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Hic incipit Jus communitatis frisie

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Hic incipit Jus communitatis frisie

Hweth is riucht.


list ende kenst riuchtis ande godis Haeth qeth dat, riochtes ende godes Riuchtes thet queth Rethelike thinga ande riuchtelika thinga alsa bi thiut hit thi paws. Hwet queth thet wird godis Nethelikera thinga and erlikera thinga sprecht thi kaiser Hv monich riucht ister. Twa. En godelic ende en manslic. Thet erste is thi on bern. Thet other scoltu lernia. Thet en hath naturalis. Thet other ciuilis

Hweth is godelic riucht.


On werp godis gastis ther thet gode bi biuth and thet erge let by mannes witte Godes riucht is thio ewe ther thes monnis sin lert hine self to bi riuchtane and thet vn riucht to vn fruchtane, tha vnscheldega to helpana and tha mis sidan to for driwane. Alsama seit Jus est iuste viuere, neminem ledere, vnicuique suum dimittere

Hwet is manslic riucht.


keninges setma. and liuda plega. nethelic ende erlic Keninges setma hatma scriuen riucht sa hat ma ac ewa. wither tha ewa. ne mei nen wilkere stonde.

Erlic plega.fon longere vnicheid. is alsa goud. sa scriuen riucht. jef se nout ne tziwiath.

Hwer vmbe is thet riuchte seth.


thet thi fatuus thet is thi dumba ther breke. thet hi werthe in there pina. and [binde tha] lust there sende. and bi schirme tha vnschilde. and scheppe tha wreke.

Hwet is there ewa riucht.


Erlike thinga reda. Trastelic thinga biada. vr biada vn tiucht. Henzia methlika thinga. and ac bi hwilum vn mothelika thinga. thruch fruchta thes wirre. Hwether sa thet riucht is naturalis. sa civilis. and hweder mith scrifte. Jefta mith ewa schemat schetha. sa hatma thet arre setma. ande thet other vnicheid

Hwet is vnicheid


en godlic plega therma to riuchte halt. Alsama thene sethma brec alsa en nie seke vp hlap. ther nout fon escriven is. sa motma thene pliga to riuchte halda. ffon thissa plega hebbat er keningan mislike delit

Thi ersta sprech aldus: thet riucht scol alle tyd thene plega vpnima.
Thi other sprec aldus: plega fon nethlikere vneched is en cristenlike masterschip.
Thi thredda sprec aldus: thet riucht, ther rethelike is, thet werth thene pliga, hwant thet riucht, ther en nomelic vnriucht forbiut iefta pinegat, thet scel nanne side wiaka.
Thi fiarda sprec aldus: mislike is side; rethlic side is cristenlic masterschip, vnriucht side wiucht tha riuchte.
Thi fifta sprec aldus: thruch londis tberwa and red wiucht vnder hwilem thet riucht tha side.
Thi sexta sprec: thet riucht is alle riucht, thi side is creftelic, ther era lert an vnera tosteret. Thet is godelic riucht, ther tha senda vrdiligat mith helga bodum. Thet is wralsche riucht, ther tha elingan hebbat set mitha elmetha to haldane thruch thes londis red.
Thi sogenda sprec: thet riucht is alle riucht, ther mith mena bode wisa liuda is eset to thwonge ther sendena, ther bi willa iefta bi dumhede vphlapat; thet riucht vrwint alle sidan and alle keran. Thet riucht is alle riucht, ther witha werde nout ne fiucht and nethlic is an rethlic an erlic. Thet is falsche riucht, ther there werde mith thiugum vnfiucht; thet blindat siande aghene.