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Annayah Prosser

Assistant Professor in Marketing, Business and Society, University of Bath

Dr Annayah Prosser is an assistant professor in Marketing, Business and Society at the University of Bath School of Management. She is the Deputy Director of the Centre for Qualitative Research. Her research explores the importance of events and identities for creating positive change in the world. She is also a contributor to the edited book ‘[Psychgeist of Taylor Swift]( "")’, due to be published on December 13th 2024.

Her primary research interest concerns how individuals and groups respond to societal crises, such as the climate and ecological emergency. She explores how our group identities can both help and hinder societal transformations, and why some groups act in more prosocial and proenvironmental ways than others. She also explores how events such as festivals and mass-gatherings can impact our personal and social identities.

She is also interested in how organisations, policy makers and activists can help to promote societal change towards more sustainable futures. She has worked with a number of governmental and non-governmental organisations, including: the Scottish Government, Northern Ireland Government, the British Standards Institution, Nottingham City Council and BaNES Council. She is always looking for new opportunities to collaborate and bridge the gap between academia, organisations and the public.


  • 2023–present
    Assistant Professor (Lecturer), School of Management, University of Bath
  • 2020–2020
    Policy Research Placement, APPG on the Green New Deal
  • 2018–2018
    Lab Manager, Department of Psychology, Yale University
  • 2017–2018
    Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, University of Bath
  • 2015–2018
    Research Coordinator, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford


  • 2023 
    University of Bath, PhD Psychology
  • 2019 
    University of Bath, MRes Sustainable Futures
  • 2017 
    University of Bath, BSc (Hons) Psychology with Professional Placement


  • 2024
    Overcoming (vegan) burnout: Mass gatherings can provide respite and rekindle shared identity and social action efforts in moralized minority groups, Political Psychology

Grants and Contracts

  • 2018
    ESRC PhD Scholarship in Sustainable Futures
    PhD Student
    Funding Source:
    Economic and Social Research Council