United States1225 Posts
Welcome to the Teamliquid Health and Fitness Initiative for 2015
New year, new journeys! Decided we should probably have a new thread for 2015.
>> Here's a link to the 2014 thread!
For the most part, this is the daily discussion thread, but you can post whatever you want in it related to your health and fitness.
The main goal of this thread is to focus on improving our bodies in two aspects:
1. Health -- Sleeping, eating, and destressing habits; 2. Fitness -- improving body composition and physical attributes (through exercise, training, athletics, and sports).
>> First, a quick reminder or lesson on how exercise and nutrition affect each other.
All links are underlined and clickable and highlighted with ">>"
---------- Goals ----------
Goals should be SMART goals:
Specific -- have numbers Measurable -- so you can be encouraged by your progress Attainable -- to develop the proper attitude and consistency Realistic -- so that you are willing and able to work towards them Timely -- to give a sense of urgency
I modified the template a bit this year. The big 4 things that help keep us healthy are: sleep, nutrition, training, and lack of stress. Thus, make your goals accordingly.
+ Show Spoiler +Name/nick Age: XX || Height: X'X" or m/cm || Weight: lbs/kg Starting Date: xx/xx/xx || Goal Date: xx/xx/xx Weight goals -- [insert here] Training goals -- [insert here] Nutrition goals -- [insert here] Sleep goals -- [insert here] Misc/stress goals You can post your goals in this thread or keep your own training log.
If you have fulfilled your goals, or made significant progress I encourage you to post your results in the Success Story thread so that others may be motivated.
------------------------------------------------------------- Information on working out and training -------------------------------------------------------------
Check out our sticky topic on training!
The above thread covers extensively how to train with weights and bodyweight, for women, for those overweight, and those looking to gain muscle. Check it out.
Bodyweight training thread Rugby thread Powerlifting thread Olympic Weightlifting thread Bikram/Hot Yoga thread CrossFit
If there is a thread you are interested starting AND maintaining for those interested in different sports or training topics. Feel free.
-------------------------------------- Nutrition and eating well --------------------------------------
Check out our nutritional sticky
It has a lot of information on nutrition and various myths. It will also help you get started with losing or gaining weight if those are your goals. Additionally, it talks about supplements!
Paleo Diet thread
Some specific debate(s) that have occurred in previous threads: + Show Spoiler +Multi post on gluten, saturated fats, milk, vitamin D, and cholesterol: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=9382380relationship of diabetes with alzheimer's (type 3 diabetes) plus lecture on neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and a bit about auto-immunity: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=9929243http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=9929851efficacy of low carbohydrate vs low fat diets... why low carbohydrate diets are superior for weight loss and correcting metabolic dysfunction (diabetes, heart disease, neurodegenerative disease, infertility, etc.): http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=11185776http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=11187342
------------- Sleep -------------
1. Sleep is extremely important for overall health as well as improving gains in body composition and sports. Get at least 7-8 hours if not more in a pitch black room with no noise and cool ambient temperature.
2. Destress. Massages are great. Be disciplined in your daily life. Don't procrastinate. Don't let little things bother you. Again, get into a daily routine.
3. For those of us who use the computer a lot, the blue screen glow interrupts our circadian rhythm a lot leading to insomnia, anxiety, and other sleep related disorders.
There are certain programs that can tint the screen to mimic the sun going down and lead to better sleep. F.lux is one of them.... if you're on the computer a lot and not outside using something like this would be recommended.
>> F.lux >> More on better sleep >> + Show Spoiler +~elimination of sounds ~elimination of electronic devices / outlets / plugins near body ~pitch black room ~cool, dry room (60-65 or so degrees is good if possible)
~stay away from artificial light sources (e.g. computer) at least 1 hr before sleep ~eat a meal, preferably with healthy fats and a decent amount of carbs, before sleeping (e.g. NO JUNK FOOD).
~single leg stand to exhaustion with both legs (it actually works really well) ~spine lengthening before sleep (see Esther Gokhale's stuff) ~general exhaustion from physical activity like hiking, pickup games of stuff, lifting, etc. ~Deep breathing exercises ~Deep tissue massage
~magnesium may help (via ZMA or natural calm) ~melatonin helps some people ~phosphatidylserine (anti-cortisol) ~5-HTP (tryptophan deriv) ~L-theonine ~Vitamin D (taken during the day..) ~valerian root
Thank you for reading, good luck with your goals. Feel free to ask questions and get motivation in this thread!!
If you have any specific questions, post them in the Questions and Answer sticky
If you have an injuries questions, post them in the Injuries Thread
If you need help quitting smoking, post them in the QUIT SMOKING thread[/QUOTE]
United States1225 Posts
Gonna kick it off with some of my personal goals. Main focus is weight loss, with strength training as a very close second.
Some problem areas that I've identified:
Eating habits. + Show Spoiler +Pretty trash right now. I rarely get a good breakfast, which gets me into a rhythm of grabbing a lot of shitty snacks. Generally just grab something from the cafe in the library or a convenience store near the SSBM venue. I sometimes substitute a full meal with a few snacks, which isn't really helping much. In terms of actual food, it tends to just be reheated leftovers from when my parents cook, a really basic meal (baked chicken or a rice dish) or frozen dinners. The sad thing is that I'm actually a pretty competent cook, I just rarely have the time, motivation or I forget to ask my mother to grab ingredients when she's shopping. So this is a big area that needs to change, arguably the biggest. I have to accept the fact that I can't 100% change this. Some of it is a side effect of my meds, which sucks, but I have to roll with it. Biggest things here will be: Strong breakfast, establish better cooking consistency, be more proactive on keeping pantry/fridge stocked with versatile, healthy foods, reduce snacking on unhealthy junk shit.
An Actual Program + Show Spoiler +So, last year I actually got into a pretty solid gym rhythm. Went pretty much every weekday, even went for a jog on the weekends, was doing well. Got derailed when I left school, but I think one of the real problems with it was just that I didn't have a real program established. I just kinda did "what felt right." Admittedly, I was doing a lot of solid things, but there was no rhyme or reason to my weight/reps/sets or my alternation of exercises. I think that locking into a program will really help me stay on track and achieve better results than doing a bunch of shit pell-mell
Go to the damn gym + Show Spoiler +At my old school, going to the gym was no big deal. It was a 3 minute walk from my dorm room. I usually went with my friends, but if they couldn't make it, I'd go by myself, but there were always one or two folks I could talk with. I went at the same time every night, so it was pretty reliable on who would be there. Also, it was a pretty wide range of people there, so I never felt out of place. Also, tons of equipment. Four squat racks, three bench presses, plenty of machines and free weights. Like, holy hot damn, that gym was awesome. Here in NY, it's not the same. The school gym has shitty hours and is pretty cramped. The weight room, machines and cardio area combined are smaller than the free weight area at Gettysburg. It's far enough away that it makes more sense for me to drive there, which is a pain in the ass. Unfortunately, the gym is mostly only used by sorority chicks on cardio, some casual pickup games of ball on the courts, and then a bunch of swole motherfuckers on free weights. Everyone is so hostile and all I got last semester were glares and sneers. Not exactly encouraging. :/ So, all in all, I just need to push myself to actually go to the gym and work out.
Cardioooooooo + Show Spoiler +Obviously, the easiest solution to the above is to do what I usually hate, which is cardio. Cardio has always been my weak point, even when I was going to the gym frequently before. Gotta hit that shit hard and (moderately) fast. And well, those are what i've got so far.
In for new thread. Wasn't sure we were going to get one this year.
I'm still grinding away on a rest/pause bodybuilding program. I dropped from the Upper/Lower split I was doing to a full body program with a bit fewer reps and fewer lifts, because I felt like I was pretty well adapted to the main movements, but I wanted to take a bit of time to get the weight up on them. I'll probably finish out my bulk on this full body routine, then go back to the upper/lower depending how i feel about my body fat and conditioning.
Phyre112 || Age 24 || Height 1.93m/6'4 || Weight 84 Kg/185 lbs Starting Date 1/1/15 || Goal date for BW 2/15/15 || Goal date for Lifts 3/15/15
Routine: + Show Spoiler +
Front Squat Bench Press Straight Leg Deadlift Chest Supported DB Row Lateral Raise Arm Stuff
5-7 times a week, depending on my schedule.
Take a 10 Rep max, go to 1 rep short of failure. Re rack. Wait 30-45 seconds, do 3 more reps. Wait 30-45 seconds, do 3 more reps. Repeat until 20 total reps completed. If hitting more than 12 reps on first set, increase weight.
I was previously doing the same type of routine, but in an upper/lower split with two exercises per body part (one for arms) and 30-40 total reps per movement, 4-5 days/week. Great results over the 2 months I was doing it, but I thought I might get my lifts up faster with a bit more focus and a bit more frequency.
Lift Goals + Show Spoiler + LIFT Current Goal Front Squat 185 225 SLDL 200 265 Bench Press 165 200 DB Row 70 110 Pullups (reps) 14 25
I would like to hit these goals, and can reasonably see myself doing so, between the middle and the end of March. These are all for 10 reps except of course the pullups. Some of these are conservative (DB row, pullups should be easy) some of them are quite realistic so long as I don't wimp out (front squat, RDL) and some of them will be a miracle if I hit them (bench).
Lifestyle Goals + Show Spoiler + 1. I say this every year, but sleep. It's slowly, slowly getting better. I'm having streaks every couple weeks where I'll go a week with a real "sleep schedule." I get my 8 hours the majority of days now, but it's almost like I sleep on a 30 hour clock instead of a 24 - so one night I go to sleep at 8 pm, the next night at 11, then ext at 2 am, then 5 am, then 8 am, then noon, etc. etc. I need to make this a real schedule.
Also sleep related, get a sleep study done for sleep apnea. It runs in the family, and I have many of the symptoms of it. That's an easy enough fix and a huge QoL improvement, if I could just get myself in to the doctor's to get checked for it.
2. Bulk. I've been Bulking for the last 5 years, with the exception of this past summer, and that shows no signs of stopping soon. I'm about a pounds and a half behind being on track to hit 190 by end of january, but that's not terrible. I'd like to hit that 190, do a short recomp, and then press on towards 200. By june I want to be sitting at 200 and just slightly lower than the bodyfat I am now. Should be difficult but not impossible.
3. Stress Maintenance. My med school entrance exams are in a week. Once those are done, that's a major stress removed. My paramedic exams won't be until june, but at that time I'll also be applying to med schools, moving, trying to find a job, and overall figuring out what I'm going to be doing with the entire rest of my life. I'm going to need to start practicing that now so I'm ready for then.
4. Compete. I don't have a rugby team anymore, I haven't played basketball in years, and I barely run anymore. All the things that I used to compete in are gone. There's indirect competition (be better than that guy/yourself, do better in classes, get a promotion, etc) but there's really something about entering into a contest against other people who know they're competing and having some real metric say "yes, you're better than him" that drives you, and carries over into the rest of your life. Find a way to compete - either a new rugby team, a pickup basketball league, or maybe get into some local crossfit competitions.
That's it for now. Welcome to the new year everyone.
NeedsmoreCELLTECH Age: 21 || Height: 1.96 || Weight: 89kg Starting Date: 1/1/15 || Goal Date: 1/1/16 Internship goals: Land MBB/ATK internship for the summer, or a very strong alternative in NYC. Weight goals: Whatever makes me row fastest Rowing goals: Be the fastest erger in the boat, win at least 3 races with the V8, pull a sub 6:20 2k by the end of june. Nutrition & sleep goals: Both are great a the moment, continue to do both well. Lifestyle goals: Get a new girlfriend and dress better
Feels weird being a rower, and not wanting to get huge anymore. I'll likely lose even more mass >.<
Seems odd to have the OP posted by someone with minimal involvement in the previous thread, but at least it got posted so what do I care.
Age: 26 Height: 6'1 Weight: 235 lbs No goal stop or start date, but I think I'm running a triathlon in 9 months so there's that to prepare for. Otherwise, my goal is to keep up numbers and strength while focusing on my career.
Routine: I'll post this later if anyone's actually interested, I haven't written it up in months lol. Edit: Damnit Marvellosity lol. Ok so I'm on a 4 day on, one day off split that emphasizes injury prevention and rehabilitation while also allowing for both strength and size gains. Day 1- Chest/TrI
Day 2-Back/Bi
Day 3- Shoulders
Day 4- Legs
I'll fill in the rest later, I swear
Age: 24 || Height: 1.74 || Weight: 62kg Starting Date: 04/01/15 || Goals Date: 6/07/15
Weight : 69 kg Snatch + CJ : 130 kg (is that too much in 6 months ? first Oly session later today, I have some strengh background but I am a weak dude ) 10K : Under 38 min (PB : 38min 54 for now)
United Kingdom36156 Posts
On January 05 2015 06:06 peanuts wrote: Welcome to the Teamliquid Health and Fitness Initiative for 2014
good start :p
On January 05 2015 23:02 farvacola wrote: Seems odd to have the OP posted by someone with minimal involvement in the previous thread, but at least it got posted so what do I care.
Age: 26 Height: 6'1 Weight: 235 lbs No goal stop or start date, but I think I'm running a triathlon in 9 months so there's that to prepare for. Otherwise, my goal is to keep up numbers and strength while focusing on my career.
Routine: I'll post this later if anyone's actually interested, I haven't written it up in months lol. yeah go on.
JinDesu Age: 28 || Height: 172.5cm || Weight: 165lbs Starting Date: 1/1/15 || Goal Date: 1/1/16
Current Lift Values: Overhead Press: 115lbs x 5 Bench Press: 170lbs x 5 Squat: 235lbs x 5 Deadlift: 285lbs x 5 Half Marathon time: 2hr 46 mins
Goal values: Weight: 160lbs Overhead Press: 160lbs x 5 Bench press: 240lbs x 5 Squat: 320lbs x 5 Deadlift: 400lbs x 5 Maybe learn how to do clean & jerks/snatches. Half Marathon time: 2hrs
United States1225 Posts
On January 05 2015 23:51 marvellosity wrote:Show nested quote +On January 05 2015 06:06 peanuts wrote: Welcome to the Teamliquid Health and Fitness Initiative for 2014
good start :p Riiiiiiiip. Edited. Thanks man. ^.^
Was waiting for someone to post the link after mtl asked a few days back phyre
Right now my goals are to maintain mass while training for mudder and triathlon.
ooooo farv I'm extremely interested. My tri is in June. Are you doing anything specific for that?
On January 05 2015 17:54 phyre112 wrote:+ Show Spoiler +In for new thread. Wasn't sure we were going to get one this year. I'm still grinding away on a rest/pause bodybuilding program. I dropped from the Upper/Lower split I was doing to a full body program with a bit fewer reps and fewer lifts, because I felt like I was pretty well adapted to the main movements, but I wanted to take a bit of time to get the weight up on them. I'll probably finish out my bulk on this full body routine, then go back to the upper/lower depending how i feel about my body fat and conditioning. Phyre112 || Age 24 || Height 1.93m/6'4 || Weight 84 Kg/185 lbs Starting Date 1/1/15 || Goal date for BW 2/15/15 || Goal date for Lifts 3/15/15 Routine: + Show Spoiler +
Front Squat Bench Press Straight Leg Deadlift Chest Supported DB Row Lateral Raise Arm Stuff
5-7 times a week, depending on my schedule.
Take a 10 Rep max, go to 1 rep short of failure. Re rack. Wait 30-45 seconds, do 3 more reps. Wait 30-45 seconds, do 3 more reps. Repeat until 20 total reps completed. If hitting more than 12 reps on first set, increase weight.
I was previously doing the same type of routine, but in an upper/lower split with two exercises per body part (one for arms) and 30-40 total reps per movement, 4-5 days/week. Great results over the 2 months I was doing it, but I thought I might get my lifts up faster with a bit more focus and a bit more frequency.
Lift Goals + Show Spoiler + LIFT Current Goal Front Squat 185 225 SLDL 200 265 Bench Press 165 200 DB Row 70 110 Pullups (reps) 14 25
I would like to hit these goals, and can reasonably see myself doing so, between the middle and the end of March. These are all for 10 reps except of course the pullups. Some of these are conservative (DB row, pullups should be easy) some of them are quite realistic so long as I don't wimp out (front squat, RDL) and some of them will be a miracle if I hit them (bench). Lifestyle Goals + Show Spoiler + 1. I say this every year, but sleep. It's slowly, slowly getting better. I'm having streaks every couple weeks where I'll go a week with a real "sleep schedule." I get my 8 hours the majority of days now, but it's almost like I sleep on a 30 hour clock instead of a 24 - so one night I go to sleep at 8 pm, the next night at 11, then ext at 2 am, then 5 am, then 8 am, then noon, etc. etc. I need to make this a real schedule.
Also sleep related, get a sleep study done for sleep apnea. It runs in the family, and I have many of the symptoms of it. That's an easy enough fix and a huge QoL improvement, if I could just get myself in to the doctor's to get checked for it.
2. Bulk. I've been Bulking for the last 5 years, with the exception of this past summer, and that shows no signs of stopping soon. I'm about a pounds and a half behind being on track to hit 190 by end of january, but that's not terrible. I'd like to hit that 190, do a short recomp, and then press on towards 200. By june I want to be sitting at 200 and just slightly lower than the bodyfat I am now. Should be difficult but not impossible.
3. Stress Maintenance. My med school entrance exams are in a week. Once those are done, that's a major stress removed. My paramedic exams won't be until june, but at that time I'll also be applying to med schools, moving, trying to find a job, and overall figuring out what I'm going to be doing with the entire rest of my life. I'm going to need to start practicing that now so I'm ready for then.
4. Compete. I don't have a rugby team anymore, I haven't played basketball in years, and I barely run anymore. All the things that I used to compete in are gone. There's indirect competition (be better than that guy/yourself, do better in classes, get a promotion, etc) but there's really something about entering into a contest against other people who know they're competing and having some real metric say "yes, you're better than him" that drives you, and carries over into the rest of your life. Find a way to compete - either a new rugby team, a pickup basketball league, or maybe get into some local crossfit competitions.
That's it for now. Welcome to the new year everyone.
Myo reps.. yummy. I did an 8 week cycle in the past, a 3 day split 6 days a week. It gave me really good strength/mass gains but my tendons had trouble keeping up so I was forced to seriously deload after a while.
I'm curious about your starting stats. You say you've been bulking for 5 years, but your strength-stats are that of an early intermediate, with the bench press falling into the novice category still, I believe. likewise for your weight/height ratio.
Did you do specific rugby workouts instead of strength training, or..? And how many Kcal did you bulk on, daily?
Though, judging by the amount of pullups you can do, you might as well be really low in bodyfat%, which would be strange since you've been bulking for 5 years .
+ Show Spoiler +Don't take this as offensive, I'm just genuinely curious ^^
Here we go again.
decafchicken Age: 24 || Height: 6'1 || Weight: 225
Lifts/Goals Squat - Hit 510 last year. Currently at 0 due to knee injury. Would like to get back up to the 500's, we'll see how long that takes and then go for PR Front Squat - Hit 196kg/430lb last year. Definitely need to break 200kg this year! Deadlift - Don't think I did a single heavy deadlift in 2014. Will try to do more. Would guess it's around 220-240kg range? Let's say 250kg for a goal. Bench - 5x5 @ 225lb Don't really care about this. Would like to break 300 but won't change my lifting to hit it. Mostly just want to keep my upper body healthy and a bit meaty for rugby. Press - 3x5 @ 165. Would like to hit a bodyweight press this year Snatch - Hit 142kg almost exactly a year ago. Lot of recovery to get back there but I'd like to hit at least 145kg this year, if not 150kg. Clean and Jerk - Last hit 170kg in March and redlighted on a 175kg. Wanna nail 175kg and go for the big 182kg/400lb Bicep Curls - All of them. #jackedandtan2015
Misc Goals - Rehab this stupid PCL injury and biceps tendinitis. Gotta get healthy so I can have a good year in rugby and lifting. Gonna try to have my best seasons yet in spring and fall which means more conditioning and skills work. Going to try to focus more on my lifting in the summer and winter. Qualifying for weightlifting nationals probably wont happen this year unless the next 5-6 months go really well. But I would like to do the American Open this year. And want to do a lot more coaching! Follow my lifting here: http://instagram.com/peterssc12 or here: http://www.coachsp.com
Zurich15307 Posts
zatic Age: 31 || Height 175cm || Weight 73kg
Currently close to my peak performance after 2 years of scrubbing around injured. SS stats: Squat 105 DL 150 Press 60 Bench 90 Power clean 70
Goals for this year: 1. Getting my shoulder fixed. I have made zero progress since May 2014 in bench and press because my shoulder is just ... out of place. Visibly. So far no doc or PT could help me. Will look for yet another one. 2. Getting my skiing skill back to pre-injury level. I am about 95% there. 3. Doing some sort of extreme skiing / paragliding / speedflying by the end of the season
I'll be happy if I can maintain my lifts above my current level. I don't have much ambition to get a lot stronger except for bench and press once my shoulder is back in place. Once skiing season is over I'd like to get more into bodyweight training but that's still months along the line.
On January 06 2015 05:42 kaluro wrote:Show nested quote +On January 05 2015 17:54 phyre112 wrote:+ Show Spoiler +In for new thread. Wasn't sure we were going to get one this year. I'm still grinding away on a rest/pause bodybuilding program. I dropped from the Upper/Lower split I was doing to a full body program with a bit fewer reps and fewer lifts, because I felt like I was pretty well adapted to the main movements, but I wanted to take a bit of time to get the weight up on them. I'll probably finish out my bulk on this full body routine, then go back to the upper/lower depending how i feel about my body fat and conditioning. Phyre112 || Age 24 || Height 1.93m/6'4 || Weight 84 Kg/185 lbs Starting Date 1/1/15 || Goal date for BW 2/15/15 || Goal date for Lifts 3/15/15 Routine: + Show Spoiler +
Front Squat Bench Press Straight Leg Deadlift Chest Supported DB Row Lateral Raise Arm Stuff
5-7 times a week, depending on my schedule.
Take a 10 Rep max, go to 1 rep short of failure. Re rack. Wait 30-45 seconds, do 3 more reps. Wait 30-45 seconds, do 3 more reps. Repeat until 20 total reps completed. If hitting more than 12 reps on first set, increase weight.
I was previously doing the same type of routine, but in an upper/lower split with two exercises per body part (one for arms) and 30-40 total reps per movement, 4-5 days/week. Great results over the 2 months I was doing it, but I thought I might get my lifts up faster with a bit more focus and a bit more frequency.
Lift Goals + Show Spoiler + LIFT Current Goal Front Squat 185 225 SLDL 200 265 Bench Press 165 200 DB Row 70 110 Pullups (reps) 14 25
I would like to hit these goals, and can reasonably see myself doing so, between the middle and the end of March. These are all for 10 reps except of course the pullups. Some of these are conservative (DB row, pullups should be easy) some of them are quite realistic so long as I don't wimp out (front squat, RDL) and some of them will be a miracle if I hit them (bench). Lifestyle Goals + Show Spoiler + 1. I say this every year, but sleep. It's slowly, slowly getting better. I'm having streaks every couple weeks where I'll go a week with a real "sleep schedule." I get my 8 hours the majority of days now, but it's almost like I sleep on a 30 hour clock instead of a 24 - so one night I go to sleep at 8 pm, the next night at 11, then ext at 2 am, then 5 am, then 8 am, then noon, etc. etc. I need to make this a real schedule.
Also sleep related, get a sleep study done for sleep apnea. It runs in the family, and I have many of the symptoms of it. That's an easy enough fix and a huge QoL improvement, if I could just get myself in to the doctor's to get checked for it.
2. Bulk. I've been Bulking for the last 5 years, with the exception of this past summer, and that shows no signs of stopping soon. I'm about a pounds and a half behind being on track to hit 190 by end of january, but that's not terrible. I'd like to hit that 190, do a short recomp, and then press on towards 200. By june I want to be sitting at 200 and just slightly lower than the bodyfat I am now. Should be difficult but not impossible.
3. Stress Maintenance. My med school entrance exams are in a week. Once those are done, that's a major stress removed. My paramedic exams won't be until june, but at that time I'll also be applying to med schools, moving, trying to find a job, and overall figuring out what I'm going to be doing with the entire rest of my life. I'm going to need to start practicing that now so I'm ready for then.
4. Compete. I don't have a rugby team anymore, I haven't played basketball in years, and I barely run anymore. All the things that I used to compete in are gone. There's indirect competition (be better than that guy/yourself, do better in classes, get a promotion, etc) but there's really something about entering into a contest against other people who know they're competing and having some real metric say "yes, you're better than him" that drives you, and carries over into the rest of your life. Find a way to compete - either a new rugby team, a pickup basketball league, or maybe get into some local crossfit competitions.
That's it for now. Welcome to the new year everyone. Myo reps.. yummy. I did an 8 week cycle in the past, a 3 day split 6 days a week. It gave me really good strength/mass gains but my tendons had trouble keeping up so I was forced to seriously deload after a while. I'm curious about your starting stats. You say you've been bulking for 5 years, but your strength-stats are that of an early intermediate, with the bench press falling into the novice category still, I believe. likewise for your weight/height ratio. http://www.exrx.net/Testing/WeightLifting/BenchStandards.htmlDid you do specific rugby workouts instead of strength training, or..? And how many Kcal did you bulk on, daily? Though, judging by the amount of pullups you can do, you might as well be really low in bodyfat%, which would be strange since you've been bulking for 5 years . + Show Spoiler +Don't take this as offensive, I'm just genuinely curious ^^
I'm a very inefficient bulker. I hate to eat, and I hate to put on body fat. I started at the same height (6'4/193 cm) and 130 lbs/60kg when I began lifting. I've actually done mostly 5-10 pounds bulks and then lazy recomps that were way longer than they should be to get the fat back down for most of this time. I also lost about 25 pounds (that I didn't really need to lose) this past summer doing crossfit - I was at about 205 in april. I would say I'm sitting at just under 12%. I have abs without flexing, though they're not very defined.
I've done all kinds of diets over that time though. The scientist in me likes to experiment. The most I was ever eating was about 4500/day. What's most comfortable for me is a sort of intermittent fast where I eat two meals of ~1300 cals/day, one an hour post workout and one two hours before bed, and about an hour preworkout a snack of ~600 cals. Right now since I'm mostly sedentary other than lifting that's letting me bulk. When it comes time to recomp again, I'll just drop the snack.
I spent my first two years of training being too much of a little bitch to break plateaus. I spent about a year recovering from a hip/lumbar spine injury that had me bedridden for three weeks straight, and a relapse 6 months in when I first tried to come back from it - I started every lower body lift completely from scratch about a year ago now. My bench has just always sucked.
Also keep in mind the lifts I posted are for a 10rm, and the table you posted is for a 1rm. Last I tested my Bench 1rm, it was 205 which is intermediate. I tested that about two weeks ago. I havent done a back squat since early september, but my tested 1rm at that time was 260. September for conventional deadlifts as well, but it was 375 at the time.
As far as the myoreps routine... Yeah. I've done a push/pull/legs with much higher volume a while back, but had the same problem, especially in my shoulder and elbows. It's not bothering me now though, and I was doing the upper/lower for two months so I think regulating the volume and keeping high frequency is going to be the key there for me.
Sneakyz Age: 24 || Height: 172cm || Weight: 90kg Starting Date: 1/1/15 || Goal Date: 1/1/16 OHP - 100kg for reps Deadlift - 260kg Bench - 150kg paused if I can get a rack.
Najda Age: 24 || Height: 176 || Weight: 66kg Starting Date: 1/1/15 || Goal Date: 1/1/16
Weight goals: 66 -> 78
Lift goals: Snatch 52 -> 75 C&J 67 -> 100 Backsquat ?? (testing Thurs) -> 150 Frontsquat 91 -> 120
Misc Goal: Compete in at least one weightlifting competition.
2015 gonna be real simple for me: stick with phat and eat chicken and brown rice until my damn gut disappears. Lifts are secondary to that, but as ever I'd love to be able to consistently highbar squat 100kg for reps.
On January 05 2015 06:53 peanuts wrote:Gonna kick it off with some of my personal goals. Main focus is weight loss, with strength training as a very close second. Some problem areas that I've identified: Eating habits. + Show Spoiler +Pretty trash right now. I rarely get a good breakfast, which gets me into a rhythm of grabbing a lot of shitty snacks. Generally just grab something from the cafe in the library or a convenience store near the SSBM venue. I sometimes substitute a full meal with a few snacks, which isn't really helping much. In terms of actual food, it tends to just be reheated leftovers from when my parents cook, a really basic meal (baked chicken or a rice dish) or frozen dinners. The sad thing is that I'm actually a pretty competent cook, I just rarely have the time, motivation or I forget to ask my mother to grab ingredients when she's shopping. So this is a big area that needs to change, arguably the biggest. I have to accept the fact that I can't 100% change this. Some of it is a side effect of my meds, which sucks, but I have to roll with it. Biggest things here will be: Strong breakfast, establish better cooking consistency, be more proactive on keeping pantry/fridge stocked with versatile, healthy foods, reduce snacking on unhealthy junk shit. An Actual Program + Show Spoiler +So, last year I actually got into a pretty solid gym rhythm. Went pretty much every weekday, even went for a jog on the weekends, was doing well. Got derailed when I left school, but I think one of the real problems with it was just that I didn't have a real program established. I just kinda did "what felt right." Admittedly, I was doing a lot of solid things, but there was no rhyme or reason to my weight/reps/sets or my alternation of exercises. I think that locking into a program will really help me stay on track and achieve better results than doing a bunch of shit pell-mell Go to the damn gym + Show Spoiler +At my old school, going to the gym was no big deal. It was a 3 minute walk from my dorm room. I usually went with my friends, but if they couldn't make it, I'd go by myself, but there were always one or two folks I could talk with. I went at the same time every night, so it was pretty reliable on who would be there. Also, it was a pretty wide range of people there, so I never felt out of place. Also, tons of equipment. Four squat racks, three bench presses, plenty of machines and free weights. Like, holy hot damn, that gym was awesome. Here in NY, it's not the same. The school gym has shitty hours and is pretty cramped. The weight room, machines and cardio area combined are smaller than the free weight area at Gettysburg. It's far enough away that it makes more sense for me to drive there, which is a pain in the ass. Unfortunately, the gym is mostly only used by sorority chicks on cardio, some casual pickup games of ball on the courts, and then a bunch of swole motherfuckers on free weights. Everyone is so hostile and all I got last semester were glares and sneers. Not exactly encouraging. :/ So, all in all, I just need to push myself to actually go to the gym and work out. Cardioooooooo + Show Spoiler +Obviously, the easiest solution to the above is to do what I usually hate, which is cardio. Cardio has always been my weak point, even when I was going to the gym frequently before. Gotta hit that shit hard and (moderately) fast. And well, those are what i've got so far.
Breakfast is overrated. You are killing your GH production by eating a huge insulin-releasing meal first thing in the morning.
funkie Age: 25 || Height:168cm || Weight: 87kg
Lifts/Goals Squat - Reach 200kg Front Squat - 180kg Press - 1x5 at 90kg. Snatch - Reach at least 110kg. Clean and Jerk - Finally break the 120kg mark and step my technique up! Mobility - I want to basically be a ballerina + klokov + YogaMaster
Misc Goals - Really want to improve my flexibility and mobility. I have come across many many benefits on working your weak spots and fixing little bits of technique. They make a ton of difference and urge everyone to do the same.
Other goals - Keep on working with great clients and keep making decaf's website awesome (http://www.coachsp.com).
Funkie - strong legs and strong web design ^_^