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I am a Brazilian ecologist with broad interests in conservation biology and environmental sciences. I am interested in understanding how human-driven disturbance, such as wildfires and selective logging, and climate-associated stressors (e.g. droughts and floods) affect the tropical biodiversity and associated ecosystem processes.


  • 2021–present
    Lecturer, University of Bristol
  • 2020–2021
    Senior research associate, Lancaster University
  • 2018–2020
    Postdoctoral research fellow, Embrapa Amazônia Oriental & Federal University of Pará
  • 2016–2018
    Postdoctoral research associate in Tropical Ecology, Lancaster Environment Centre


  • 2016 
    Lancaster University, PhD in Science of Tropical Environments
  • 2015 
    Universidade Federal de Lavras, PhD in Applied Ecology