NGC 7492

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NGC 7492
NGC 7492 legacy dr10.jpg
NGC 7492 with legacy surveys
Observation data (J2000 epoch)
Class XII
Constellation Aquarius
Right ascension 23h 08m 26.7s [1]
Declination −15° 36 39 [1]
Distance 24,500  kpc (80,000×10^3  ly) [2]
Apparent magnitude (V)11.2
Apparent dimensions (V)4.2
Physical characteristics
Absolute magnitude 0.38±0.04 [3]
Metallicity  = -1.69 [4] dex
Estimated age12 Gyr [2]
Other designationsGCl 125, MWSC 3705
See also: Globular cluster, List of globular clusters

NGC 7492 is a globular cluster [1] in the constellation Aquarius. It was discovered by the astronomer William Herschel on September 20, 1786. [5] It resides in the outskirts of the Milky Way, about 80,000 light-years away, more than twice the distance between the Sun and the center of the galaxy, and is a benchmark member of the outer galactic halo. [6] The cluster is immersed in, but does not kinematically belong to, the Sagittarius Stream. [7]

NGC 7492 possess a tidal tail 3.5 degrees long, [8] embedded into an over-density of stars which may be the remnants of a disrupted dwarf galaxy. [9] The shape of the cluster is flattened rather than spherical, likely due to dynamical interaction with the Milky Way. [10]

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  1. 1 2 3 "NGC 7492". SIMBAD . Centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg . Retrieved 2021-09-30.
  2. 1 2 Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) observation of the Galactic Globular Cluster NGC 7492
  3. Variable stars in the globular cluster NGC 7492, New discoveries and physical parameter determination
  5. Seligman, Courtney. "New General Catalogue objects: NGC 7450 - 7499". Retrieved 2021-10-02.
  6. Koch, Andreas; Xu, Siyi; Rich, R. Michael (2019), "Chemical composition of the outer halo globular cluster Palomar 15", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 627: A70, arXiv: 1907.02071 , Bibcode:2019A&A...627A..70K, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201935467, S2CID   195798995
  7. The globular cluster NGC 7492 and the Sagittarius tidal stream: together but unmixed
  8. Navarrete, C.; Belokurov, V.; Koposov, S. E. (2017), "The Discovery of Tidal Tails around the Globular Cluster NGC 7492 with Pan-STARRS1", The Astrophysical Journal, 841 (2): L23, arXiv: 1705.04324 , Bibcode:2017ApJ...841L..23N, doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/aa72e1 , S2CID   59384819
  9. Sollima, A.; Martínez Delgado, D.; Muñoz, R. R.; Carballo-Bello, J. A.; Valls-Gabaud, D.; Grebel, E. K.; Santana, F. A.; Côté, P.; Djorgovski, S. G. (2018), "A survey for dwarf galaxy remnants around 14 globular clusters in the outer halo", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 476 (4): 4814–4829, arXiv: 1802.09255 , doi: 10.1093/mnras/sty539