
Last updated

Temporal range: Capitanian Present, 265.8–0  Ma
Saurian diversity.png
clockwise from top left:

Agkistrodon contortrix (the copperhead, a snake), Dinemellia dinemelli (the white-faced buffalo-weaver, a bird), various extinct ornithischian dinosaurs, Chelonia mydas (the green sea turtle), Anurognathus (an extinct pterosaur), and Alligator mississippiensis (the american alligator, a crocodilian)


Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Clade: Neodiapsida
Clade: Sauria
Macartney, 1802

Sauria is the clade of diapsids containing the most recent common ancestor of Archosauria (which includes crocodilians and birds) and Lepidosauria (which includes squamates and the tuatara), and all its descendants. [1] Since most molecular phylogenies recover turtles as more closely related to archosaurs than to lepidosaurs as part of Archelosauria, Sauria can be considered the crown group of diapsids, or reptiles in general. [2] Depending on the systematics, Sauria includes all modern reptiles [3] or most of them (including birds, a type of archosaur) as well as various extinct groups. [4]

Sauria lies within the larger total group Sauropsida, which also contains various stem-reptiles which are more closely related to reptiles than to mammals. [3] Prior to its modern usage, "Sauria" was used as a name for the suborder occupied by lizards, which before 1800 were considered crocodilians.


Sauria was historically used as a partial equivalent for Squamata (which contains lizards and snakes). [5] The redefinition to cover the last common ancestor of archosaurs and lepidosaurs was the result of papers by Jacques A. Gauthier and colleagues in the 1980s. [6]

Genomic studies [7] [8] [9] and comprehensive studies in the fossil record [10] suggest that turtles are closely related to archosaurs as part of Sauria, and not to the non-saurian parareptiles as previously thought. In a 2018 cladistic analysis, Pantestudines (turtles and close relatives) were placed within Diapsida but outside of Sauria. [4]


The synapomorphies or characters that unite the clade Sauria also help them be distinguished from stem-saurians in Diapsida or stem-reptiles in clade Sauropsida in the following categories based on the following regions of the body. [11] [12] [13]

However, some of these characters might be lost or modified in several lineages, particularly among birds and turtles; it is best to see these characters as the ancestral features that were present in the ancestral saurian. [11]


The cladogram shown below follows the most likely result found by an analysis of turtle relationships using both fossil and genetic evidence by M.S. Lee, in 2013. This study found Eunotosaurus , usually regarded as a turtle relative, to be only very distantly related to turtles in the clade Parareptilia. [10]

The cladogram below follows the most likely result found by another analysis of turtle relationships, this one using only fossil evidence, published by Rainer Schoch and Hans-Dieter Sues in 2015. This study found Eunotosaurus to be an actual early stem-turtle, though other versions of the analysis found weak support for it as a parareptile. [14]

The cladogram below follows the analysis of Li et al. (2018). It places turtles within Diapsida but outside of Sauria (the Lepidosauromorpha + Archosauromorpha clade). [4]

The following cladogram was found by Simões et al. (2022): [15]

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<i>Eunotosaurus</i> Extinct genus of reptiles

Eunotosaurus is an extinct genus of amniote, possibly a close relative of turtles. Eunotosaurus lived in the late Middle Permian and fossils can be found in the Karoo Supergroup of South Africa and Malawi. Eunotosaurus resided in the swamps of what is now southern Africa. Its ribs were wide and flat, forming broad plates similar to a primitive turtle shell, and the vertebrae were nearly identical to those of some turtles. Accordingly, it is often considered as a possible transitional fossil between turtles and their prehistoric ancestors. However, it is possible that these turtle-like features evolved independently of the same features in turtles, since other anatomical studies and phylogenetic analyses suggest that Eunotosaurus may instead have been a parareptile, an early-diverging neodiapsid unrelated to turtles, or a synapsid.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Archelosauria</span> Clade comprising turtles, birds and crocodilians

Archelosauria is a clade grouping turtles and archosaurs and their fossil relatives, to the exclusion of lepidosaurs. The majority of phylogenetic analyses based on molecular data have supported a sister-group relationship between turtles and archosaurs. On the other hand, Archelosauria had not been historically supported by most morphological analyses, which have instead found turtles to either be descendants of parareptiles, early-diverging diapsids outside of Sauria, or close relatives of lepidosaurs within the clade Ankylopoda. Some recent morphological analyses have also found support for Archelosauria.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pantestudines</span> Clade of reptiles

Pantestudines or Pan-Testudines is the proposed group of all reptiles more closely related to turtles than to any other living animal. It includes both modern turtles and all of their extinct relatives. Pantestudines with a complete shell are placed in the clade Testudinata.

<i>Pappochelys</i> Extinct genus of reptiles

Pappochelys is an extinct genus of diapsid reptile possibly related to turtles. The genus contains only one species, Pappochelys rosinae, from the Middle Triassic of Germany, which was named by paleontologists Rainer Schoch and Hans-Dieter Sues in 2015. The discovery of Pappochelys provides strong support for the placement of turtles within Diapsida, a hypothesis that has long been suggested by molecular data, but never previously by the fossil record. It is morphologically intermediate between the definite stem-turtle Odontochelys from the Late Triassic of China and Eunotosaurus, a reptile from the Middle Permian of South Africa.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ankylopoda</span> Former group of reptiles

Ankylopoda was a proposed clade that hypothetically contains turtles and lepidosaurs and their fossil relatives. This clade was historically supported based on microRNA analysis as well as some cladistic analyses. However, it was strongly contradicted by molecular evidence which supports Archelosauria, and other recent cladistic analyses have supported Archelosauria over Ankylopoda.


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