Dr. Selma Karuaihe is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development at the University of Pretoria (UP). She is a resource and environmental economist with a vast, teaching, research and consultancy experience, performed at different institutions and in different capacities around the world. Her interest is in development and issues arising from utilisation of natural and environmental resources for sustainable development, with a focus on water. In her career, Selma coordinated various projects with the UNDP; public and private institutions, which produced policy relevant and academic based outputs. These include: Lead Consultant and Author: Drafting the thematic and country reports for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for South Africa, 2018-2019; Principal Investigator (PI) for rural water access and management between South Africa and Namibia; Lead Consultant and Co-Author of the 2013 and 2015 MDG7 Report; MDG7 and Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities for Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia, 2008, among others.