant Agreement, upon the Foundation’s request narrative and financial reports must be submitted. Grantees also shall provide the Foundation, upon request, with all information relating to such things as the results, findings or methods, and/or publications developed under the grant. The Foundation may withhold any future payments of the grant if it has not received all reports required to be submitted by Grantee. Any reports may be disseminated by the Foundation without the prior written consent of the Grantee unless otherwise agreed in the AAA-ICDR Foundation Grant Agreement.
Explore the full list of Annual Cycle Grantees.