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Articles on Digital divide

Displaying 21 - 40 of 97 articles

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The downside of digital transformation: why organisations must allow for those who can’t or won’t move online

Research shows a significant number of people still struggle with the digital transformation of government and business. But throwing more technology at the problem is not necessarily the answer.
Students and teachers alike struggle with digital connectivity – but education is just one area in which technology matters. AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh

State efforts to close the K-12 digital divide may come up short

Claims the digital divide has been ‘closed’ don’t include the full picture of internet inequality in the United States.
Congress has asked many questions of Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg but has done little to regulate Facebook. AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

3 ways Congress could hold Facebook accountable for its actions

Pressure is mounting on Congress to take action on Facebook. Our panel of experts offers their top priorities: user control of data, banking-like oversight and resources to close the digital divide.

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