List of citrus diseases

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The following is a list of diseases in citrus plants.


Bacterial diseases

Bacterial diseases
Bacterial spot Xanthomonas euvesicatoria pv. citrumelo
Black pit (fruit) Pseudomonas syringae
Blast Pseudomonas syringae
Citrus canker Xanthomonas citri pv. citri
Citrus variegated chlorosis Xylella fastidiosa
Huanglongbing = citrus greening Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus

Candidatus L. africanus

Fungal diseases

Fungal diseases

Alternaria alternata
= Alternaria tenuis
Aspergillus flavus

Alternaria brown spot Alternaria alternata
Alternaria leaf spot of rough lemon Alternaria citri
Alternaria stem-end rot Alternaria citri
Anthracnose = wither-tip

Glomerella cingulata
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides [anamorph]

Areolate leaf spot

Thanatephorus cucumeris
= Pellicularia filamentosa
Rhizoctonia solani [anamorph]

Black mold rot Aspergillus niger
Black root rot

Thielaviopsis basicola
Chalara elegans [synanamorph]

Black rot Alternaria citri
Black spot

Guignardia citricarpa
Phyllosticta citricarpa [synanamorph]

Blue mold Penicillium italicum
Botrytis blossom and twig blight, gummosis

Botrytis cinerea
Botryotinia fuckeliana [teleomorph]

Branch knot Sphaeropsis tumefaciens
Brown rot (fruit)

Phytophthora citricola
Phytophthora citrophthora
Phytophthora hibernalis
Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica
= Phytophthora parasitica
Phytophthora palmivora
Phytophthora syringae

Charcoal root rot Macrophomina phaseolina
Citrus black spot Guignardia citricarpa

Pythium sp.
Pythium aphanidermatum
Pythium debaryanum
Pythium rostratum
Pythium ultimum
Pythium vexans
Rhizoctonia solani

Diplodia gummosis and stem-end rot

Lasiodiplodia theobromae
= Botryodiplodia theobromae
= Diplodia natalensis
Botryosphaeria rhodina [teleomorph]

Dothiorella gummosis and rot

Botryosphaeria ribis
Dothiorella gregaria [anamorph]

Dry root rot complex

Nectria haematococca
Fusarium solani [anamorph]
together with other wound-invading agents

Dry rot (fruit)

Ashbya gossypii
Nematospora coryli

Fly speck

Schizothyrium pomi
Zygophiala jamaicensis [anamorph]

Fusarium rot (fruit) Fusarium spp.
Fusarium wilt

Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. citri

Gray mold (fruit) Botrytis cinerea
Greasy spot and greasy spot rind blotch

Mycosphaerella citri
Stenella citri-grisea [anamorph]

Green mold Penicillium digitatum
Heart rot

Ganoderma applanatum
Ganoderma brownii
Ganoderma lucidum
and other basidiomycetes

Hendersonula branch wilt Hendersonula toruloidea
Leaf spot

Mycosphaerella horii
Mycosphaerella lageniformis

Mal secco

Phoma tracheiphila
= Deuterophoma tracheiphila

Mancha foliar de los citricos Alternaria limicola
Melanose Diaporthe citri

Phomopsis citri [anamorph]

Mucor fruit rot

Mucor paronychia
Mucor racemosus

Mushroom root rot = shoestring root rot or oak root fungus

Armillaria mellea
= Clitocybe tabescens
Rhizomorpha subcorticalis [anamorph]

Phaeoramularia leaf and fruit spot Phaeoramularia angolensis
Phymatotrichum root rot Phymatotrichopsis omnivora
Phomopsis stem-end rot

Phomopsis citri
Diaporthe citri [teleomorph]

Phytophthora foot rot, gummosis and root rot

Phytophthora citrophthora
Phytophthora hibernalis
Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica
= Phytophthora parasitica
Phytophthora palmivora
Phytophthora syringae

Pink disease

Erythricium salmonicolor
= Corticium salmonicolor
Necator decretus [anamorph]

Pink mold Gliocladium roseum
Pleospora rot

Pleospora herbarum
Stemphylium herbarum [anamorph]

Poria root rot

Oxyporus latemarginatus
= Poria latemarginata

Post bloom fruit drop Colletotrichum acutatum
Powdery mildew

Oidium tingitaninum
= Acrosporium tingitaninum

Rhizopus rot Rhizopus stolonifer
Rio Grande gummosis

Possibly Lasiodiplodia theobromae
Hendersonula toruloidea
and other unknown agents

Rootlet rot

Pythium rostratum
Pythium ultimum

Rosellinia root rot Rosellinia sp.

Elsinoë fawcettii
Sphaceloma fawcettii [anamorph]

Sclerotinia twig blight, fruit rot and root rot Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Septoria spot Septoria citri
Sooty blotch Gloeodes pomigena
Sour rot

Geotrichum citri-aurantii
Galactomyces citri-aurantii [teleomorph]
Galactomyces candidum
Galactomyces geotrichum [teleomorph]

Sweet orange scab Elsinoë australis
Thread blight

Corticium stevensii
Pellicularia koleroga

Trichoderma rot

Trichoderma viride
Hypocrea sp. [teleomorph]

Twig blight Rhytidhysteron rufulum
Ustulina root rot

Ustulina deusta
Nodulisporium sp. [anamorph]

Whisker mold

Penicillium ulaiense

White root rot

Rosellinia sp.
Rosellinia necatrix
Dematophora necatrix [anamorph]
Rosellinia subiculata

Nematodes, parasitic

Nematodes, parasitic
Citrus slump nematode

Pratylenchus coffeae

Dagger nematode

Xiphinema spp.

Lesion nematode

Pratylenchus spp.
Pratylenchus brachyurus
Pratylenchus coffeae
Pratylenchus vulnus

Needle nematode

Longidorus spp.

Root-knot nematode

Meloidogyne spp.

Sheath nematode

Hemicycliophora spp.
Hemicycliophora arenaria

Slow decline (citrus nematode)

Tylenchulus semipenetrans

Spreading decline (burrowing nematode)

Radopholus similis

Sting nematode

Belonolaimus longicaudatus

Stubby-root nematode

Paratrichodorus spp.

Stunt nematode

Tylenchorhynchus spp.

Viral diseases

Viral diseases
Citrus mosaic Satsuma dwarf-related virus
Bud union creaseVirus for some combinations, otherwise genetic or unknown
Citrus leaf rugosegenus Ilarvirus, Citrus leaf rugose virus (CLRV)
Citrus yellow mosaicgenus Badnavirus
Crinkly leaf Crinkly leaf virus (strain of Citrus variegation virus)
Infectious variegationgenus Ilarvirus, Citrus variegation virus (CVV)
Navel infectious mottling Satsuma dwarf-related virus
Psorosis Citrus psorosis virus (CPsV)
Satsuma dwarf Satsuma dwarf virus (SDV)
Tatter leaf = citrange stuntgenus Capillovirus, Citrus tatter leaf virus (probably a closely related strain of Apple stem grooving virus rather than a distinct virus
Tristeza = decline and stem pitting, seedling yellowsgenus Closterovirus, Citrus tristeza virus (CTV)
Citrus Leprosis Virus type I & II

Viroids and graft-transmissible pathogens [GTP]

Viroids and graft-transmissible pathogens [GTP]
Algerian navel orange virusGTP
Blight = young tree decline, rough lemon declineGTP
Blind pocketGTP
CachexiaCitrus cachexia viroid (Hostuviroid)
Chlorotic dwarfWhite-fly transmitted GTP
Citrus dwarfingVarious viroids
Citrus vein enation (CVEV) = woody gallGTP (possible luteovirus)
Citrus yellow mottleGTP
Citrus yellow ringspotGTP
Concave gumGTP
Exocortis Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) Pospiviroidae
Fatal yellowsGTP
Gummy barkGTP, possible viroid
Gum pocket and gummy pittingsGTP, possible viroid
Indian citrus ringspotGTP
Leaf curlGTP
Leathery leafGTP
LeprosisGTP associated with Brevipalpus spp. mites
Milam stem-pittingGTP
Multiple sprouting diseaseGTP
Nagami kumquat diseaseGTP
Ringspot diseasesVarious GTPs
Xyloporosis = cachexiaCitrus cachexia viroid (Hostuviroid)
Yellow veinGTP
Yellow vein clearing of lemonGTP

Phytoplasmal and spiroplasmal diseases

Phytoplasmal and spiroplasmal diseases
Australian citrus diebackUnknown procaryote?
Stubborn Spiroplasma citri (spread by leafhoppers)
Witches’ broom of lime Phytoplasma

Miscellaneous diseases and disorders

Miscellaneous diseases and disorders
Algal disease (algal spot)Cephaleuros virescens
Blossom-end clearingPhysiological
Chilling injuryCold temperatures
Citrus blightUnknown - pathogen suspected
CreasingNutritional (?)
Crinkle scurfGenetic
Lemon sieve-tube necrosisUnknown, but hereditary
Lime blotch = wood pocketInherited chimeral agent
Membranous stainCold temperatures
Mesophyll collapseUnknown
Postharvest pittingPhysiological
Rind breakdownPhysiological
Rind stainingPhysiological
Rind stipple of grapefruitEnvironmental
Rumple of lemon fruitUnknown
Shell bark complexUnknown - (viroid?)
Sooty mold (superficial, not pathogenic)Capnodium

C. citricola
Capnodium sp.

Stem-end rind breakdownPhysiological
Stylar-end breakdown of Tahiti limePhysiological
Stylar-end rind breakdownPhysiological
Stylar-end rotPhysiological
SunburnExcessive heat and light
Tangerine diebackUnknown
Water spotPhysiological
Woody galls on stemsBruchophagus fellis (Citrus Gall Wasp)
Zebra skinPhysiological

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Huntington's disease (HD), also known as Huntington's chorea, is an incurable neurodegenerative disease that is mostly inherited. The earliest symptoms are often subtle problems with mood or mental/psychiatric abilities. A general lack of coordination and an unsteady gait often follow. It is also a basal ganglia disease causing a hyperkinetic movement disorder known as chorea. As the disease advances, uncoordinated, involuntary body movements of chorea become more apparent. Physical abilities gradually worsen until coordinated movement becomes difficult and the person is unable to talk. Mental abilities generally decline into dementia, depression, apathy, and impulsivity at times. The specific symptoms vary somewhat between people. Symptoms usually begin between 30 and 50 years of age, and can start at any age but are usually seen around the age of 40. The disease may develop earlier in each successive generation. About eight percent of cases start before the age of 20 years, and are known as juvenile HD, which typically present with the slow movement symptoms of Parkinson's disease rather than those of chorea.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Rabies</span> Deadly viral disease, transmitted through animals

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sexually transmitted infection</span> Infection transmitted through human sexual behavior

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Autoimmune disease</span> Disorders of adaptive immune system

An autoimmune disease is a condition that results from an anomalous response of the adaptive immune system, wherein it mistakenly targets and attacks healthy, functioning parts of the body as if they were foreign organisms. It is estimated that there are more than 80 recognized autoimmune diseases, with recent scientific evidence suggesting the existence of potentially more than 100 distinct conditions. Nearly any body part can be involved.

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Parkinson's disease (PD), or simply Parkinson's, is a chronic degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that affects both the motor system and non-motor systems. The symptoms usually emerge slowly, and as the disease worsens, non-motor symptoms become more common. Early symptoms are tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement, and difficulty with walking. Problems may also arise with cognition, behaviour, sleep, and sensory systems. Parkinson's disease dementia becomes common in advanced stages of the disease.

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