{{Infobox cattle breed
| name = name of cattle breed
| image = image.ext
| image_size = image size
| image_alt = alt text for image; see [[WP:ALT]]
| image_caption = caption
| status = conservation status (extinct, critical, endangered, etc)
| altname = alternate name; use {{Unbulleted list}} if more than one
| country = country of origin
| distribution = For example, Africa, South-East Asia, world-wide (about 70 countries)
| standard = [url Entity]; use {{Unbulleted list}} if more than one
| use = e.g., beef, dairy, draft, dual-purpose beef/dairy of beef/draft
| nickname = nickname; use {{Unbulleted list}} if more than one
| weight = weight (use for average or if m/f data is not available)
| maleweight = male weight
| femaleweight = female weight
| height = height at withers (use for average or if m/f data is not available)
| maleheight = male height at withers
| femaleheight = female height at withers
| skincolor = skin color (US English)
| skincolour = skin colour (UK English)
| coat = coat colo(u)r, for example red, black, white spotting on red, white face, red roan, black brindle
| horn = e.g., horned, polled, horned and polled
| subspecies = "taurus", "indicus" or "hybrid" (exactly, without quotes)
| note = extra notes