Vanadium redox battery

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Vanadium redox battery
Specific energy 10–20  Wh/kg (36–72 J/g)
Energy density 15–25 Wh/L (54–65 kJ/L)
Energy efficiency75–90% [1] [2]
Time durability20–30 years
Cycle durability>12,000–14,000  cycles [3]
Nominal cell voltage1.15–1.55  V
Schematic design of a vanadium redox flow battery system Redox Flow Battery.jpg
Schematic design of a vanadium redox flow battery system
1 MW 4 MWh containerized vanadium flow battery owned by Avista Utilities and manufactured by UniEnergy Technologies 1 MW 4 MWh Turner Energy Storage Project in Pullman, WA.jpg
1 MW 4 MWh containerized vanadium flow battery owned by Avista Utilities and manufactured by UniEnergy Technologies
A vanadium redox flow battery located at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Vanadium Redox flow battery.jpg
A vanadium redox flow battery located at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

The vanadium redox battery (VRB), also known as the vanadium flow battery (VFB) or vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB), is a type of rechargeable flow battery. It employs vanadium ions as charge carriers. [5] The battery uses vanadium's ability to exist in a solution in four different oxidation states to make a battery with a single electroactive element instead of two. [6] For several reasons, including their relative bulkiness, vanadium batteries are typically used for grid energy storage, i.e., attached to power plants/electrical grids. [7]


Numerous companies and organizations are involved in funding and developing vanadium redox batteries.


Pissoort mentioned the possibility of VRFBs in the 1930s. [8] NASA researchers and Pellegri and Spaziante followed suit in the 1970s, [9] but neither was successful. Maria Skyllas-Kazacos presented the first successful demonstration of an All-Vanadium Redox Flow Battery employing dissolved vanadium in a solution of sulfuric acid in the 1980s. [10] [11] [12] Her design used sulfuric acid electrolytes, and was patented by the University of New South Wales in Australia in 1986. [2]

One of the important breakthroughs achieved by Skyllas-Kazacos and coworkers was the development of a number of processes to produce vanadium electrolytes of over 1.5 M concentration using the lower cost, but insoluble vanadium pentoxide as starting material. These processes involved chemical and electrochemical dissolution and were patented by the University of NSW in 1989. During the 1990s the UNSW group conducted extensive research on membrane selection, [13] [14] graphite felt activation, [15] [16] conducting plastic bipolar electrode fabrication, [17] electrolyte characterisation and optimisation as well as modelling and simulation. Several 1-5 kW VFB prototype batteries were assembled and field tested in a Solar House in Thailand and in an electric golf cart at UNSW. [18]

The UNSW All-Vanadium Redox Flow Battery patents and technology were licensed to Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation and Kashima-Kita Electric Power Corporation in the mid-1990s and subsequently acquired by Sumitomo Electric Industries where extensive field testing was conducted in a wide range of applications in the late 1990s and early 2000s. [19]

In order to extend the operating temperature range of the battery and prevent precipitation of vanadium in the electrolyte at temperatures above 40oC in the case of V(V), or below 10oC in case of the negative half-cell solution, Skyllas-Kazacos and coworkers tested hundreds of organic and inorganic additives as potential precipitation inhibitors. They discovered that inorganic phosphate and ammonium compounds were effective in inhibiting precipitation of 2 M vanadium solutions in both the negative and positive half-cell at temperatures of 5 and 45 °C respectively and ammonium phosphate was selected as the most effective stabilising agent. Ammonium and phosphate additives were used to prepare and test a 3 M vanadium electrolyte in a flow cell with excellent results. [19]

Number of patent families and non-patent publications about several types of flow battery chemistries by year. Patent families and journal articles about minor flow battery chemistries by year.png
Number of patent families and non-patent publications about several types of flow battery chemistries by year.

Advantages and disadvantages


VRFBs' main advantages over other types of battery: [21]


VRFBs' main disadvantages compared to other types of battery: [21]


Schematic of vanadium redox flow battery. Redox bat 2.png
Schematic of vanadium redox flow battery.
Solutions of Vanadium sulfates in four different oxidation states of vanadium. VanadiumColors.png
Solutions of Vanadium sulfates in four different oxidation states of vanadium.
Different types of graphite flow fields are used in vanadium flow batteries. From left to right: rectangular channels, rectangular channels with flow distributor, interdigitated flow field, and serpentine flow field. Graphite flow fields for vanadium flow battery.png
Different types of graphite flow fields are used in vanadium flow batteries. From left to right: rectangular channels, rectangular channels with flow distributor, interdigitated flow field, and serpentine flow field.


The electrodes in a VRB cell are carbon based. Several types of carbon electrode used in VRB cell has been report such as carbon felt, carbon paper, carbon cloth, and graphite felt. [25] [26] [27] Carbon-based materials have the advantages of low cost, low resistivity and good stability. Among them, carbon felt and graphite felt are preferred because of their enhanced three-dimensional network structures and higher specific surface areas, as well as good conductivity and chemical and electrochemical stability. [28] [29] The pristine carbon-based electrode exhibits hydrophobicity and limited catalytic activity when interacting with vanadium species. To enhance its catalytic performance and wettability, several approaches have been employed, including thermal treatment, acid treatment, electrochemical modification, and the incorporation of catalysts. [30] [31] Carbon felt is typically produced by pyrolyzing polyacrylonitrile (PAN) or rayon fibers at approximately 1500°C and 1400°C, respectively. Graphite felt, on the other hand, undergoes pyrolysis at a higher temperature of about 2400°C. To thermally activate the felt electrodes, the material is heated to 400°C in an air or oxygen-containing atmosphere. This process significantly increases the surface area of the felt, enhancing it by a factor of 10. [32] The activity towards vanadium species are attribute to the increase in oxygen functional groups such as carbonyl group (C=O) and carboxyl group (C-O) after thermal treatment in air. [33] There is currently no consensus regarding the specific functional groups and reaction mechanisms that dictate the interaction of vanadium species on the surface of the electrode. It has been proposed that the V(II)/V(III) reaction follows an inner-sphere mechanism, while the V(IV)/V(V) reaction tends to proceed through an outer-sphere mechanism. [31]


Both electrolytes are vanadium-based. The electrolyte in the positive half-cells contains VO2+ and VO2+ ions, while the electrolyte in the negative half-cells consists of V3+ and V2+ ions. The electrolytes can be prepared by several processes, including electrolytically dissolving vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) in sulfuric acid (H2SO4). [34] The solution is strongly acidic in use.


The most common membrane material is perfluorinated sulfonic acid (PFSA or Nafion). However, vanadium ions can penetrate a PFSA membrane, a phenomenon known as crossing-over, reducing the energy capacity of the battery. [35] [36] A 2021 study found that penetration is reduced with hybrid sheets made by growing tungsten trioxide nanoparticles on the surface of single-layered graphene oxide sheets. These hybrid sheets are then embedded into a sandwich structured PFSA membrane reinforced with polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon). The nanoparticles also promote proton transport, offering high coulombic efficiency and energy efficiency of more than 98.1 percent and 88.9 percent, respectively. [37]

Flow Field

The resistive losses identified by the polarisation curve can be attributed to three main areas: activation loss, ohmic loss, and mass transport loss. Activation loss arises from slow charge transfer kinetics between the surface of the electrode and electrolyte. Ohmic losses are from the ohmic resistance of the electrolyte, electrode, membrane, and current collector. Ohmic losses can be reduced by improved cell design, such as zero-gap cell design and reduced membrane thickness. [38] Mass transport losses are from the lack of active vanadium species being transported to the electrode surface. The flow field design that promotes convective mass transport is crucial to reducing mass transport losses. [39] [40] Serpentine and interdigitated flow field designs were produced by machining a bipolar plate adjacent to the porous electrode. The felt electrode can also be cut to create an electrolyte flow channel. [41] [42] Both serpentine and interdigitated flow fields have been shown to enhance mass transport, which reduces mass transport polarisation and therefore increases limiting current density and peak power density. Flow dispensers are sometimes placed in the cell to distribute the flow and reduce jets. The flow field must also be designed to provide uniform electrolyte distribution to prevent dead zones in the cell and reduce pressure drop across the cell stack. [42] [43]


Cyclic voltammogram of vanadium (IV) solution in sulfuric acid solution Cyclic voltammetry of V(IV) solution.png
Cyclic voltammogram of vanadium (IV) solution in sulfuric acid solution

The reaction uses the half-reactions: [44]

VO+2 + 2H+ + eVO2+ + H2O ( = +1.00 V) [45]
V3+ + e → V2+ ( = 0.26 V) [46]

Other useful properties of vanadium flow batteries are their fast response to changing loads and their overload capacities. They can achieve a response time of under half a millisecond for a 100% load change, and allow overloads of as much as 400% for 10 seconds. Response time is limited mostly by the electrical equipment. Unless specifically designed for colder or warmer climates, most sulfuric acid-based vanadium batteries work between about 10 and 40 °C. Below that temperature range, the ion-infused sulfuric acid crystallizes. [47] Round trip efficiency in practical applications is around 70–80%. [48]

Proposed improvements

The original VRFB design by Skyllas-Kazacos employed sulfate (added as vanadium sulfate(s) and sulfuric acid) as the only anion in VRFB solutions, which limited the maximum vanadium concentration to 1.7 M of vanadium ions. [49] In the 1990s, Skyllas-Kazacos discovered the use of ammonium phosphate and other inorganic compounds as precipitation inhibitors to stabilise 2 M vanadium solutions over a temperature range of 5 to 45 oC and a Stabilising Agent patent was filed by UNSW in 1993. This discovery was largely overlooked however and in around 2010 a team from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory proposed a mixed sulfate-chloride electrolyte, that allowed for the use in VRFBs solutions with the vanadium concentration of 2.5 M over a whole temperature range between −20 and +50 °C. [50] [51] Based on the standard equilibrium potential of the V5+/V4+ couple it is expected to oxidize chloride, and for this reason chloride solutions were avoided in earlier VRFB studies. The surprising oxidative stability (albeit only at the state of charge below ca. 80%) of V5+ solutions in the presence of chloride was explained on the basis of activity coefficients. [52] Many researchers explain the increased stability of V(V) at elevated temperatures by the higher proton concentration in the mixed acid electrolyte that shifts the thermal precipitation equilibrium of V(V) away from V2O5. Nevertheless, because of a high vapor pressure of HCl solutions and the possibility of chlorine generation during charging, such mixed electrolytes have not been widely adopted. [53]

Another variation is the use of vanadium bromide salts. Since the redox potential of Br2/2Br- couple is more negative than that of V5+/V4+, the positive electrode operates via the bromine process. [54] However, due to problems with volatility and corrosivity of Br2, they did not gain much popularity (see zinc-bromine battery for a similar problem). A vanadium/cerium flow battery has also been proposed . [55]

Specific energy and energy density

VRBs achieve a specific energy of about 20 Wh/kg (72 kJ/kg) of electrolyte. Precipitation inhibitors can increase the density to about 35 Wh/kg (126 kJ/kg), with higher densities possible by controlling the electrolyte temperature. The specific energy is low compared to other rechargeable battery types (e.g., lead–acid, 30–40 Wh/kg (108–144 kJ/kg); and lithium ion, 80–200 Wh/kg (288–720 kJ/kg)).[ citation needed ]


VRFBs' large potential capacity may be best-suited to buffer the irregular output of utility-scale wind and solar systems. [21]

Their reduced self-discharge makes them potentially appropriate in applications that require long-term energy storage with little maintenance—as in military equipment, such as the sensor components of the GATOR mine system. [56] [21]

They feature rapid response times well suited to uninterruptible power supply (UPS) applications, where they can replace lead–acid batteries or diesel generators. Fast response time is also beneficial for frequency regulation. These capabilities make VRFBs an effective "all-in-one" solution for microgrids, frequency regulation and load shifting. [21]

Largest vanadium grid batteries

Largest operational vanadium redox batteries
Name Commissioning date Energy (MWh) Power (MW)Duration (hours)Country
Minami Hayakita Substation [57] [58] December 201560154Japan
Pfinztal, Baden-Württemberg [59] [60] [61] September 201920210 Germany
Woniushi, Liaoning [62] [63] 1052China
Tomamae Wind Farm [64] 2005641:30Japan
Zhangbei Project [65] 2016824China
SnoPUD MESA 2 Project [66] [67] March 2017824USA
San Miguel Substation [68] 2017824USA
Pullman Washington [69] April 2015414USA
Dalian Battery [70] October 2022400 (800)100 (200)4China

Companies funding or developing vanadium redox batteries

Companies funding or developing vanadium redox batteries include Sumitomo Electric Industries, [71] CellCube (Enerox), [72] UniEnergy Technologies, [73] StorEn Technologies [74] [75] in Australia, Largo Energy [76] and Ashlawn Energy [77] in the United States; H2 in Gyeryong-si, South Korea; [78] Renewable Energy Dynamics Technology, [79] Invinity Energy Systems [80] in the United Kingdom, VoltStorage [81] and Schmalz [82] [83] in Europe; Prudent Energy [84] in China; Australian Vanadium, CellCube and North Harbour Clean Energy [85] [86] in Australia; Yadlamalka Energy Trust and Invinity Energy Systems [87] [88] in Australia; EverFlow Energy JV SABIC SCHMID Group in Saudi Arabia [89] and Bushveld Minerals in South Africa. [90]

See also


  1. Skyllas-Kazacos, Maria; Kasherman, D.; Hong, D.R.; Kazacos, M. (September 1991). "Characteristics and performance of 1 kW UNSW vanadium redox battery". Journal of Power Sources. 35 (4): 399–404. Bibcode:1991JPS....35..399S. doi:10.1016/0378-7753(91)80058-6.
  2. 1 2 M. Skyllas-Kazacos, M. Rychcik and R. Robins, in AU Patent 575247 (1986), to Unisearch Ltd.
  3. Electricity Storage and Renewables: Costs and Markets to 2030 . IRENA (2017), Electricity Storage and Renewables: Costs and Markets to 2030, International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.
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  5. Laurence Knight (14 June 2014). "Vanadium: The metal that may soon be powering your neighbourhood". BBC. Retrieved 2 March 2015.
  6. Alotto, P.; Guarnieri, M.; Moro, F. (2014). "Redox Flow Batteries for the storage of renewable energy: a review". Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 29: 325–335. Bibcode:2014RSERv..29..325A. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2013.08.001. hdl:11577/2682306.
  7. James Purtill (2 February 2023). "Vanadium redox flow batteries can provide cheap, large-scale grid energy storage. Here's how they work". Australian Broadcasting Corporation . Retrieved 25 June 2023.
  8. P. A. Pissoort, in FR Patent 754065 (1933)
  9. A. Pelligri and P. M. Spaziante, in GB Patent 2030349 (1978), to Oronzio de Nori Impianti Elettrochimici S.p.A.
  10. Rychik, M.; Skyllas-Kazacos, M. (January 1988). "Characteristics of a new all-vanadium redox flow battery". Journal of Power Sources. 22 (1): 59–67. Bibcode:1988JPS....22...59R. doi:10.1016/0378-7753(88)80005-3.
  11. "Discovery and invention: How the vanadium flow battery story began". Energy Storage News. 18 October 2021. Archived from the original on 18 October 2021.
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  13. Chieng, S.C.; Kazacos, M.; Skyllas-Kazacos, M. (1992). "Preparation and evaluation of composite membrane for vanadium redox battery applications". Journal of Power Sources. 39 (1): 11–19. Bibcode:1992JPS....39...11C. doi:10.1016/0378-7753(92)85002-R.
  14. Chieng, S.C.; Kazacos, M.; Skyllas-Kazacos, M. (16 December 1992). "Modification of Daramic, microporous separator, for redox flow battery applications". Journal of Membrane Science. 75 (1–2): 81–91. doi:10.1016/0376-7388(92)80008-8.
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  17. Zhong, S.; Kazacos, M.; Burford, R.P.; Skyllas-Kazacos, M. (October 1991). "Fabrication and activation studies of conducting plastic composite electrodes for redox cells". Journal of Power Sources. 36 (1): 29–43. Bibcode:1991JPS....36...29Z. doi:10.1016/0378-7753(91)80042-V.
  18. Tang, Ao; McCann, John; Bao, Jie; Skyllas-Kazacos, Maria (November 2013). "Investigation of the effect of shunt current on battery efficiency and stack temperature in vanadium redox flow battery". Journal of Power Sources. 242: 349–356. Bibcode:2013JPS...242..349T. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.05.079.
  19. 1 2 Skyllas-Kazacos, Maria (1 July 2022). "Review—Highlights of UNSW All-Vanadium Redox Battery Development: 1983 to Present". Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 169 (7): 070513. Bibcode:2022JElS..169g0513S. doi:10.1149/1945-7111/ac7bab. S2CID   250007049.
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  21. 1 2 3 4 5 Ragsdale, Rose (May 2020). "Vanadium fuels growing demand for VRFBs". Metal Tech News. Retrieved 15 November 2021.
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  23. Miller, Kelsey. UniEnergy Technologies Goes from Molecules to Megawatts Archived 31 January 2016 at the Wayback Machine , Clean Tech Alliance, 7 July 2014. Accessed 21 January 2016.
  24. Spagnuolo, G.; Petrone, G.; Mattavelli, P.; Guarnieri, M. (2016). "Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries: Potentials and Challenges of an Emerging Storage Technology". IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine. 10 (4): 20–31. doi:10.1109/MIE.2016.2611760. hdl: 11577/3217695 . S2CID   28206437.
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  26. Lourenssen, Kyle; Williams, James; Ahmadpour, Faraz; Clemmer, Ryan; Tasnim, Syeda (October 2019). "Vanadium redox flow batteries: A comprehensive review". Journal of Energy Storage. 25: 100844. Bibcode:2019JEnSt..2500844L. doi:10.1016/j.est.2019.100844.
  27. He, Zhangxing; Lv, Yanrong; Zhang, Tianao; Zhu, Ye; Dai, Lei; Yao, Shuo; Zhu, Wenjie; Wang, Ling (January 2022). "Electrode materials for vanadium redox flow batteries: Intrinsic treatment and introducing catalyst". Chemical Engineering Journal. 427: 131680. Bibcode:2022ChEnJ.42731680H. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2021.131680.
  28. Chakrabarti, M.H.; Brandon, N.P.; Hajimolana, S.A.; Tariq, F.; Yufit, V.; Hashim, M.A.; Hussain, M.A.; Low, C.T.J.; Aravind, P.V. (May 2014). "Application of carbon materials in redox flow batteries". Journal of Power Sources. 253: 150–166. Bibcode:2014JPS...253..150C. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.12.038.
  29. Singh, Manoj K.; Kapoor, Manshu; Verma, Anil (May 2021). "Recent progress on carbon and metal based electrocatalysts for vanadium redox flow battery". WIREs Energy and Environment. 10 (3). Bibcode:2021WIREE..10E.393S. doi:10.1002/wene.393.
  30. He, Zhangxing; Lv, Yanrong; Zhang, Tianao; Zhu, Ye; Dai, Lei; Yao, Shuo; Zhu, Wenjie; Wang, Ling (January 2022). "Electrode materials for vanadium redox flow batteries: Intrinsic treatment and introducing catalyst". Chemical Engineering Journal. 427: 131680. Bibcode:2022ChEnJ.42731680H. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2021.131680.
  31. 1 2 Bourke, Andrea; Oboroceanu, Daniela; Quill, Nathan; Lenihan, Catherine; Safi, Maria Alhajji; Miller, Mallory A.; Savinell, Robert F.; Wainright, Jesse S.; SasikumarSP, Varsha; Rybalchenko, Maria; Amini, Pupak; Dalton, Niall; Lynch, Robert P.; Buckley, D. Noel (1 March 2023). "Review—Electrode Kinetics and Electrolyte Stability in Vanadium Flow Batteries". Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 170 (3): 030504. Bibcode:2023JElS..170c0504B. doi:10.1149/1945-7111/acbc99.
  32. Huong Le, Thi Xuan; Bechelany, Mikhael; Cretin, Marc (October 2017). "Carbon felt based-electrodes for energy and environmental applications: A review" (PDF). Carbon. 122: 564–591. Bibcode:2017Carbo.122..564H. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2017.06.078.
  33. Parasuraman, Aishwarya; Lim, Tuti Mariana; Menictas, Chris; Skyllas-Kazacos, Maria (July 2013). "Review of material research and development for vanadium redox flow battery applications". Electrochimica Acta. 101: 27–40. doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2012.09.067.
  34. Guo, Yun; Huang, Jie; Feng, Jun-Kai (February 2023). "Research progress in preparation of electrolyte for all-vanadium redox flow battery". Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 118: 33–43. doi:10.1016/j.jiec.2022.11.037. S2CID   253783900.
  35. Zhang, Yue; Zhang, Denghua; Luan, Chao; Zhang, Yifan; Yu, Wenjie; Liu, Jianguo; Yan, Chuanwei (24 February 2023). "An Economical Composite Membrane with High Ion Selectivity for Vanadium Flow Batteries". Membranes. 13 (3): 272. doi: 10.3390/membranes13030272 . PMC   10057319 . PMID   36984659.
  36. Tempelman, C. H. L.; Jacobs, J. F.; Balzer, R. M.; Degirmenci, V. (1 December 2020). "Membranes for all vanadium redox flow batteries". Journal of Energy Storage. 32: 101754. Bibcode:2020JEnSt..3201754T. doi:10.1016/j.est.2020.101754.
  37. Lavars, Nick (12 November 2021). "Hybrid membrane edges flow batteries toward grid-scale energy storage". New Atlas. Retrieved 14 November 2021.
  38. Shi, Yu; Eze, Chika; Xiong, Binyu; He, Weidong; Zhang, Han; Lim, T.M.; Ukil, A.; Zhao, Jiyun (March 2019). "Recent development of membrane for vanadium redox flow battery applications: A review". Applied Energy. 238: 202–224. Bibcode:2019ApEn..238..202S. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.12.087. hdl:10356/144619.
  39. Milshtein, Jarrod D.; Tenny, Kevin M.; Barton, John L.; Drake, Javit; Darling, Robert M.; Brushett, Fikile R. (2017). "Quantifying Mass Transfer Rates in Redox Flow Batteries". Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 164 (11): E3265–E3275. doi:10.1149/2.0201711jes.
  40. Aaron, Doug; Tang, Zhijiang; Papandrew, Alexander B.; Zawodzinski, Thomas A. (October 2011). "Polarization curve analysis of all-vanadium redox flow batteries". Journal of Applied Electrochemistry. 41 (10): 1175–1182. doi:10.1007/s10800-011-0335-7.
  41. Reed, David; Thomsen, Edwin; Li, Bin; Wang, Wei; Nie, Zimin; Koeppel, Brian; Kizewski, James; Sprenkle, Vincent (2016). "Stack Developments in a kW Class All Vanadium Mixed Acid Redox Flow Battery at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory". Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 163 (1): A5211–A5219. doi:10.1149/2.0281601jes.
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  52. Roznyatovskaya, N.; Noack, J.; Mild, H.; Fühl, M.; Fischer, P.; Pinkwart, K.; Tübke, J.; Skyllas-Kazacos, M. (2019). "Vanadium electrolyte for all-vanadium redox-flow batteries: the effect of the counter ion". Batteries. 5 (1): 13. doi: 10.3390/batteries5010013 .
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General and cited references

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A hydrogen–bromine battery is a rechargeable flow battery in which hydrogen bromide (HBr) serves as the system’s electrolyte. During the charge cycle, as power flows into the stack, H2 is generated and stored in a separate tank, the other product of the chemical reaction is HBr3 which accumulates in the electrolyte. During the discharge cycle the H2 is combined again with the HBr3 and the system returns to its initial stage with a full tank of HBr. The electrolyte suffers no degradation during the process and the system is self contained with no emissions.

A lithium-ion flow battery is a flow battery that uses a form of lightweight lithium as its charge carrier. The flow battery stores energy separately from its system for discharging. The amount of energy it can store is determined by tank size; its power density is determined by the size of the reaction chamber.

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Research in lithium-ion batteries has produced many proposed refinements of lithium-ion batteries. Areas of research interest have focused on improving energy density, safety, rate capability, cycle durability, flexibility, and reducing cost.

Magnesium batteries are batteries that utilize magnesium cations as charge carriers and possibly in the anode in electrochemical cells. Both non-rechargeable primary cell and rechargeable secondary cell chemistries have been investigated. Magnesium primary cell batteries have been commercialised and have found use as reserve and general use batteries.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Solid dispersion redox flow battery</span>

A solid dispersion redox flow battery is a type of redox flow battery using dispersed solid active materials as the energy storage media. The solid suspensions are stored in energy storage tanks and pumped through electrochemical cells while charging or discharging. In comparison with a conventional redox flow battery where active species are dissolved in aqueous or organic electrolyte, the active materials in a solid dispersion redox flow battery maintain the solid form and are suspended in the electrolyte. Further development expanded the applicable active materials. The solid active materials, especially with active materials from lithium-ion battery, can help the suspensions achieve much higher energy densities than conventional redox flow batteries. This concept is similar to semi-solid flow batteries in which slurries of active materials accompanied by conductive carbon additives to facilitate electrons conducting are stored in energy storage tanks and pumped through the electrochemical reaction cells. Based upon this technique, an analytical method was developed to measure the electrochemical performance of lithium-ion battery active materials, named dispersed particle resistance (DPR).

Maria Skyllas-Kazacos FTSE is an Australian chemical engineer best known for her pioneering work of the vanadium redox battery, which she created at the University of New South Wales in the 1980s. Her design used sulfuric acid electrolytes and was patented by the university. In 1999 she was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia "for service to science and technology, particularly in the development of the vanadium redox battery as an alternative power source".

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Semi-solid flow battery</span>

A semi-solid flow battery is a type of flow battery using solid battery active materials or involving solid species in the energy carrying fluid. A research team in MIT proposed this concept using lithium-ion battery materials. In such a system, both positive (cathode) and negative electrode (anode) consist of active material particles with carbon black suspended in liquid electrolyte. Active material suspensions are stored in two energy storage tanks. The suspensions are pumped into the electrochemical reaction cell when charging and discharging. This design takes advantage of both the designing flexibility of flow batteries and the high energy density active materials of lithium-ion batteries.

The Iron Redox Flow Battery (IRFB), also known as Iron Salt Battery (ISB), stores and releases energy through the electrochemical reaction of iron salt. This type of battery belongs to the class of redox-flow batteries (RFB), which are alternative solutions to Lithium-Ion Batteries (LIB) for stationary applications. The IRFB can achieve up to 70% round trip energy efficiency. In comparison, other long duration storage technologies such as pumped hydro energy storage provide around 80% round trip energy efficiency.