Comprehensive early childhood education, mental health support, internet connectivity and post-secondary funding are part of reducing the consequences of poverty so all students may excel.
New research shows COVID-19 threw existing inequalities into sharp relief: well-funded institutions were able to move their projects online, while smaller galleries struggled.
Hernán Galperin, USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and Stephen Aguilar, University of Southern California
When homes become classrooms, things like a lack of technology and a quiet place to study take an even bigger toll on student achievement, new research finds.
Cities are stepping up to provide free Wi-Fi for families in need in order to close the digital divide in education. But will those efforts make a difference where it counts?
Americans depend more than ever on high-speed internet to connect to jobs, get health care and socialize. What policies really work to close the rural-urban digital divide?
Most Christian churches were relying heavily on ‘collection plates’ to pay their bills before the pandemic struck. And less than half were doing any online fundraising as of 2018.
Galleries and musuems are rapidly moving online in response to social distancing measures, but the digital divide means regional and remote organisations could be left behind.
The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing people to study and work online. It’s also sparked a need for news and information. That’s a challenge for the 24 million Americans who lack broadband internet access.
Encouraging kids to complete their work can be tough for families managing full-time work and family obligations on a tight budget. And that’s true even when schools are operating normally.