This article may be too technical for most readers to understand.(October 2009) |
In mathematics, specifically commutative algebra, a divided power structure is a way of introducing items with similar properties as expressions of the form have, also when it is not possible to actually divide by .
Let A be a commutative ring with an ideal I. A divided power structure (or PD-structure, after the French puissances divisées) on I is a collection of maps for n = 0, 1, 2, ... such that:
For convenience of notation, is often written as when it is clear what divided power structure is meant.
The term divided power ideal refers to an ideal with a given divided power structure, and divided power ring refers to a ring with a given ideal with divided power structure.
Homomorphisms of divided power algebras are ring homomorphisms that respects the divided power structure on its source and target.
If A is any ring, there exists a divided power ring
consisting of divided power polynomials in the variables
that is sums of divided power monomials of the form
with . Here the divided power ideal is the set of divided power polynomials with constant coefficient 0.
More generally, if M is an A-module, there is a universal A-algebra, called
with PD ideal
and an A-linear map
(The case of divided power polynomials is the special case in which M is a free module over A of finite rank.)
If I is any ideal of a ring A, there is a universal construction which extends A with divided powers of elements of I to get a divided power envelope of I in A.
The divided power envelope is a fundamental tool in the theory of PD differential operators and crystalline cohomology, where it is used to overcome technical difficulties which arise in positive characteristic.
The divided power functor is used in the construction of co-Schur functors.
In mathematics, specifically abstract algebra, an integral domain is a nonzero commutative ring in which the product of any two nonzero elements is nonzero. Integral domains are generalizations of the ring of integers and provide a natural setting for studying divisibility. In an integral domain, every nonzero element a has the cancellation property, that is, if a ≠ 0, an equality ab = ac implies b = c.
In commutative algebra, the prime spectrum of a ring R is the set of all prime ideals of R, and is usually denoted by ; in algebraic geometry it is simultaneously a topological space equipped with the sheaf of rings .
In mathematics, rings are algebraic structures that generalize fields: multiplication need not be commutative and multiplicative inverses need not exist. In other words, a ring is a set equipped with two binary operations satisfying properties analogous to those of addition and multiplication of integers. Ring elements may be numbers such as integers or complex numbers, but they may also be non-numerical objects such as polynomials, square matrices, functions, and power series.
In mathematics, in particular abstract algebra, a graded ring is a ring such that the underlying additive group is a direct sum of abelian groups such that . The index set is usually the set of nonnegative integers or the set of integers, but can be any monoid. The direct sum decomposition is usually referred to as gradation or grading.
Algebraic varieties are the central objects of study in algebraic geometry, a sub-field of mathematics. Classically, an algebraic variety is defined as the set of solutions of a system of polynomial equations over the real or complex numbers. Modern definitions generalize this concept in several different ways, while attempting to preserve the geometric intuition behind the original definition.
In algebraic geometry, a projective variety over an algebraically closed field k is a subset of some projective n-space over k that is the zero-locus of some finite family of homogeneous polynomials of n + 1 variables with coefficients in k, that generate a prime ideal, the defining ideal of the variety. Equivalently, an algebraic variety is projective if it can be embedded as a Zariski closed subvariety of .
In mathematics, especially in the field of algebra, a polynomial ring or polynomial algebra is a ring formed from the set of polynomials in one or more indeterminates with coefficients in another ring, often a field.
In abstract algebra, a valuation ring is an integral domain D such that for every element x of its field of fractions F, at least one of x or x−1 belongs to D.
In mathematics, ideal theory is the theory of ideals in commutative rings. While the notion of an ideal exists also for non-commutative rings, a much more substantial theory exists only for commutative rings
In mathematics, Lie algebra cohomology is a cohomology theory for Lie algebras. It was first introduced in 1929 by Élie Cartan to study the topology of Lie groups and homogeneous spaces by relating cohomological methods of Georges de Rham to properties of the Lie algebra. It was later extended by Claude Chevalley and Samuel Eilenberg (1948) to coefficients in an arbitrary Lie module.
In algebraic geometry, local cohomology is an algebraic analogue of relative cohomology. Alexander Grothendieck introduced it in seminars in Harvard in 1961 written up by Hartshorne (1967), and in 1961-2 at IHES written up as SGA2 - Grothendieck (1968), republished as Grothendieck (2005). Given a function defined on an open subset of an algebraic variety, local cohomology measures the obstruction to extending that function to a larger domain. The rational function , for example, is defined only on the complement of on the affine line over a field , and cannot be extended to a function on the entire space. The local cohomology module detects this in the nonvanishing of a cohomology class . In a similar manner, is defined away from the and axes in the affine plane, but cannot be extended to either the complement of the -axis or the complement of the -axis alone ; this obstruction corresponds precisely to a nonzero class in the local cohomology module .
In mathematics, Hölder's theorem states that the gamma function does not satisfy any algebraic differential equation whose coefficients are rational functions. This result was first proved by Otto Hölder in 1887; several alternative proofs have subsequently been found.
Difference algebra is a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of difference equations from the algebraic point of view. Difference algebra is analogous to differential algebra but concerned with difference equations rather than differential equations. As an independent subject it was initiated by Joseph Ritt and his student Richard Cohn.
In mathematics, an algebraic number field is an extension field of the field of rational numbers such that the field extension has finite degree . Thus is a field that contains and has finite dimension when considered as a vector space over .
In discrete mathematics, ideal lattices are a special class of lattices and a generalization of cyclic lattices. Ideal lattices naturally occur in many parts of number theory, but also in other areas. In particular, they have a significant place in cryptography. Micciancio defined a generalization of cyclic lattices as ideal lattices. They can be used in cryptosystems to decrease by a square root the number of parameters necessary to describe a lattice, making them more efficient. Ideal lattices are a new concept, but similar lattice classes have been used for a long time. For example, cyclic lattices, a special case of ideal lattices, are used in NTRUEncrypt and NTRUSign.
The concept of a Projective space plays a central role in algebraic geometry. This article aims to define the notion in terms of abstract algebraic geometry and to describe some basic uses of projective spaces.
In mathematics, Schubert polynomials are generalizations of Schur polynomials that represent cohomology classes of Schubert cycles in flag varieties. They were introduced by Lascoux & Schützenberger (1982) and are named after Hermann Schubert.
In coding theory, folded Reed–Solomon codes are like Reed–Solomon codes, which are obtained by mapping Reed–Solomon codewords over a larger alphabet by careful bundling of codeword symbols.
Short integer solution (SIS) and ring-SIS problems are two average-case problems that are used in lattice-based cryptography constructions. Lattice-based cryptography began in 1996 from a seminal work by Miklós Ajtai who presented a family of one-way functions based on SIS problem. He showed that it is secure in an average case if the shortest vector problem (where for some constant ) is hard in a worst-case scenario.
In mathematics, a derivation of a commutative ring is called a locally nilpotent derivation (LND) if every element of is annihilated by some power of .