Parliament of South Africa

Last updated

Parliament of the
Republic of South Africa
  • 10 other official names:
  • Parlement van Suid-Afrika (Afrikaans)
  • iPalamende yeSewula Afrika (Southern Ndebele)
  • iPalamente yoMzantsi Afrika (Xhosa)
  • iPhalamende yaseNingizimu Afrika (Zulu)
  • iPhalamende yeNingizimu Afrika (Swazi)
  • Palamente ya Afrika-Borwa (Northern Sotho)
  • Palamente ya Afrika Borwa (Sotho)
  • Palamente ya Aforika Borwa (Tswana)
  • Palamende ra Afrika Dzonga (Tsonga)
  • Phaḽamennde ya Afurika Tshipembe (Venda)
28th Parliament
SA Parliament coat of arms.svg
Coat of Arms of the Parliament of South Africa
Parliament of South Africa logo.svg
Logo of Parliament
Houses National Assembly
National Council of Provinces
Founded31 May 1910 (1910-05-31)
Thoko Didiza, ANC
since 14 June 2024
Refilwe Mtsweni-Tsipane, ANC
since 15 June 2024
90 National Council
400 National Assembly
South Africa NCOP 2024.svg
National Council of Provinces political groups
  •    ANC (29 + 25)
  •    DA (13 + 7)
  •    EFF (9 + 2)
  •    Others (3 + 2)
South Africa -- National Assembly 2024.svg
National Assembly political groups
Government (287)

Opposition (113) Progressive Caucus (100)

Other Parties (13)

Meeting place
Houses of Parliament (Cape Town).jpg
Houses of Parliament, Cape Town
Western Cape, South Africa
Parliament of South Africa
ZuluiPhalamende yaseNingizimu Afrika
XhosaiPalamente yoMzantsi Afrika
AfrikaansParlement van Suid-Afrika
SepediPalamente ya Afrika-Borwa
SwaziiPhalamende yeNingizimu Afrika
SesothoPalamente ya Afrika Borwa
SetswanaPalamente ya Aforika Borwa
XitsongaPalamende ra Afrika Dzonga
VendaPhaḽamennde ya Afurika Tshipembe
Southern NdebeleiPalamende yeSewula Afrika

The Parliament of the Republic of South Africa is South Africa's legislature; under the present Constitution of South Africa, the bicameral Parliament comprises a National Assembly and a National Council of Provinces. [1] [2] [3] The current twenty-eighth Parliament was first convened on 14 June 2024.


From 1910 to 1994, members of Parliament were elected chiefly by the South African white minority. The first elections with universal suffrage were held in 1994.

Both chambers held their meetings in the Houses of Parliament, Cape Town that were built 1875–1884. A fire broke out within the buildings in early January 2022, destroying the session room of the National Assembly. It was decided that the National Assembly would temporarily meet at the Good Hope Chamber. [4]


Before 1910

The predecessor of the Parliament of South Africa, before the 1910 Union of South Africa, was the bicameral Parliament of the Cape of Good Hope. This was composed of the House of Assembly (the lower house) and the Legislative Council (the upper house). It dated back to the beginnings of Cape independence in 1853 and was elected according to the multi-racial Cape Qualified Franchise system, whereby suffrage qualifications were applied equally to all males, regardless of race.

The buildings of the Cape Parliament went on to house the Parliament of South Africa, after union. [5] [6]


When the Union of South Africa was established in 1910, [7] the Parliament was bicameral and consisted of the King or the Queen, the Senate, and the House of Assembly (known in Afrikaans as the Volksraad).

The composition of Parliament was changed by constitutional amendments from time to time:

In a referendum held in 1960, a small majority of white voters approved the conversion of the country from a constitutional monarchy to a parliamentary republic.


Coat of arms of the Parliament of South Africa 1964-2007 Coat of arms of the Parliament of South Africa 1932-2000.jpg
Coat of arms of the Parliament of South Africa 1964–2007

The Republic of South Africa was established in 1961. The only change made to the composition of the Parliament was the substitution of the State President for the Queen. [14] A few significant changes were made later:


A new Constitution, introduced in 1984, re-enfranchised the Coloured population (women as well as men) and enfranchised the Indian population. It retained the existing House of Assembly for whites and established a House of Representatives to represent the Coloureds, and a House of Delegates for the Indians, making Parliament a tricameral legislature. Blacks continued to be excluded.

The black majority were still disfranchised, and the new system lacked legitimacy even among the Coloureds and Asians, many of whom boycotted elections. In a referendum held in 1992, 68.73% of (only white) voters approved the reform process that effectively ended Apartheid. In late 1993, one of the last pieces of legislation passed by the tricameral Parliament was the Interim Constitution, which took effect on 27 April 1994, the same day as the first non-racial elections.

Since 1994

A new interim constitution, introduced in 1994 after four years of negotiation, finally introduced all-race democracy and enfranchised men and women of all races on equal terms, the minimum age remaining 18 years. Parliament was reconstituted to consist of a Senate and a National Assembly.

The parliamentary system uses proportional representation, with voters voting for political parties rather than for candidates. [18] Proportional representation allows for smaller parties to have a chance of acquiring seats in parliament, although these parties often combine in order to have a stronger voice within the political system, especially against the ANC. The Independent Electoral Commission is charged with keeping elections fair, regular, and equal. Parties submit closed lists of candidates to the IEC, and the IEC fills the seats allotted to individual parties using the candidate lists after election results come in. The electoral system has seen little corruption since 1994.

International Relations Minister and Cooperation Naledi Pandor has noted that during her term (starting 1994) a decline in political respectability had occurred in parliament, due to its members not engaging with one another in a courteous manner. She remarked that she felt undignified to be an observer of the crude behaviour, which also inhibited the conduct of successful politics. [19]

2022 fire

On 2 January 2022, large parts of the Old Assembly Building and National Assembly building were damaged in a fire. [20] A man was arrested and subsequently charged with arson. [21] [22]

Major political parties in parliament

African National Congress: The ANC was founded in 1912, but were banned by State President Charles Robberts Swart in 1960, remaining so until the ban was lifted thirty years later by President F. W. De Klerk. The ANC became the leading political party in South Africa after the first multi-racial election in 1994. The party's main platform rests on working towards racial equality and eradicating the socio-economic classes which are often based on race. The ANC has been considered a party for native South Africans, especially before 2009 when party leader Jacob Zuma faced multiple accusations regarding corruption, particularly using public funds for his own purposes. [23] The economic difficulties in South Africa, as well as police brutality have both been blamed on the ANC. Currently, the ANC holds 230 seats in parliament. Support for the ANC went down between the 2014 and the 2019 general elections, with violent protests erupting all over the country in response to the allegations of corruption within the ANC and the non-delivery of municipal services.[ citation needed ] [24]

Democratic Alliance: The DA was formed when the New National Party, the successor to the apartheid-era National Party, merged with the Democratic Party and the Federal Alliance in 2000 to form an alliance. The DA is an opposition party and has been traditionally supported by South Africa's minority communities (White, Coloured and Indian). In more recent years, the party has attempted to win votes from Black South Africans and as a result, Black support for the DA has risen over the past several years, going from 1% to 6%. [25] The DA is a liberal party that favours free-market policies. The DA was allotted 89 seats in parliament after the 2014 general election, but the party's seat total decreased to 84 seats following the 2019 general election.[ citation needed ] [26] [27]

Economic Freedom Fighters: The EFF emerged eight months before the 2014 general election and won 25 seats in parliament. After the 2019 general elections, the EFF increased their seats in parliament to 44, the only party of the top three parties that achieved an increase of members in parliament. The EFF is a far-left revolutionary socialist political party, advocating for land expropriation and for an end to corruption within parliament. [28]

Inkatha Freedom Party: The IFP, which was formed in 1990 was the successor to the former government in the now-defunct Kwazulu Bantustan, traditionally draws its support from the Zulu people. It has however made inroads into the minority electorate of Whites and Indians. The IFP was the third-largest party until it was unseated by the EFF and is one of the few parties to have consecutive representation in parliament since democracy in 1994. The IFP apart from the ANC was part of the National Government for 10 years. The IFP champions the rights of traditional leaders and advocates for policies which favour free markets. The party is opposed to socialism and communist policies.[ citation needed ]

Because the ANC has such a large majority in parliament, smaller parties are constantly forming alliances and coalitions in order to act as a stronger opposition to the ANC-run legislative and executive branches.

Seat of Parliament

The chamber of the National Assembly prior to the January 2022 fire National Assembly of South Africa 2007.jpg
The chamber of the National Assembly prior to the January 2022 fire

Parliament sits at the Houses of Parliament, Cape Town, even though the seat of government is in Pretoria. This dates back to the foundation of the Union, when there was disagreement among the four provinces as to which city would be the national capital. As a compromise, Cape Town was designated the legislative capital, Bloemfontein the judicial capital, and Pretoria the administrative capital. The African National Congress (ANC) government has proposed moving Parliament to Pretoria, arguing that the present arrangement is cumbersome as ministers, civil servants and diplomats must move back and forth when Parliament is in session.

However, many Capetonians have spoken out against such a move, accusing the ANC of trying to centralise power. Under the Constitution, there is provision for Parliament to sit elsewhere than Cape Town on grounds of public interest, security or convenience and Parliament is permitted to provide in its rules and orders for sittings outside Cape Town. Rule 24 of the National Assembly Rules accordingly allows the Speaker to direct that the House will sit at 'a place other than the Houses of Parliament in Cape Town' after consulting the Leader of the House and the Chief Whip of each party represented in the House. Rule 23 of the rules of the National Council of Provinces allows the council to pass a resolution providing for it to sit elsewhere.

In 2018, the Government of South Africa formed a project steering committee to conduct a feasibility study into moving parliament to Pretoria and to identify potential sites for a new parliament building. [29] In April 2019, the Minister of Public Works announced that a list of potential sites had been drawn up. [30] In 2020, it was suggested that moving parliament to Pretoria would save R650 million per year. [31]

In January 2022, a fire broke out at the Houses of Pariament building in Cape Town causing severe damage to the session rooms of both the National Council of Provinces and the National Assembly. The 2022 State of the Nation Address was held at Cape Town City Hall and subsequent meetings of the National Assembly will be held at Good Hope Chamber. The temporary debating chamber has previously been used for committee meetings of the National Assembly and has a seating capacity of 170, reduced to 70 during COVID-19 precautions. [32] The National Assembly has 400 members.

List of Parliaments

Parliaments of the Union

Parliaments of the Republic

Democratic Parliaments

See also

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A member of parliament (MP) is the representative in parliament of the people who live in their electoral district. In many countries with bicameral parliaments, this term refers only to members of the lower house since upper house members often have a different title. The terms congressman/congresswoman or deputy are equivalent terms used in other jurisdictions. The term parliamentarian is also sometimes used for members of parliament, but this may also be used to refer to unelected government officials with specific roles in a parliament and other expert advisers on parliamentary procedure such as the Senate parliamentarian in the United States. The term is also used to the characteristic of performing the duties of a member of a legislature, for example: "The two party leaders often disagreed on issues, but both were excellent parliamentarians and cooperated to get many good things done."

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2004 South African general election</span>

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Elections in South Africa are held for the National Assembly, National Council of Provinces, provincial legislatures and municipal councils. Elections follow every 2 to 3 years with General Elections and Municipal Elections. The electoral system is based on party-list proportional representation, which means that parties are represented in proportion to their electoral support. For municipal councils there is a mixed-member system in which wards elect individual councillors alongside those named from party lists.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">National Assembly of South Africa</span> Lower house of the Parliament of South Africa

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The Senate was the upper house of the Parliament of South Africa between 1910 and its abolition from 1 January 1981, and between 1994 and 1997.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">1961 South African general election</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">1958 South African general election</span>

General elections were held in South Africa on 16 April 1958. The result was a victory for the National Party, now under the leadership of J. G. Strijdom after the retirement of D. F. Malan in 1954. The opposition United Party campaigned for the first time under De Villiers Graaff, who would remain party leader for two decades.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">1966 South African general election</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">2009 South African general election</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">House of Assembly (South Africa)</span> 1910–1994 house in the Parliament of South Africa

The House of Assembly was the lower house of the Parliament of South Africa from 1910 to 1981, the sole parliamentary chamber between 1981 and 1984, and latterly the white representative house of the Tricameral Parliament from 1984 to 1994, when it was replaced by the current National Assembly. Throughout its history, it was exclusively constituted of white members who were elected to office predominantly by white citizens, though until 1960 and 1970, respectively, some Black Africans and Coloureds in the Cape Province voted under a restricted form of suffrage.

The nine provinces of South Africa are governed by provincial governments which form the second layer of government, between the national government and the municipalities. The provincial governments are established, and their structure defined, by Chapter Six of the Constitution of South Africa.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Coloured vote constitutional crisis</span> 1950s constitutional crisis in South Africa

The Coloured vote constitutional crisis, also known as the Coloured vote case, was a constitutional crisis that occurred in the Union of South Africa during the 1950s as the result of an attempt by the Nationalist government to remove coloured voters in the Union's Cape Province from the common voters' rolls. It developed into a dispute between the judiciary and the other branches of government over the power of Parliament to amend an entrenched clause in the South Africa Act and the power of the Appellate Division to overturn the amendment as unconstitutional. The crisis ended when the government enlarged the Senate and altered its method of election, allowing the amendment to be successfully enacted.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2019 South African general election</span>

General elections were held in South Africa on 8 May 2019 to elect a new President, National Assembly and provincial legislatures in each province. These were the sixth elections held since the end of apartheid in 1994 and determined who would become the next President of South Africa.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">27th South African Parliament</span> Parliament of South Africa, 2019–2024

The 27th South African Parliament was the sixth Parliament of South Africa to convene since the introduction of non-racial government in South Africa in 1994. It was elected in the general election of 8 May 2019 and consists of the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces. The National Assembly contains 400 members, while the National Council of Provinces contains 90 members. It was formally opened by President Ramaphosa's State of the Nation Address in a joint sitting on 20 June 2019.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">1955 South African Senate election</span>

The 1955 election for the sixth Senate of South Africa occurred because of the wish of National Party Prime Minister Johannes Strijdom to amend one of the entrenched clauses in the Constitution, to separate Coloured voters from whites. However, since his party did not have the constitutionally required two-thirds majority in a joint session of both houses of Parliament, it was decided to alter the composition and electoral system for the Senate, to enable the Separate Representation of Voters Act 1951 to be validated. Consequently, Strijdom had the Senate Act 1955 passed to amend the constitution.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Eastern Cape (National Assembly of South Africa constituency)</span>

Eastern Cape is one of the nine multi-member constituencies of the National Assembly of South Africa, the lower house of the Parliament of South Africa, the national legislature of South Africa. The constituency was established in 1994 when the National Assembly was established by the Interim Constitution following the end of Apartheid. It is conterminous with the province of Eastern Cape. The constituency currently elects 25 of the 400 members of the National Assembly using the closed party-list proportional representation electoral system. At the 2019 general election it had 3,363,161 registered electors.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gauteng (National Assembly of South Africa constituency)</span>

Gauteng is one of the nine multi-member constituencies of the National Assembly of South Africa, the lower house of the Parliament of South Africa, the national legislature of South Africa. The constituency was established as Pretoria–Witwatersrand–Vereeniging in 1994 when the National Assembly was established by the Interim Constitution following the end of Apartheid. It was renamed Gauteng in 1999. It is conterminous with the province of Gauteng. The constituency currently elects 48 of the 400 members of the National Assembly using the closed party-list proportional representation electoral system. At the 2019 general election it had 6,381,220 registered electors.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Northern Cape (National Assembly of South Africa constituency)</span>

Northern Cape is one of the nine multi-member constituencies of the National Assembly of South Africa, the lower house of the Parliament of South Africa, the national legislature of South Africa. The constituency was established in 1994 when the National Assembly was established by the Interim Constitution following the end of Apartheid. It is conterminous with the province of Northern Cape. The constituency currently elects five of the 400 members of the National Assembly using the closed party-list proportional representation electoral system. At the 2024 general election it had 656,826 registered electors.


  1. Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, s. 42 Archived 13 April 2014 at the Wayback Machine
  2. Odeyemi, Temitayo Isaac; Abioro, Tunde (4 August 2018), "Digital Technologies, Online Engagement and Parliament-Citizen Relations in Nigeria and South Africa", Advances in African Economic, Social and Political Development, Springer International Publishing, pp. 217–232, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-93509-6_12, ISBN   9783319935089, S2CID   158523324
  3. Odeyemi, Temitayo Isaac; Olorunshola, Damilola Temitope; Ajibola, Boluwatife Solomon (9 April 2023). "Turning public engagement into standard practice : institutionalisation in the work of the South African Parliament". The Journal of Legislative Studies. 29 (3): 406–424. doi: 10.1080/13572334.2023.2195147 . ISSN   1357-2334. S2CID   258076520.
  4. "LOOK: Check out the National Assembly's 'new' venue [PICS]". The South African. 14 January 2022. Retrieved 14 January 2022.
  5. The old Cape House, being pages from the history of a legislative assembly, Ralph Kilpin, T.M Miller, Cape Town, 1918
  6. The Houses of Parliament, Cape Town, Andrew Cusack, 3 November 2009
  7. South Africa Act 1909
  8. Status of the Union Act 1934
  9. Representation of Natives Act 1936
  10. The Statesman's Year-Book 1985-86, J. Paxton Springer, page 1089
  11. Separate Representation of Voters Act 1956
  12. Senate Act 1955
  13. "Republic of South Africa", Hubert de Vries.
  14. Republic of South Africa Constitution Act 1961
  15. South Africa 1978: Official Yearbook of the Republic of South Africa, Volume 5, State Department of Information, 1978, page 141
  16. The Statesman's Year-Book 1984-85, J. Paxton, Springer, page 1069
  17. Republic of South Africa Constitution Act 1983
  18. Odeyemi, Temitayo Isaac; Olorunshola, Damilola Temitope; Ajibola, Boluwatife Solomon (9 April 2023). "Turning public engagement into standard practice : institutionalisation in the work of the South African Parliament". The Journal of Legislative Studies. 29 (3): 406–424. doi: 10.1080/13572334.2023.2195147 . ISSN   1357-2334. S2CID   258076520.
  19. du Plessis, Carien (10 December 2018). "Naledi Pandor: 'Work has to go on, the nation has to continue to exist'". Daily Maverick. South Africa. Retrieved 11 December 2018.
  20. Merten, Marianne (2 January 2022). "OUR BURNING ASSEMBLY: Major fire wracks parliament building, raising questions about why no protection services staff were on duty". Daily Maverick. Retrieved 2 January 2022.
  21. Charles, Marvin (2 January 2022). "Man, 49, arrested in connection with Parliament fire". News24.
  22. "South African police charge man with arson over damaging blaze at parliament". Reuters. 3 January 2022. Retrieved 3 January 2022.
  23. "Can we blame you now, President Zuma? | Corruption Watch". Corruption Watch. 7 April 2015. Retrieved 6 May 2016.
  24. "South Africa's ruling party is performing dismally, but a flawed opposition keeps it in power". 18 June 2023.
  25. Sapa, TimesLIVE. "South Africa election results 2014". Times LIVE. Retrieved 6 May 2016.
  27. "Announcement of final results: 2014 National and Provincial Elections | South African Government".
  28. "2019 vs 2014: What the numbers tell us about the general elections". News24. Retrieved 12 May 2019.
  29. Staff Writer. "Government identifies possible sites to move parliament from Cape Town to Pretoria" . Retrieved 30 May 2021.
  30. Diemen, Ethan van. "Sites identified for potential Parliament move to Tshwane". News24. Retrieved 30 May 2021.
  31. Boje, Valerie. "Moving Parliament to Pretoria may save the government R650m a year: professor". Independent Online. South Africa. Retrieved 30 May 2021.
  32. "LOOK: Check out the National Assembly's 'new' venue [PICS]". The South African. 14 January 2022. Retrieved 14 January 2022.

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