Polish Armed Forces rank insignia

Last updated

This article presents the military ranks of the entire Polish Armed Forces as well as the rank insignia used today. The system of rank insignia is a direct descendant of various systems used throughout history by the Polish Army. Some of the grades trace their name back to the Middle Ages, for instance the rank of chorąży literally means a flag bearer or an Ensign.


Names of Polish ranks are often of foreign origin, like the ones introduced by the 17th-century mercenaries serving for the Polish Crown. These include the rank of kapral, which is a derivative of the Italian caporale - much like the English equivalent of corporal.


Most rank titles are cognates to the ones in English, with some exceptions. Notably colonel's literal meaning is regimental-leader, likewise plutonowy means platoon-leader. Also, the title equivalent to petty officer is identical to the word for boatswain, so a Bosman may or may not be a bosman.

Until World War II, each of the branches of the Land Forces used a set of different names for the same grades. For instance a sergeant was called sierżant in the infantry, ogniomistrz (literally master of fire) in the artillery and wachmistrz (from German Wachtmeister, or Master of the Guards) in the cavalry. This is similar to the German army calling a cavalry officer which is equivalent to Hauptmann a Rittmeister

Modern Polish military practices were heavily influenced by Prussian/German and Russian traditions, as most founding officers after 1918 independence were veterans of those respective armies.


The Polish language requires the use of a prior honorific before stating the addressee's rank e.g. 'Panie Kapitanie...' (Sir Captain...). This is directly equivalent to French practice where the possessive Mon is pre-pended to the addressee's rank. During the communist period use of the formal 'Pan' (Sir) was frowned upon and 'Obywatel' (Citizen) (as in: Obywatelu Kapitanie!) was used. This has reverted to prior style in the post-communist era.

It is customary to include other titles when referring to an officer in writing. This can lead to some interesting abbreviations. For example, a Lt. Col. in the airforce by the name Nowak who is a pilot and has an MSc in engineering would be written ppłk pil. mgr inż. Nowak (LtCol plt MEng Nowak).

Uniquely, Polish forces use a two-fingered version of the salute, and the saluting custom does not allow saluting with the fingers to the head without having headgear on (cap/beret or helmet).

Commissioned officer ranks

The rank insignia of commissioned officers.

NATO codeOF-10OF-9OF-8OF-7OF-6OF-5OF-4OF-3OF-2OF-1
Flag of the Polish Land Forces.svg  Polish Land Forces [1]
Army-POL-OF-10.svg Army-POL-OF-09.svg Army-POL-OF-08.svg Army-POL-OF-07.svg Army-POL-OF-06.svg Army-POL-OF-05.svg Army-POL-OF-04.svg Army-POL-OF-03.svg Army-POL-OF-02.svg Army-POL-OF-01a.svg Army-POL-OF-01b.svg
Marszałek Polski Generał Generał broni Generał dywizji Generał brygady Pułkownik Podpułkownik Major Kapitan Porucznik Podporucznik
Zandarmeria wojskowa-symbol.svg Żandarmeria wojskowa
Army-POL-OF-06.svg Army-POL-OF-05.svg Army-POL-OF-04.svg Army-POL-OF-03.svg Army-POL-OF-02.svg Army-POL-OF-01a.svg Army-POL-OF-01b.svg
Generał brygady Pułkownik Podpułkownik Major Kapitan Porucznik Podporucznik
PL air force flag IIIRP.svg  Polish Air Force [1]
Blank.svg Rank insignia of general of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of general broni of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of general dywizji of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of general brygady of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of pulkownik of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of podpulkownik of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of major of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of kapitan of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of porucznik of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of podporucznik of the Air Force of Poland.svg
Marszałek Polski Generał Generał broni Generał dywizji Generał brygady Pułkownik Podpułkownik Major Kapitan Porucznik Podporucznik
Naval Ensign of Poland.svg  Polish Navy [2]
Blank.svg Poland-Navy-OF-9.svg Poland-Navy-OF-8.svg Poland-Navy-OF-7.svg Poland-Navy-OF-6.svg Romania-Navy-OF-5-Sleeve.svg Romania-Navy-OF-4-Sleeve.svg Romania-Navy-OF-3-Sleeve.svg Generic-Navy-8.svg Generic-Navy-6.svg Generic-Navy-4.svg
Marszałek Polski Admirał Admirał floty Wiceadmirał Kontradmirał Komandor Komandor porucznik Komandor podporucznik Kapitan marynarki Porucznik marynarki Podporucznik marynarki

Other ranks

The rank insignia of non-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel.

NATO code OR-9OR-8OR-7OR-6OR-5OR-4OR-3OR-2OR-1
Flag of the Polish Land Forces.svg  Polish Land Forces [1]
Army-POL-OR-09a.svg Army-POL-OR-09b.svg Army-POL-OR-08.svg Army-POL-OR-07.svg Army-POL-OR-06.svg Army-POL-OR-05.svg Army-POL-OR-04a.svg Army-POL-OR-04b.svg Army-POL-OR-03.svg Army-POL-OR-02.svg Army-POL-OR-01.svg
Starszy chorąży sztabowy Starszy chorąży Chorąży Młodszy chorąży Starszy sierżant Sierżant Plutonowy Starszy kapral Kapral Starszy szeregowy Szeregowy
Zandarmeria wojskowa-symbol.svg Żandarmeria wojskowa
Army-POL-OR-09a.svg Army-POL-OR-09b.svg Army-POL-OR-08.svg Army-POL-OR-07.svg Army-POL-OR-06.svg Army-POL-OR-05.svg Army-POL-OR-04a.svg Army-POL-OR-04b.svg Army-POL-OR-03.svg Army-POL-OR-02.svg Army-POL-OR-01.svg
Starszy chorąży sztabowy Starszy chorąży Chorąży Młodszy chorąży Starszy sierżant Sierżant Plutonowy Starszy kapral Kapral Starszy szeregowy Szeregowy
PL air force flag IIIRP.svg  Polish Air Force [1]
Rank insignia of starszy chorazy sztabowy of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of starszy chorazy of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of chorazy of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of mlodszy chorazy of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of starszy sierzant of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of sierzant of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of plutonowy of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of starszy kapral of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of kapral of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of starszy szeregowy of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of szeregowy of the Air Force of Poland.svg
Starszy chorąży sztabowy Starszy chorąży Chorąży Młodszy chorąży Starszy sierżant Sierżant Plutonowy Starszy kapral Kapral Starszy szeregowy Szeregowy
Naval Ensign of Poland.svg  Polish Navy [2]
Poland-Navy-OR-9b.svg Poland-Navy-OR-9a.svg Poland-Navy-OR-8.svg Poland-Navy-OR-6.svg Poland-Navy-OR-5.svg Poland-Navy-OR-4.svg Poland-Navy-OR-3b.svg Poland-Navy-OR-3a.svg Poland-Navy-OR-2.svg Poland-Navy-OR-1b.svg No insignia
Starszy chorąży sztabowy marynarki Starszy chorąży marynarki Chorąży marynarki Młodszy chorąży marynarki Starszy bosman Bosman Bosmanmat Starszy mat Mat Starszy marynarzMarynarz

Obsolete Ranks

Ranks Discontinued on 1 July 2004

NATO codeOR-9OR-5OR-3
Flag of the Polish Land Forces.svg  Polish Land Forces Rank insignia of chorazy sztabowy of the Army of Poland.svg Rank insignia of mlodszy chorazy sztabowy of the Army of Poland.svg Rank insignia of starszy sierzant sztabowy of the Army of Poland.svg Rank insignia of sierzant sztabowy of the Army of Poland.svg Rank insignia of starszy plutonowy of the Army of Poland.svg
Chorąży sztabowyMłodszy chorąży sztabowyStarszy sierżant sztabowySierżant sztabowyStarszy plutonowy
PL air force flag IIIRP.svg  Polish Air Force Rank insignia of chorazy sztabowy of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of mlodszy chorazy sztabowy of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of starszy sierzant sztabowy of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of sierzant sztabowy of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of starszy plutonowy of the Air Force of Poland.svg
Chorąży sztabowyMłodszy chorąży sztabowyStarszy sierżant sztabowySierżant sztabowyStarszy plutonowy
Naval Ensign of Poland.svg  Polish Navy Poland-Navy-OR-9b (1970).svg Poland-Navy-OR-9a (1970).svg Poland-Navy-OR-5b (1970).svg Poland-Navy-OR-5a (1970).svg Poland-Navy-OR-3c (2004).svg
Chorąży sztabowy marynarkiMłodszy chorąży sztabowy marynarkiStarszy bosman sztabowyBosman sztabowyStarszy bosmanmat

Other changes after July 1, 2004

Until 2004 the ranks of chorąży (OR-9 and OR-8) constituted a separate group, roughly corresponding to U.S. Warrant Officers. On July 1, 2004, the number of these ranks was reduced and they were included in the group of non-commissioned ranks.

Pay Grade changes on July 1, 2004

  • starszy chorąży/starszy chorąży marynarki: OR-8 to OR-9
  • młodszy chorąży/młodszy chorąży marynarki: OR-8 to OR-7
  • starszy Kapral/starszy mat: OR-3 to OR-4

On January 1, 2014, all reserve NCOs, holders of the rank of chorąży sztabowy / chorąży sztabowy marynarki and młodszy chorąży sztabowy / młodszy chorąży sztabowy marynarki were promoted to the rank of starszy chorąży sztabowy / starszy chorąży sztabowy marynarki; holders of the rank of starszy sierżant sztabowy / starszy bosman sztabowy and sierżant sztabowy / bosman sztabowy were promoted to the rank of młodszy chorąży / młodszy chorąży marynarki; and holders of the rank of starszy plutonowy / starszy bosmanmat were promoted to the rank of sierżant / bosman.

Thus the ranks discontinued on July 1, 2004, were officially abolished in the Polish Armed Forces.

Historical Ranks in the Polish Armed Forces

See also

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Commissioned officers' rank comparison chart of all land forces of NATO member states.

This page lists the enlisted ranks and insignia of NATO member armies. For the comparison chart of the commissioned officers, see Ranks and insignia of NATO armies officers.

The following table lists the ranks and insignia of officers in NATO air forces.

This table shows the ranks and insignia of NCOs and Seaman in the navies of member countries of NATO. NATO maintains a "standard rank scale" in an attempt to match every member country's military rank to corresponding ranks used by the other members. The rank categories were established in the document STANAG 2116, formally titled NATO Codes for Grades of Military Personnel.


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Rank comparison chart of all navies of European states.

Rank comparison chart of air forces non-commissioned officers and other personnel of European states.

Rank comparison chart of all navies of European states. Some European countries do not have naval forces, either because they are landlocked, such as Austria, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Moldova, Luxembourg, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Slovakia, San Marino and the Vatican, or naval duties provided by another state such as Monaco.

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Rank comparison chart of all armies and land forces of the European Union member states.

Rank comparison chart of non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and enlisted personnel for all armies and land forces of the European Union member states.

Rank comparison chart of all navies of the European Union member states.

Rank comparison chart of all navies of the European Union member states. Some EU member states do not have naval forces, either because they are landlocked Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Luxembourg and Slovakia.

Rank comparison chart of all air forces of the European Union member states.

Rank comparison chart of air forces non-commissioned officers and other personnel of the European Union member states.


  1. 1 2 3 4 "Sposób noszenia odznak stopni wojskowych na umundurowaniu wojsk Lądowych i sił Powietrznych" (PDF). wojsko-polskie.pl (in Polish). Armed Forces Support Inspectorate. Retrieved 7 June 2021.
  2. 1 2 "Sposób noszenia odznak stopni wojskowych na umundurowaniu Marynarki Wojennej" (PDF). wojsko-polskie.pl (in Polish). Armed Forces Support Inspectorate. Retrieved 7 June 2021.