Patricia Crowther (Wiccan)

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Patricia Crowther (born 14 October 1927) who also goes by the craft name Thelema, is a British occultist considered influential in the early promotion of the Wiccan religion [1] and she is the mother of the witch or wiccan runes. [2]


Early life

Crowther was born in Sheffield in 1927, then as Patricia Dawson. She was initiated into Witchcraft by fellow well-known Wiccan Gerald Gardner.[ citation needed ] Her handfasting to husband Arnold Crowther (1909–1974) [3] took place in 1960. [4]


Along with Doreen Valiente, Lois Bourne, and Eleanor Bone, Crowther is considered [5] to be one of the "early mothers" of modern Wicca. Patricia and her then-husband, Arnold Crowther, founded the Sheffield Coven in 1961, of which they were High Priestess and High Priest. [3] Crowther has promoted Witchcraft through a number of book publications, contributions to occult magazines and journals, and through a number of interviews with local and national newspapers. She has also appeared several times on television.

In 1971, both Patricia and her then-husband Arnold wrote and presented A Spell of Witchcraft, a radio programme produced and broadcast by BBC Radio Sheffield in six 20-minute parts. The radio programme, the first of its kind in relation to modern Witchcraft as a religion, explored the history and folklore of Witchcraft and presented elements of a local coven's activities and practices within the community. [6]


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  1. Elders of the Wica Archived 2014-12-28 at the Wayback Machine . Retrieved 2007-02-05.
  2. Book of witchcraft Lid of the cauldron ISBN   0-584-10421-9
  3. 1 2 "Arnold Crowther". Retrieved 2021-02-09.
  4. Philip Heselton, Witchfather. A life of Gerald Gardner. Volume II, Thoth Publications, Loughborough, Leichestershire, 2012
  5. "Patricia Crowther". Retrieved 2021-02-09.
  6. 2012